ロボティクスおよび自律システムとは、自動車、航空機、ロボット、UAV など、物理環境の中でゴールに向かう行動のために移動し動作するプラットフォームのシステムのことをいいます。複数のツールボックスのツールおよびアルゴリズムにより、プラットフォームの位置や速度などの状態のシミュレーション、推定、ナビゲーション、制御、および物理環境のモニタリングが可能です。具体的には、以下を行うことができます。
ミドルウェア (ROS など) を介してロボットやシミュレーターに接続し、設計した推定、ナビゲーション、および制御アルゴリズムをハードウェア上に展開する。
ロボティクスおよび自律システム 向け製品
- 単純な RoadRunner シーンの作成 (RoadRunner)
RoadRunner シーン編集ソフトウェアを使用して、単純な道路ネットワークを作成する。 - Create Driving Scenario Interactively and Generate Synthetic Sensor Data (Automated Driving Toolbox)
Use the Driving Scenario Designer app to create a driving scenario and generate sensor detections and point cloud data from the scenario. - Simulate Simple Flight Scenario and Sensor in Unreal Engine Environment (UAV Toolbox)
Visualize sensors in a simulation environment that uses Unreal Engine® from Epic Games®.
自己位置推定と環境地図作成の同時実行 (SLAM)
- Build a Map with Lidar Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) Using Unreal Engine Simulation (Automated Driving Toolbox)
This example shows how to build a map with the lidar odometry and mapping (LOAM) [1] (Automated Driving Toolbox) algorithm by using synthetic lidar data from the Unreal Engine® simulation environment. In this example, you learn how to: - Stereo Visual SLAM for UAV Navigation in 3D Simulation (UAV Toolbox)
Generate a map for a city block scene in an Unreal Engine environment using stereo visual simultaneous localization and mapping. - Build a Map from Lidar Data Using SLAM (Navigation Toolbox)
Process 3-D lidar data from a sensor on a vehicle to progressively build a map and estimate the trajectory using SLAM. (R2024a 以降) - Monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) Using Factor Graph (Navigation Toolbox)
Implement monocular visual-inertial odometry to localize a UAV using camera and IMU data, optimized by a factor graph. (R2023b 以降)
- Extended Object Tracking of Highway Vehicles with Radar and Camera (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox)
Track highway vehicles around an ego vehicle as extended objects that span multiple sensor resolution cells. - Visual-Inertial Odometry Using Synthetic Data (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox)
Estimate the pose (position and orientation) of a ground vehicle using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a monocular camera.
モーション プランニング
- Object Tracking and Motion Planning Using Frenet Reference Path (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox)
Dynamically plan the motion of an autonomous vehicle based on estimates of the surrounding environment. (R2021b 以降) - Plan Path for Manipulator in Simulink with Robotics System Toolbox (Robotics System Toolbox)
Simulate manipulator path planning in Simulink® with code generation for autonomy functions from MATLAB®.
- Highway Lane Following with RoadRunner Scene (Automated Driving Toolbox)
Simulate a highway lane following application using a scene created in the RoadRunner 3D scene editing tool. - Path Following with Obstacle Avoidance in Simulink® (Navigation Toolbox)
Use Simulink to avoid obstacles while following a path for a differential drive robot. This example uses ROS to send and receive information from a MATLAB®-based simulator. You can replace the simulator with other ROS-based simulators such as Gazebo®. - Simulate Earth Moving with Autonomous Excavator in Construction Site (Robotics System Toolbox)
Simulate ground excavation to create a depression and move spoil to dump truck and further relocate it to another site. (R2024b 以降)
- Scenario Simulation and Flight Visualization with PX4 Hardware-in-the-Loop (HITL) and UAV Dynamics in Simulink (UAV Toolbox)
This example demonstrates 3D scenario Simulation and Flight visualization with PX4® Hardware-in-the-Loop (HITL) and UAV Dynamics contained in Simulink®. Unreal Engine® simulation environment is used for the 3D scenario Simulation and visualization. For more information, see Unreal Engine Simulation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. - Estimating Orientation Using Inertial Sensor Fusion and MPU-9250 (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox)
Obtain data from an InvenSense MPU-9250 IMU sensor, and to use the 6-axis and 9-axis fusion algorithms in the sensor data to compute orientation of the device. - Sign Following Robot with ROS in MATLAB (ROS Toolbox)
Control a simulated robot running on a separate ROS-based simulator over a ROS network using MATLAB. - Localize TurtleBot Using Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm (Navigation Toolbox)
Apply the Monte Carlo Localization algorithm on a TurtleBot® robot in a simulated Gazebo® environment.
ROS データとネットワーク解析
- Get Started with ROS 2 Network Analyzer App (ROS Toolbox)
Use ROS 2 Network Analyzer app to visualize and analyze nodes, topics, services and actions interaction in ROS 2 network. (R2024b 以降) - Visualize Messages from Live ROS or ROS 2 Topics (ROS Toolbox)
Visualize messages from live ROS or ROS 2 topics in ROS Data Analyzer app.