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FIR フィルターおよび IIR フィルターの設計と解析

DSP System Toolbox™ の関数、アプリ、ブロックを使用して、さまざまなデジタル FIR/IIR フィルターを設計および解析できます。これらのフィルターには、ナイキスト フィルター、ハーフバンド フィルター、CIC フィルター、高度な等リップル フィルター、IIR 準線形位相フィルターなどの詳細フィルターを含むものがあります。

各種の設計法は、フィルター設計仕様に基づいてフィルター係数を計算します。Bandpass IIR Filter DesignBandstop IIR Filter Design などの特定のブロックは調整可能なフィルター仕様をもつため、シミュレーションの実行中にフィルター仕様を変更してフィルターを再設計することができます。


Filter Builder周波数と振幅の仕様から始めるフィルターの設計 (filterBuilder)

ライブ エディター タスク

フィルターの設計Design a digital filter or implement a System object in the Live Editor (R2021b 以降)



filterDesignerフィルター デザイナー アプリを開く
fvtoolDSP フィルターの周波数応答の可視化
designfiltDesign a digital filter or implement a System object
butterバタワース IIR デジタル フィルターの設計
cheby1仕様オブジェクトを使用したチェビシェフ I 型フィルター
cheby2仕様オブジェクトを使用したチェビシェフ II 型フィルター
designoptsValid input arguments and values for specification object and method
equirippleEquiripple single-rate FIR filter from specification object
freqsampReal or complex frequency-sampled FIR filter from specification object
setspecsSpecifications for filter specification object
validstructuresStructures for specification object with design method
fdesign.bandpassバンドパス フィルター設計仕様オブジェクト
fdesign.bandstopバンドストップ フィルター設計仕様オブジェクト
fdesign.highpassハイパス フィルターの仕様オブジェクト
fdesign.lowpassローパス フィルターの仕様オブジェクト
fdesign.decimatorDecimator filter specification object
fdesign.interpolatorInterpolator filter specification
fdesign.rsrcRational-factor sample-rate converter specification
fdesign.arbgrpdelayArbitrary group delay filter specification object
fdesign.arbmagArbitrary response magnitude filter specification object
fdesign.arbmagnphaseArbitrary response magnitude and phase filter specification object
fdesign.ciccompCIC compensator filter specification object
fdesign.combIIR comb filter specification object
fdesign.differentiatorDifferentiator filter specification object
fdesign.fracdelayFractional delay filter specification object
fdesign.halfbandHalfband filter specification object
fdesign.hilbertHilbert filter specification object
fdesign.isinchpInverse sinc highpass filter specification
fdesign.isinclpInverse sinc lowpass filter specification
fdesign.notchノッチ フィルターの仕様
fdesign.nyquistNyquist filter specification
fdesign.peakピーク フィルター仕様
fdesign.polysrcConstruct polynomial sample-rate converter (POLYSRC) filter designer
designLowpassFIRDesign and implement lowpass FIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designHighpassFIRDesign and implement highpass FIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designBandpassFIRDesign and implement bandpass FIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designBandstopFIRDesign and implement bandstop FIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designHalfbandFIRDesign and implement halfband FIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designMultirateFIRDesign and implement antialiasing and anti-imaging lowpass FIR filter
designMultistageDecimatorMultistage decimator design
designMultistageInterpolatorMultistage interpolator design
designFracDelayFIRDesign and implement band-limited fractional delay FIR filter (R2021a 以降)
fircbandConstrained-band equiripple FIR filter
firceqripConstrained equiripple FIR filter
fireqintEquiripple FIR interpolators
firgrParks-McClellan FIR filter
firlpnormLeast P-norm optimal FIR filter
firlsLeast-square linear-phase FIR filter design
firminphaseMinimum-phase FIR spectral factor
firnyquistLowpass Nyquist (Lth-band) FIR filter
firpr2chfbTwo-channel FIR filter bank for perfect reconstruction
ifirInterpolated FIR filter design
normalizefreqSwitch filter specification between normalized frequency and absolute frequency
designLowpassIIRDesign and implement lowpass IIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designHighpassIIRDesign and implement highpass IIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designBandpassIIRDesign and implement bandpass IIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designBandstopIIRDesign and implement bandstop IIR filter (R2023b 以降)
designHalfbandIIRDesign and implement halfband IIR filter in the form of a coupled allpass filter (R2023b 以降)
designNotchPeakIIRDesign and implement high-order Butterworth notch or peak IIR filter (R2023b 以降)
ca2tfConvert coupled allpass filter to transfer function form
cl2tfConvert coupled allpass lattice to transfer function form
iircombIIR 櫛形ノッチ フィルターまたはピーク フィルター
iirgrpdelayOptimal IIR filter with prescribed group-delay
iirlpnormLeast P-norm optimal IIR filter
iirlpnormcConstrained least Pth-norm optimal IIR filter
normalizefreqSwitch filter specification between normalized frequency and absolute frequency



dsp.DifferentiatorDirect form FIR fullband differentiator filter
dsp.HampelFilterFilter outliers using Hampel identifier
dsp.HighpassFilterFIR または IIR ハイパス フィルター
dsp.LowpassFilterFIR または IIR ローパス フィルター
dsp.MedianFilterメディアン フィルター
dsp.NotchPeakFilterSecond-order tunable notching and peaking IIR filter
dsp.VariableBandwidthFIRFilterVariable bandwidth FIR filter
dsp.VariableBandwidthIIRFilterVariable bandwidth IIR filter
dsp.CICCompensationDecimatorCompensate for CIC decimation filter using FIR decimator
dsp.CICCompensationInterpolatorCompensate for CIC interpolation filter using FIR interpolator
dsp.FIRHalfbandDecimatorDecimate signal using polyphase FIR halfband filter
dsp.FIRHalfbandInterpolatorInterpolate signal using polyphase FIR halfband filter
dsp.IIRHalfbandDecimatorDecimate by factor of two using polyphase IIR
dsp.IIRHalfbandInterpolatorInterpolate by a factor of two using polyphase IIR



Analog Filter Designアナログ フィルターの設計と実装
Digital Filter Designデジタル FIR および IIR フィルターの設計と実装
Filter Realization Wizard(To be removed) Construct filter realizations using digital filter blocks or Sum, Gain, and Delay blocks
Lowpass FIR Filter DesignDesign lowpass FIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 以降)
Lowpass IIR Filter DesignDesign lowpass IIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 以降)
Highpass FIR Filter DesignDesign highpass FIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 以降)
Highpass IIR Filter DesignDesign highpass IIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 以降)
Bandpass FIR Filter DesignDesign bandpass FIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 以降)
Bandpass IIR Filter DesignDesign bandpass IIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023a 以降)
Bandstop FIR Filter DesignDesign bandstop FIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 以降)
Bandstop IIR Filter DesignDesign bandstop IIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023a 以降)
Differentiator FilterDirect form FIR fullband differentiator filter
Hampel FilterFilter outliers using Hampel identifier
Highpass FilterFIR または IIR ハイパス フィルターの設計
Lowpass FilterFIR または IIR ローパス フィルターの設計
Median Filterメディアン フィルター
Notch-Peak FilterDesign second-order tunable notching and peaking IIR filter
Variable Bandwidth FIR FilterDesign tunable bandwidth FIR filter
Variable Bandwidth IIR FilterDesign tunable bandwidth IIR filter

