は、テーブル tree
= fitctree(Tbl
に含まれている入力変数 (予測子、特徴量または属性とも呼ばれます) と Tbl.ResponseVarName
に含まれている出力 (応答またはラベル) に基づいて当てはめたバイナリ分類決定木を返します。返される二分木では、Tbl
は、前の構文のいずれかを使用し、1 つ以上の名前と値のペアの引数で指定されたオプションを追加して、木の当てはめを行います。たとえば、カテゴリカル予測子での最適な分割の検出、交差検証木の成長、または検証対象の入力データの一部を取得するためのアルゴリズムを指定できます。tree
= fitctree(___,Name,Value
データ セットを使用して分類木を成長させます。
load ionosphere
tc = fitctree(X,Y)
tc = ClassificationTree ResponseName: 'Y' CategoricalPredictors: [] ClassNames: {'b' 'g'} ScoreTransform: 'none' NumObservations: 351
名前と値のペアのパラメーター MaxNumSplits
または MinParentSize
データ セットを読み込みます。
load ionosphere
はn - 1
木の深さの制御について既定値を使用して、分類木を学習させます。10 分割の交差検証をモデルに対して実行します。
rng(1); % For reproducibility MdlDefault = fitctree(X,Y,'CrossVal','on');
木に適用される分割数のヒストグラムを描画します。また、木の 1 つを表示します。
numBranches = @(x)sum(x.IsBranch); mdlDefaultNumSplits = cellfun(numBranches, MdlDefault.Trained); figure; histogram(mdlDefaultNumSplits)
分割数の平均は約 15 です。
既定の分割数を使用して学習させたものほど複雑ではない (深くない) 分類木が必要であるとします。最大分割数を 7 に設定して別の分類木を学習させることで、既定値の分類木からの平均分割数が約半分になります。10 分割の交差検証をモデルに対して実行します。
Mdl7 = fitctree(X,Y,'MaxNumSplits',7,'CrossVal','on'); view(Mdl7.Trained{1},'Mode','graph')
classErrorDefault = kfoldLoss(MdlDefault)
classErrorDefault = 0.1168
classError7 = kfoldLoss(Mdl7)
classError7 = 0.1311
load fisheriris
のデータを使用して species
X = meas; Y = species; Mdl = fitctree(X,Y,'OptimizeHyperparameters','auto')
|======================================================================================| | Iter | Eval | Objective | Objective | BestSoFar | BestSoFar | MinLeafSize | | | result | | runtime | (observed) | (estim.) | | |======================================================================================| | 1 | Best | 0.066667 | 0.96879 | 0.066667 | 0.066667 | 31 | | 2 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.48559 | 0.066667 | 0.066667 | 12 | | 3 | Best | 0.04 | 0.1699 | 0.04 | 0.040003 | 2 | | 4 | Accept | 0.66667 | 0.21648 | 0.04 | 0.15796 | 73 | | 5 | Accept | 0.04 | 0.14794 | 0.04 | 0.040009 | 2 | | 6 | Accept | 0.66667 | 0.15671 | 0.04 | 0.040012 | 74 | | 7 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.14561 | 0.04 | 0.040012 | 20 | | 8 | Accept | 0.04 | 0.11119 | 0.04 | 0.040008 | 4 | | 9 | Best | 0.033333 | 0.07511 | 0.033333 | 0.03335 | 1 | | 10 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.12097 | 0.033333 | 0.03335 | 7 | | 11 | Accept | 0.04 | 0.11721 | 0.033333 | 0.033348 | 3 | | 12 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.072607 | 0.033333 | 0.033348 | 26 | | 13 | Accept | 0.046667 | 0.081354 | 0.033333 | 0.033347 | 5 | | 14 | Accept | 0.033333 | 0.075442 | 0.033333 | 0.03334 | 1 | | 15 | Accept | 0.033333 | 0.15484 | 0.033333 | 0.033337 | 1 | | 16 | Accept | 0.033333 | 0.2284 | 0.033333 | 0.033336 | 1 | | 17 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.12111 | 0.033333 | 0.033336 | 15 | | 18 | Accept | 0.33333 | 0.23962 | 0.033333 | 0.033336 | 43 | | 19 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.08099 | 0.033333 | 0.033336 | 9 | | 20 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.2098 | 0.033333 | 0.033336 | 6 | |======================================================================================| | Iter | Eval | Objective | Objective | BestSoFar | BestSoFar | MinLeafSize | | | result | | runtime | (observed) | (estim.) | | |======================================================================================| | 21 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.067257 | 0.033333 | 0.033336 | 17 | | 22 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.07785 | 0.033333 | 0.033336 | 10 | | 23 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.12608 | 0.033333 | 0.033336 | 36 | | 24 | Accept | 0.33333 | 0.088971 | 0.033333 | 0.034075 | 54 | | 25 | Accept | 0.04 | 0.10545 | 0.033333 | 0.034054 | 2 | | 26 | Accept | 0.04 | 0.21242 | 0.033333 | 0.034022 | 3 | | 27 | Accept | 0.04 | 0.06971 | 0.033333 | 0.033997 | 4 | | 28 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.097256 | 0.033333 | 0.033973 | 23 | | 29 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.11986 | 0.033333 | 0.033946 | 8 | | 30 | Accept | 0.066667 | 0.063491 | 0.033333 | 0.033922 | 13 | __________________________________________________________ Optimization completed. MaxObjectiveEvaluations of 30 reached. Total function evaluations: 30 Total elapsed time: 29.8173 seconds Total objective function evaluation time: 5.008 Best observed feasible point: MinLeafSize ___________ 1 Observed objective function value = 0.033333 Estimated objective function value = 0.033922 Function evaluation time = 0.07511 Best estimated feasible point (according to models): MinLeafSize ___________ 1 Estimated objective function value = 0.033922 Estimated function evaluation time = 0.13144
Mdl = ClassificationTree ResponseName: 'Y' CategoricalPredictors: [] ClassNames: {'setosa' 'versicolor' 'virginica'} ScoreTransform: 'none' NumObservations: 150 HyperparameterOptimizationResults: [1x1 BayesianOptimization]
データ セットを読み込みます。年齢、労働階級、教育レベル、婚姻区分、人種、性別、資本利得および損失、および 1 週間の勤務時間が与えられた個人の給与カテゴリを予測するモデルを考えます。
load census1994 X = adultdata(:,{'age','workClass','education_num','marital_status','race',... 'sex','capital_gain','capital_loss','hours_per_week','salary'});
Variables: age: 32561x1 double Values: Min 17 Median 37 Max 90 workClass: 32561x1 categorical Values: Federal-gov 960 Local-gov 2093 Never-worked 7 Private 22696 Self-emp-inc 1116 Self-emp-not-inc 2541 State-gov 1298 Without-pay 14 NumMissing 1836 education_num: 32561x1 double Values: Min 1 Median 10 Max 16 marital_status: 32561x1 categorical Values: Divorced 4443 Married-AF-spouse 23 Married-civ-spouse 14976 Married-spouse-absent 418 Never-married 10683 Separated 1025 Widowed 993 race: 32561x1 categorical Values: Amer-Indian-Eskimo 311 Asian-Pac-Islander 1039 Black 3124 Other 271 White 27816 sex: 32561x1 categorical Values: Female 10771 Male 21790 capital_gain: 32561x1 double Values: Min 0 Median 0 Max 99999 capital_loss: 32561x1 double Values: Min 0 Median 0 Max 4356 hours_per_week: 32561x1 double Values: Min 1 Median 40 Max 99 salary: 32561x1 categorical Values: <=50K 24720 >50K 7841
カテゴリカル変数で表現されるカテゴリの数は連続変数のレベル数と比較するとわずかなので、予測子分割アルゴリズムの標準 CART ではカテゴリカル変数よりも連続予測子が分割されます。
データ セット全体を使用して分類木に学習をさせます。偏りの無い木を成長させるため、予測子の分割に曲率検定を使用するよう指定します。データには欠損観測値が含まれているので、代理分岐を使用するよう指定します。
Mdl = fitctree(X,'salary','PredictorSelection','curvature',... 'Surrogate','on');
imp = predictorImportance(Mdl); figure; bar(imp); title('Predictor Importance Estimates'); ylabel('Estimates'); xlabel('Predictors'); h = gca; h.XTickLabel = Mdl.PredictorNames; h.XTickLabelRotation = 45; h.TickLabelInterpreter = 'none';
このケースでは、最も重要な予測子は capital_gain
であり、次に重要なのは education_num
tall 配列に対する分類木の最適化
この例では、tall 配列を使用する分類木のハイパーパラメーターを自動的に最適化する方法を示します。標本データ セット airlinesmall.csv
は、飛行機のフライト データについての表形式ファイルが含まれている大規模なデータ セットです。この例では、データが含まれている tall table を作成して、最適化手順を実行するために使用します。
tall 配列に対する計算を実行する場合、MATLAB® は並列プール (Parallel Computing Toolbox™ がある場合は既定) またはローカルの MATLAB セッションを使用します。Parallel Computing Toolbox がある場合でもローカルの MATLAB セッションを使用して例を実行するには、関数mapreducer
で NaN
値を欠損データとして扱います。データストア内のデータを含む tall table を作成します。
ds = datastore('airlinesmall.csv'); ds.SelectedVariableNames = {'Month','DayofMonth','DayOfWeek',... 'DepTime','ArrDelay','Distance','DepDelay'}; ds.TreatAsMissing = 'NA'; tt = tall(ds) % Tall table
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... Connected to the parallel pool (number of workers: 6). tt = M×7 tall table Month DayofMonth DayOfWeek DepTime ArrDelay Distance DepDelay _____ __________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ________ 10 21 3 642 8 308 12 10 26 1 1021 8 296 1 10 23 5 2055 21 480 20 10 23 5 1332 13 296 12 10 22 4 629 4 373 -1 10 28 3 1446 59 308 63 10 8 4 928 3 447 -2 10 10 6 859 11 954 -1 : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
フライトが遅れた場合に真になる論理変数を定義することにより、10 分以上遅れたフライトを判別します。この変数にクラス ラベルを含めます。この変数のプレビューには、はじめの数行が含まれています。
Y = tt.DepDelay > 10 % Class labels
Y = M×1 tall logical array 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 : :
予測子データの tall 配列を作成します。
X = tt{:,1:end-1} % Predictor data
X = M×6 tall double matrix 10 21 3 642 8 308 10 26 1 1021 8 296 10 23 5 2055 21 480 10 23 5 1332 13 296 10 22 4 629 4 373 10 28 3 1446 59 308 10 8 4 928 3 447 10 10 6 859 11 954 : : : : : : : : : : : :
欠損データが含まれている X
および Y
R = rmmissing([X Y]); % Data with missing entries removed
X = R(:,1:end-1);
Y = R(:,end);
Z = zscore(X);
名前と値のペアの引数 'OptimizeHyperparameters'
を使用して、自動的にハイパーパラメーターを最適化します。ホールドアウト交差検証損失が最小になる最適な 'MinLeafSize'
の値を求めます ('auto'
を指定すると 'MinLeafSize'
と tallrng
により乱数発生器のシードを設定します。tall 配列の場合、ワーカーの個数と実行環境によって結果が異なる可能性があります。詳細については、コードの実行場所の制御を参照してください。
rng('default') tallrng('default') [Mdl,FitInfo,HyperparameterOptimizationResults] = fitctree(Z,Y,... 'OptimizeHyperparameters','auto',... 'HyperparameterOptimizationOptions',struct('Holdout',0.3,... 'AcquisitionFunctionName','expected-improvement-plus'))
Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 3: Completed in 5.6 sec - Pass 2 of 3: Completed in 2.1 sec - Pass 3 of 3: Completed in 3.4 sec Evaluation completed in 13 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.73 sec Evaluation completed in 0.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 1.2 sec Evaluation completed in 1.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.64 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 5.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.87 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.89 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 4.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec Evaluation completed in 4.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.63 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.2 sec Evaluation completed in 4.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.88 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 3 sec Evaluation completed in 6.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.96 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 4.2 sec Evaluation completed in 7.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.95 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 4.8 sec Evaluation completed in 7.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 5.1 sec Evaluation completed in 8.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.89 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 5.8 sec Evaluation completed in 9.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.63 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 5.2 sec Evaluation completed in 8.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 4.8 sec Evaluation completed in 9.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 3.9 sec Evaluation completed in 7.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 3 sec Evaluation completed in 7.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.66 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.5 sec Evaluation completed in 6.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.66 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.2 sec Evaluation completed in 5.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.9 sec Evaluation completed in 5.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.67 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec Evaluation completed in 5.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 5.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.67 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 5.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 5.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 2.4 sec Evaluation completed in 2.6 sec |======================================================================================| | Iter | Eval | Objective | Objective | BestSoFar | BestSoFar | MinLeafSize | | | result | | runtime | (observed) | (estim.) | | |======================================================================================| | 1 | Best | 0.11572 | 197.12 | 0.11572 | 0.11572 | 10 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.4 sec Evaluation completed in 0.56 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.93 sec Evaluation completed in 1.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.84 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 1.6 sec | 2 | Accept | 0.19635 | 10.496 | 0.11572 | 0.12008 | 48298 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.33 sec Evaluation completed in 0.47 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 0.99 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.48 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.48 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.75 sec Evaluation completed in 0.87 sec | 3 | Best | 0.1048 | 44.614 | 0.1048 | 0.11431 | 3166 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.3 sec Evaluation completed in 0.45 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 0.97 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.99 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.47 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.82 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.89 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 4.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.63 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 4.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 4.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.66 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 4.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.62 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec Evaluation completed in 4.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 4.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.8 sec Evaluation completed in 0.94 sec | 4 | Best | 0.10094 | 91.723 | 0.10094 | 0.10574 | 180 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.3 sec Evaluation completed in 0.42 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.93 sec Evaluation completed in 1.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.66 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.88 sec Evaluation completed in 4.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.98 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 4.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.64 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.97 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.89 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.82 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 1.4 sec | 5 | Best | 0.10087 | 82.84 | 0.10087 | 0.10085 | 219 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.32 sec Evaluation completed in 0.45 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.87 sec Evaluation completed in 1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.66 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.84 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.87 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.92 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.77 sec Evaluation completed in 0.93 sec | 6 | Accept | 0.10155 | 61.043 | 0.10087 | 0.10089 | 1089 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.33 sec Evaluation completed in 0.46 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.89 sec Evaluation completed in 1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.87 sec Evaluation completed in 4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.98 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.62 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 4.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2 sec Evaluation completed in 4.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.7 sec Evaluation completed in 5.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.64 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.87 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 3.7 sec Evaluation completed in 7.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.92 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 4.4 sec Evaluation completed in 7.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.64 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 4.8 sec Evaluation completed in 8.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 5.2 sec Evaluation completed in 8.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 5.6 sec Evaluation completed in 9.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 5.8 sec Evaluation completed in 10 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 5.1 sec Evaluation completed in 9.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 4.1 sec Evaluation completed in 8.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 3.6 sec Evaluation completed in 7.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 3.2 sec Evaluation completed in 7.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.8 sec Evaluation completed in 7.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.82 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.4 sec Evaluation completed in 7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 2 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.9 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.3 sec Evaluation completed in 7.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.2 sec Evaluation completed in 6.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.3 sec Evaluation completed in 7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.9 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.8 sec Evaluation completed in 6.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.8 sec Evaluation completed in 6.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.8 sec Evaluation completed in 6.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec Evaluation completed in 6.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.8 sec Evaluation completed in 6.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 1.5 sec | 7 | Accept | 0.13495 | 241.76 | 0.10087 | 0.10089 | 1 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.31 sec Evaluation completed in 0.44 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.87 sec Evaluation completed in 1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.47 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.67 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.89 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.62 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec Evaluation completed in 4.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.9 sec Evaluation completed in 6.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.88 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.1 sec Evaluation completed in 5.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.2 sec Evaluation completed in 4.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.84 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.2 sec Evaluation completed in 4.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.2 sec Evaluation completed in 4.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.91 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 2.4 sec Evaluation completed in 5.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.92 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.6 sec Evaluation completed in 4.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.91 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.63 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 4.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.67 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.99 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.95 sec Evaluation completed in 4.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.91 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.91 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.93 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.91 sec Evaluation completed in 1.1 sec | 8 | Accept | 0.10246 | 115.31 | 0.10087 | 0.10089 | 58 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.34 sec Evaluation completed in 0.49 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.87 sec Evaluation completed in 1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.48 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 4.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 4.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.95 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.94 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.6 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 1.4 sec | 9 | Accept | 0.10173 | 77.229 | 0.10087 | 0.10086 | 418 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.32 sec Evaluation completed in 0.46 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.84 sec Evaluation completed in 1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.91 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.82 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.82 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.95 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec Evaluation completed in 4.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec Evaluation completed in 4.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.7 sec Evaluation completed in 5.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.83 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 4.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.67 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.87 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 4.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.82 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.84 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.62 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.89 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.64 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.88 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.62 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.77 sec Evaluation completed in 0.89 sec | 10 | Accept | 0.10114 | 94.532 | 0.10087 | 0.10091 | 123 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.86 sec Evaluation completed in 1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 0.99 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.48 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.73 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.82 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.64 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.94 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.97 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec Evaluation completed in 4.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.84 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1 sec Evaluation completed in 4.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.63 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.84 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.83 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec Evaluation completed in 4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.77 sec Evaluation completed in 0.89 sec | 11 | Best | 0.1008 | 90.637 | 0.1008 | 0.10088 | 178 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.38 sec Evaluation completed in 0.52 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.88 sec Evaluation completed in 1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.93 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.91 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.81 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 4.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 3.9 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.5 sec Evaluation completed in 4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.82 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.4 sec Evaluation completed in 4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.66 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.62 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.85 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 1.1 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.96 sec Evaluation completed in 4.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.65 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.84 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 3.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 0.89 sec | 12 | Accept | 0.1008 | 90.267 | 0.1008 | 0.10086 | 179 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.32 sec Evaluation completed in 0.45 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.9 sec Evaluation completed in 1.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.49 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec Evaluation completed in 3.6 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 0.97 sec | 13 | Accept | 0.11126 | 32.134 | 0.1008 | 0.10084 | 10251 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.32 sec Evaluation completed in 0.45 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.85 sec Evaluation completed in 0.99 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.75 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.7 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.57 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.68 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.79 sec Evaluation completed in 3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.91 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.86 sec Evaluation completed in 3.7 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 1 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.71 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.64 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.99 sec Evaluation completed in 3.4 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.2 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.94 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.51 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.77 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.59 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.9 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.55 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.72 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.89 sec Evaluation completed in 3.2 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.58 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.8 sec Evaluation completed in 3.3 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 1.3 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.61 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.76 sec Evaluation completed in 3.8 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.83 sec Evaluation completed in 0.97 sec | 14 | Accept | 0.10154 | 66.262 | 0.1008 | 0.10085 | 736 | Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.36 sec Evaluation completed in 0.5 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 1: Completed in 0.89 sec Evaluation completed in 1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.53 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.74 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.5 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.67 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.56 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.78 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': - Pass 1 of 4: Completed in 0.52 sec - Pass 2 of 4: Completed in 0.69 sec - Pass 3 of 4: Completed in 0.54 sec - Pass 4 of 4: Completed in 0.84 sec Evaluation completed in 3.1 sec Evaluating tall expression using the Parallel Pool 'local': Evaluation 0% ...
Mdl = CompactClassificationTree ResponseName: 'Y' CategoricalPredictors: [] ClassNames: [0 1] ScoreTransform: 'none' Properties, Methods
FitInfo = struct with no fields.
HyperparameterOptimizationResults = BayesianOptimization with properties: ObjectiveFcn: @createObjFcn/tallObjFcn VariableDescriptions: [4×1 optimizableVariable] Options: [1×1 struct] MinObjective: 0.1004 XAtMinObjective: [1×1 table] MinEstimatedObjective: 0.1008 XAtMinEstimatedObjective: [1×1 table] NumObjectiveEvaluations: 30 TotalElapsedTime: 3.0367e+03 NextPoint: [1×1 table] XTrace: [30×1 table] ObjectiveTrace: [30×1 double] ConstraintsTrace: [] UserDataTrace: {30×1 cell} ObjectiveEvaluationTimeTrace: [30×1 double] IterationTimeTrace: [30×1 double] ErrorTrace: [30×1 double] FeasibilityTrace: [30×1 logical] FeasibilityProbabilityTrace: [30×1 double] IndexOfMinimumTrace: [30×1 double] ObjectiveMinimumTrace: [30×1 double] EstimatedObjectiveMinimumTrace: [30×1 double]
— 標本データ
の各行は 1 つの観測値に、各列は 1 つの予測子変数に対応します。オプションとして、Tbl
に応答変数用の列を 1 つ追加できます。文字ベクトルの cell 配列ではない cell 配列と複数列の変数は使用できません。
— 応答変数名
には文字ベクトルまたは string スカラーを指定しなければなりません。たとえば、応答変数 Y
が Tbl.Y
の列は Y
応答変数は、categorical 配列、文字配列、string 配列、logical ベクトル、数値ベクトル、または文字ベクトルの cell 配列でなければなりません。Y
が文字配列である場合、応答変数の各要素は配列の 1 つの行に対応しなければなりません。
名前と値の引数 ClassNames
データ型: char
| string
— 応答変数および予測子変数サブセットの説明モデル
文字ベクトル | string スカラー
という形式の文字ベクトルまたは string スカラーを指定します。この形式では、Y
および x3
モデルに学習をさせるための予測子として Tbl
に現れない Tbl
式の変数名は Tbl
の変数名 (Tbl.Properties.VariableNames
) であり、有効な MATLAB® 識別子でなければなりません。関数 isvarname
を使用して Tbl
の変数名を検証できます。変数名が有効でない場合、関数 matlab.lang.makeValidName
データ型: char
| string
— クラス ラベル
数値ベクトル | categorical ベクトル | logical ベクトル | 文字配列 | string 配列 | 文字ベクトルの cell 配列
クラス ラベル。数値ベクトル、categorical ベクトル、logical ベクトル、文字配列、string 配列、または文字ベクトルの cell 配列を指定します。Y
は Y
に含まれている NaN
(空の string)、<missing>
、および <undefined>
が数値の場合は、代わりに fitrtree
データ型: single
| double
| categorical
| logical
| char
| string
| cell
— 予測子データ
の各行は 1 つの観測値に、各列は 1 つの予測子変数に対応します。
の NaN
は、すべての欠損値のある観測を X
は、これらの観測が有効な値をもつ場合に変数の分割を検出するために、一部の欠損値のある観測を X
データ型: single
| double
オプションの引数のペアを Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN
として指定します。ここで Name
R2021a より前では、名前と値をそれぞれコンマを使って区切り、Name
例: 'CrossVal','on','MinLeafSize',40
は、葉ごとに最低 40 個の観測値をもつ交差検証分類木を指定します。
交差検証の名前と値の引数は、名前と値の引数 'OptimizeHyperparameters'
の場合の交差検証は、名前と値の引数 'HyperparameterOptimizationOptions'
— 最適なカテゴリカル予測子の分割のアルゴリズム
| 'PullLeft'
| 'PCA'
| 'OVAbyClass'
データに対する C 個のカテゴリと K (3 以上) 個のクラスがあるカテゴリカル予測子に対して最適な分割を求めるアルゴリズム。'AlgorithmForCategorical'
値 | 説明 |
'Exact' | 2C–1 – 1 のすべての組み合わせを検討します。 |
'PullLeft' | 右枝にあるすべての C カテゴリから開始します。残りのカテゴリにおいて K クラスの最小不純度を実現するように、各カテゴリを左枝に移動することを検討してください。このシーケンスから、最小の不純度をもつ分割を選択します。 |
'PCA' | (中心となるクラス確率行列の) 重み付け共分散行列の最初の主成分とそのカテゴリに対するクラス確率のベクトル間の内積を使用して、各カテゴリのスコアを計算します。スコアを昇順に並べ替え、C - 分割をすべてを検討します。 |
'OVAbyClass' | 右枝にあるすべての C カテゴリから開始します。クラスごとに、そのクラスの確率に基づいてカテゴリの順序を設定します。最初のクラスでは、各カテゴリを左枝に順番に移動し、各移動の不純度基準を記録します。残りのクラスに対して同じ作業を繰り返します。このシーケンスから、最小の不純度をもつ分割を選択します。 |
により、既知のクラスの数とカテゴリカル予測子のレベルを使用して分割ごとに最適なアルゴリズムのサブセットが自動的に選択されます。K = 2 クラスの場合、fitctree
では常に完全一致検索が実行されます。特定のアルゴリズムを指定するには、名前と値のペアの引数 'AlgorithmForCategorical'
例: 'AlgorithmForCategorical','PCA'
— カテゴリカル予測子のリスト
正の整数のベクトル | logical ベクトル | 文字行列 | string 配列 | 文字ベクトルの cell 配列 | 'all'
値 | 説明 |
正の整数のベクトル | ベクトルの各エントリは、対応する予測子がカテゴリカルであることを示すインデックス値です。インデックス値の範囲は 1 ~
logical ベクトル |
文字行列 | 行列の各行は予測子変数の名前です。名前は PredictorNames のエントリに一致しなくてはなりません。文字行列の各行が同じ長さになるように、名前を余分な空白で埋めてください。 |
文字ベクトルの cell 配列または string 配列 | 配列の各要素は予測子変数の名前です。名前は PredictorNames のエントリに一致しなくてはなりません。 |
"all" | すべての予測子がカテゴリカルです。 |
既定では、予測子データが table (Tbl
) の場合、fitctree
は、その変数が logical ベクトル、順序付けのない categorical ベクトル、文字配列、string 配列、または文字ベクトルの cell 配列のいずれかである場合に、変数を categorical であると見なします。予測子データが行列 (X
) である場合、fitctree
はすべての予測子が連続的であると見なします。他の予測子をカテゴリカル予測子として指定するには、名前と値の引数 CategoricalPredictors
例: 'CategoricalPredictors','all'
データ型: single
| double
| logical
| char
| string
| cell
— 学習に使用するクラスの名前
categorical 配列 | 文字配列 | string 配列 | logical ベクトル | 数値ベクトル | 文字ベクトルの cell 配列
学習に使用するクラスの名前。categorical 配列、文字配列、string 配列、logical ベクトル、数値ベクトル、または文字ベクトルの cell 配列として指定します。ClassNames
のデータ型は Tbl
内の応答変数または Y
が文字配列の場合、各要素は配列の 1 つの行に対応しなければなりません。
内の応答変数または Y
例: "ClassNames",["b","g"]
データ型: categorical
| char
| string
| logical
| single
| double
| cell
— 誤分類のコスト
正方行列 | 構造体
である場合に 1 つの点をクラスj
に分類するためのコストです (行は真のクラス、列は予測したクラスに対応します)。Cost
も指定します。2 つのフィールドをもつ
を構成します。2 つのフィールドは、Y
の場合は Cost(i,j)=1
の場合は Cost(i,j)=0
データ型: single
| double
| struct
— 最大の木の深さ
と正の整数から構成されるコンマ区切りのペアとして指定します。この引数の値を指定すると、レベル数が少なく、計算対象の tall 配列に対して必要な通過回数が少ない木が返されます。一般に、fitctree
のアルゴリズムでは、データを 1 回通過し、木の各レベルに対してさらに 1 回ずつ通過します。既定では、この関数は最大の木の深さを設定しません。
このオプションは、tall 配列に対して fitctree
を使用する場合のみ適用されます。詳細については、tall 配列を参照してください。
— カテゴリ レベルの最大数
(既定値) | 非負のスカラー値
— 決定分岐の最大数
size(X,1) - 1
(既定値) | 非負のスカラー
決定分岐 (枝ノード) の最大数。'MaxNumSplits'
は、枝ノードの数が MaxNumSplits
例: 'MaxNumSplits',5
データ型: single
| double
— 葉マージ フラグ
(既定値) | 'off'
葉マージ フラグ。'MergeLeaves'
と 'on'
または 'off'
が 'on'
例: 'MergeLeaves','off'
— 葉ノードの観測値の最小数
(既定値) | 正の整数値
と正の整数値で構成されるコンマ区切りのペアとして指定します。各葉には少なくとも木の葉あたり MinLeafSize
と MinLeafSize
では葉の数が多くなる方の設定を使用します。MinParentSize = max(MinParentSize,2*MinLeafSize)
例: 'MinLeafSize',3
データ型: single
| double
— 枝ノードの観測値の最小数
(既定値) | 正の整数値
と正の整数値で構成されるコンマ区切りのペアとして指定します。ツリーの各枝ノードには少なくとも MinParentSize
と MinLeafSize
では葉の数が多くなる方の設定を使用します。MinParentSize = max(MinParentSize,2*MinLeafSize)
例: 'MinParentSize',8
データ型: single
| double
— 数値予測子のビンの個数
(空) (既定値) | 正の整数スカラー
の値が空 (既定) である場合、fitctree
の値として正の整数スカラー (numBins
) を指定した場合、fitctree
大規模な学習データ セットを使用する場合、このビン化オプションを使用すると学習を高速化できますが、精度が低下する可能性があります。はじめに 'NumBins',50
学習済みのモデルでは、ビンのエッジは BinEdges
例: 'NumBins',50
データ型: single
| double
— 各分割についてランダムに選択する予測子の数
(既定値) | 正の整数値
として 'all'
例: 'NumVariablesToSample',3
データ型: char
| string
| single
| double
— 予測子変数名
一意な名前の string 配列 | 一意な文字ベクトルの cell 配列
予測子変数名。一意な名前の string 配列または一意な文字ベクトルの cell 配列として指定します。PredictorNames
例: "PredictorNames",["SepalLength","SepalWidth","PetalLength","PetalWidth"]
データ型: string
| cell
— 最適な分割予測子の選択に使用するアルゴリズム
(既定値) | 'curvature'
| 'interaction-curvature'
値 | 説明 |
'allsplits' | 標準 CART — すべての予測子に対して可能なすべての分割について分割基準ゲインを最大化する分割予測子を選択します[1]。 |
'curvature' | 曲率検定 — 各予測子と応答の間の独立性に対するカイ二乗検定の p 値を最小化する分割予測子を選択します[4]。学習速度は標準 CART と同等です。 |
'interaction-curvature' | 交互作用検定 — 各予測子と応答の間の独立性に対するカイ二乗検定の p 値、および予測子の各ペアと応答の間の独立性に対するカイ二乗検定の p 値を最小化する分割予測子を選択します[3]。学習速度は標準 CART より遅くなる可能性があります。 |
と 'interaction-curvature'
では、すべての検定で p 値が 0.05 を超える場合、fitctree
標準 CART アルゴリズムには、相違する値が少ない分割予測子 (カテゴリカル変数など) よりも、相違する値が多い分割予測子 (連続変数など) を選択する傾向があります[4]。以下のいずれかに該当する場合は、曲率検定または交互作用検定の指定を検討してください。
相違する値の個数が他の予測子よりも比較的少ない予測子がある場合 (予測子データ セットが異種混合である場合など)。
標準 CART を使用して成長させた木は、予測子変数の交互作用の影響を受けません。また、多くの無関係な予測子が存在する状況では、このような木によって重要な変数が特定される可能性は、交互作用検定を適用した場合より低くなります。このため、予測子の交互作用を考慮し、重要度変数の特定を多くの無関係な変数が存在する状況で行うには、交互作用検定を指定します[3]。
例: 'PredictorSelection','curvature'
— 事前確率
(既定値) | 'uniform'
| スカラー値のベクトル | 構造体
文字ベクトルまたは string スカラー。
ベクトル (クラスごとに 1 つのスカラー値)。
を設定します。次の 2 つのフィールドがある構造体
は、合計がクラスの事前確率の値になるように各クラスの重み ('Weights'
) を正規化します。
例: 'Prior','uniform'
データ型: char
| string
| single
| double
| struct
— 枝刈りされた部分木の最適シーケンスを推定するフラグ
(既定値) | 'off'
と 'on'
または 'off'
が 'on'
が 'off'
で MergeLeaves
も 'off'
学習済みの ClassificationTree
モデルに対して枝刈りを行うには、モデルを prune
例: 'Prune','off'
— 枝刈り条件
(既定値) | 'impurity'
および 'error'
または 'impurity'
は名前と値のペアの引数 'SplitCriterion'
例: 'PruneCriterion','impurity'
— 再現性を強制するためのフラグ
(logical 0
) (既定値) | true
(logical 1
と false
または true
が 'all'
を true
例: 'Reproducible',true
データ型: logical
— 応答変数名
(既定値) | 文字ベクトル | string スカラー
と応答変数の名前を表す文字ベクトルまたは string スカラーから構成されるコンマ区切りのペアとして指定します。
入力引数 ResponseVarName
または formula
例: 'ResponseName','IrisType'
データ型: char
| string
— スコア変換
(既定値) | "doublelogit"
| "invlogit"
| "ismax"
| "logit"
| 関数ハンドル | ...
スコア変換。文字ベクトル、string スカラー、または関数ハンドルとして指定します。
次の表は、使用可能な文字ベクトルおよび string スカラーをまとめています。
値 | 説明 |
"doublelogit" | 1/(1 + e–2x) |
"invlogit" | log(x / (1 – x)) |
"ismax" | 最大のスコアをもつクラスのスコアを 1 に設定し、他のすべてのクラスのスコアを 0 に設定する |
"logit" | 1/(1 + e–x) |
"none" または "identity" | x (変換なし) |
"sign" | x < 0 のとき –1 x = 0 のとき 0 x > 0 のとき 1 |
"symmetric" | 2x – 1 |
"symmetricismax" | 最大のスコアをもつクラスのスコアを 1 に設定し、他のすべてのクラスのスコアを –1 に設定する |
"symmetriclogit" | 2/(1 + e–x) – 1 |
MATLAB 関数またはユーザー定義関数の場合は、スコア変換用の関数ハンドルを使用します。関数ハンドルは、行列 (元のスコア) を受け入れて同じサイズの行列 (変換したスコア) を返さなければなりません。
例: "ScoreTransform","logit"
データ型: char
| string
| function_handle
— 分割条件
(既定値) | 'twoing'
| 'deviance'
(ジニ多様性指数)、Twoing 規則の 'twoing'
、最大逸脱度減少量 (クロス エントロピーともいう) の 'deviance'
例: 'SplitCriterion','deviance'
— 観測値の重み
(既定値) | スカラー値のベクトル | Tbl
とスカラー値のベクトルまたは Tbl
または Tbl
または Tbl
入力データをテーブル Tbl
は数値ベクトルが含まれている Tbl
には文字ベクトルまたは string スカラーを指定しなければなりません。たとえば、重みベクトル W
が Tbl.W
の列は W
データ型: single
| double
| char
| string
— 交差検証決定木を成長させるフラグ
(既定値) | 'on'
と 'on'
または 'off'
が10 分割交差検証決定木を成長させます。'KFold'
または 'CVPartition'
名前と値のペアの引数のいずれかを使用してこの交差検証の設定をオーバーライドできます。交差検証木を作成する場合、これらの 4 つの引数のうち 1 つだけを使用できます。
メソッドを使用して、後で tree
例: 'CrossVal','on'
— 交差検証木の分割
または 'Leaveout'
— ホールドアウト検証の対象データの比率
(既定値) | [0,1]
または 'Leaveout'
例: 'Holdout',0.1
データ型: single
| double
— 分割の数
(既定値) | 1 より大きい正の整数値
と 1 より大きい正の整数値から構成されるコンマ区切りのペアとして指定します。たとえば 'KFold',k
データを無作為に k 個のセットに分割する
各セットについて、そのセットを検証データとして予約し、他の k – 1 個のセットを使用してモデルに学習をさせる
行 1 列の cell ベクトルのセルに格納する。
例: 'KFold',8
データ型: single
| double
— Leave-one-out 法の交差検証のフラグ
(既定値) | 'on'
Leave-one-out 法の交差検証のフラグ。'Leaveout'
と 'on'
または 'off'
で構成されるコンマ区切りのペアとして指定します。Leave-one-out 法の交差検証を使用する場合は、'on'
または 'KFold'
例: 'Leaveout','on'
— 最適化するパラメーター
(既定値) | 'auto'
| 'all'
| 使用可能パラメーター名の string 配列または cell 配列 | optimizableVariable
— 最適化を行いません。'auto'
— すべての使用可能パラメーターを最適化します。使用可能パラメーター名の string 配列または cell 配列
の交差検証損失 (誤差) を最小化しようとします。(各種の状況における) 交差検証損失の詳細については、分類損失を参照してください。交差検証のタイプおよびその他の最適化の側面を制御するには、名前と値のペア HyperparameterOptimizationOptions
を "auto"
は "auto"
— 2 クラスの場合、fitctree
で探索します。3 クラス以上の場合、fitctree
既定以外のパラメーターを設定するには、既定以外の値が含まれている optimizableVariable
load fisheriris params = hyperparameters('fitctree',meas,species); params(1).Range = [1,30];
の値として params
既定では、コマンド ラインに反復表示が表示され、最適化のハイパーパラメーターの個数に従ってプロットが表示されます。最適化とプロットにおける目的関数は誤分類率です。反復表示を制御するには、名前と値の引数 HyperparameterOptimizationOptions
の Verbose
フィールドを設定します。プロットを制御するには、名前と値の引数 HyperparameterOptimizationOptions
の ShowPlots
例: 'auto'
— 最適化のオプション
最適化のオプション。構造体として指定します。この引数を指定すると、名前と値の引数 OptimizeHyperparameters
フィールド名 | 値 | 既定の設定 |
Optimizer |
| 'bayesopt' |
AcquisitionFunctionName |
オブジェクト関数のランタイムによって最適化が異なるので、名前に | 'expected-improvement-per-second-plus' |
MaxObjectiveEvaluations | 目的関数評価の最大数。 | 'bayesopt' および 'randomsearch' の場合は 30 、'gridsearch' の場合はグリッド全体 |
MaxTime | 制限時間。正の実数スカラーを指定します。制限時間の単位は、 | Inf |
NumGridDivisions | 'gridsearch' における各次元の値の個数。値は、各次元の値の個数を表す正の整数のベクトル、またはすべての次元に適用されるスカラーが可能です。カテゴリカル変数の場合、このフィールドは無視されます。 | 10 |
ShowPlots | プロットを表示するかどうかを示す論理値。true の場合、最良の観測された目的関数の値が反復回数に対してプロットされます。ベイズ最適化を使用する場合 (Optimizer が 'bayesopt' )、最良の推定された目的関数値もプロットされます。最良の観測された目的関数値および最良の推定された目的関数値は、反復表示の BestSoFar (observed) 列および BestSoFar (estim.) 列の値にそれぞれ対応しています。これらの値は、Mdl.HyperparameterOptimizationResults のプロパティ ObjectiveMinimumTrace および EstimatedObjectiveMinimumTrace で確認できます。問題にベイズ最適化の最適化パラメーターが 1 つまたは 2 つある場合、ShowPlots はパラメーターに対する目的関数のモデルもプロットします。 | true |
SaveIntermediateResults | Optimizer が 'bayesopt' である場合に結果を保存するかどうかを示す論理値。true の場合、'BayesoptResults' という名前のワークスペース変数が反復ごとに上書きされます。この変数は BayesianOptimization オブジェクトです。 | false |
Verbose | コマンド ラインに次を表示します。
詳細については、 | 1 |
UseParallel | ベイズ最適化を並列実行するかどうかを示す論理値。並列実行には Parallel Computing Toolbox™ が必要です。並列でのタイミングに再現性がないため、並列ベイズ最適化で再現性のある結果が生成されるとは限りません。詳細については、並列ベイズ最適化を参照してください。 | false |
Repartition | 反復ごとに交差検証を再分割するかどうかを示す論理値。 分割ノイズが考慮されるので、通常は | false |
以下の 3 つのオプションは 1 つだけ使用できます。 | ||
CVPartition | cvpartition によって作成される cvpartition オブジェクト | 交差検証フィールドが指定されていない場合 'Kfold',5 |
Holdout | ホールドアウトの比率を表す範囲 (0,1) のスカラー | |
Kfold | 1 より大きい整数 |
例: 'HyperparameterOptimizationOptions',struct('MaxObjectiveEvaluations',60)
データ型: struct
— 分類木
または 'CVPartition'
オプションを使用すると、クラス ClassificationPartitionedModel
のツリーが生成されます。予測に分割されたツリーは使用できないため、この種類のツリーには predict
のクラスは ClassificationTree
"曲率検定" は、2 つの変数に関連性がないという帰無仮説を評価する統計検定です。
予測子変数 x および y の間の曲率検定は、以下のプロセスを使用して実施されます。
x が連続である場合、四分位数に分割します。分割のどの部分に属するかに従って観測値をビン化するノミナル変数を作成します。欠損値がある場合は、そのための追加のビンを作成します。
分割した予測子の各レベル j = 1,...,J と応答のクラス k = 1,...,K について、クラス k における観測値の加重比率を計算します。
wi は観測値 i の重みで です。I はインジケーター関数、n は標本サイズです。すべての観測値の重みが同じである場合、 になります。njk は、クラス k に属している予測子のレベル j の観測値の個数です。
を計算します。 は、レベル j で予測子が観測される周辺確率です。 は、クラス k が観測される周辺確率です。n が十分に大きい場合、t は自由度が (K - 1)(J - 1) の χ2 分布になります。
この検定の p 値が 0.05 未満である場合、x と y には関連性がないという帰無仮説が棄却されます。
標準 CART アルゴリズムには、各ノードにおける最適な分割予測子を決定するときに、レベル数の多い連続予測子を選択する傾向があります。このような選択は見せかけだけの場合があり、カテゴリカル予測子などのような、より少ないレベルのより重要な予測子をマスクしてしまう可能性があります。
標準 CART の代わりに曲率検定を適用して、各ノードにおける最適な分割予測子を決定することができます。この場合、最適な分割予測子変数は、各予測子と応答変数の間における曲率検定の有意な p 値 (0.05 未満) が最小になる変数です。このような選択は、各予測子のレベル数に対してロバストです。
はこれらのレベルをマージします。このため、アルゴリズムの手順 3 で、J が実際の予測子のレベル数より小さくなる可能性があります。たとえば、x に 4 つのレベルがあり、ビン 1 および 2 の観測値がすべてクラス 1 に属している場合、これらのレベルはクラス 1 について純粋です。この結果、fitctree
はビン 1 および 2 の観測値をマージするので、J は 3 になります。
決定木では、"不純度" または "ノード誤差" に基づいてノードを分割します。
ジニ多様性指数 (
) — ノードのジニ指数は、次の式で表されます。ここで、合計はノードのクラス i 全体が対象であり、p(i) は、ノードに到達したクラス i をもつ観測クラスの比率です。クラスを 1 つだけもつノード ("純粋" ノード) のジニ指数は
です。それ以外のノードでは、ジニ指数は正の値です。したがって、ジニ指数はノードの不純度の基準です。逸脱度 (
) — ノードの逸脱度は、ジニ指数と同様に定義された p(i) を用いて次の式で表されます。純粋ノードの逸脱度は
です。それ以外のノードでは、逸脱度は正の値です。Twoing 規則 (
) — Twoing はノードの純粋度の基準ではありませんが、ノードの分割を判断するための別の基準の 1 つです。L(i) は、分割後の左側の子ノードのクラス i のメンバーの比率を示し、R(i) は分割後の右側の子ノードのクラス i のメンバーの比率を示すとします。最大化するための分割基準を選択します。ここで、P(L) および P(R) は、それぞれ左側と右側に分割された観測値の比率を表します。式が大きい場合は、分割によって各子ノードの純粋度は高くなります。同様に、式が小さい場合は、分割によって各子ノードが互いに類似するようになります。このため、親ノードとも類似するようになります。分割によるノードの純粋度の向上はありませんでした。
ノード誤差 — ノード誤差はノードで誤分類されたクラスの比率です。j がノードで最大の学習標本数をもつクラスである場合は、ノード誤差は次のように表されます。
1 – p(j).
"交互作用検定" は、予測子変数のペアと応答変数の間に交互作用がないという帰無仮説を評価する統計検定です。
y に関して予測子変数 x1 および x2 の関連性を評価する交互作用検定は、以下のプロセスを使用して実施されます。
x1 または x2 が連続である場合、その変数を四分位数に分割します。分割のどの部分に属するかに従って観測値をビン化するノミナル変数を作成します。欠損値がある場合は、そのための追加のビンを作成します。
x1 および x2 のどのレベルに属しているかに従ってインデックスを観測値 i に割り当てる、J = J1J2 個のレベルがあるノミナル変数 z を作成します。どの観測値にも対応しないレベルを z から削除します。
z と y の間で曲率検定を実施します。
決定木を成長させるときに、予測子のペア間に重要な交互作用があり、重要度が低い他の予測子がデータ内に多数あると、標準 CART は重要な交互作用を見逃す傾向があります。しかし、代わりに曲率検定と交互作用検定を実施して予測子を選択すると、重要な交互作用の検出が改善され、より正確な決定木が生成される可能性があります。
"関連性予測尺度" は、観測値を分割する決定規則間の類似度を示す値です。(木を成長させることによって求められる) 最適な分割に対して比較される、可能なすべての決定分岐の中で、最適な代理決定分岐は関連性予測尺度が最大になります。2 番目に最適な代理分岐は、関連性予測尺度が 2 番目に大きくなります。
xj と xk がそれぞれ予測子変数 j および k であり、j ≠ k であるとします。ノード t における最適な分割 xj < u と代理分岐 xk < v の間の関連性予測尺度は、次のようになります。
PL は、ノード t において xj < u となる観測値の比率です。添字 L は、ノード t の左の子を表します。
PR は、ノード t において xj ≥ u となる観測値の比率です。添字 R は、ノード t の右の子を表します。
は、ノード t において xj < u および xk < v となる観測値の比率です。
は、ノード t において xj ≥ u および xk ≥ v となる観測値の比率です。
xj または xk について欠損値がある観測値は、比率の計算に使用されません。
λjk は、(-∞,1] の値になります。λjk > 0 である場合、xk < v は xj < u の代理分岐として価値があります。
"代理決定分岐" は、決定木の特定のノードにおける最適な決定分岐の代わりになります。最適な分割は、木を成長させることによって求められます。代理分岐では、類似する予測子変数または相関関係がある予測子変数と分割基準を使用します。
ある観測値について最適な分割予測子の値が欠損している場合、その観測値は最適な代理予測子を使用して左または右の子ノードに送られます。観測値について最適な代理予測子の値も欠損している場合、その観測値は 2 番目に最適な代理予測子を使用して左または右の子ノードに送られます。3 番目以降についても同様です。分割候補は、関連性予測尺度の降順で並べ替えられます。
は、以下のプロセスを使用してノード t の分割方法を決定します。
標準 CART の場合 (つまり、
である場合)、すべての予測子 xi (i = 1,...,p) について以下を行います。fitctree
は、ノード t の重み付き不純度 it を計算します。サポートされる不純度の尺度については、SplitCriterion
は、次の式を使用して、観測値がノード t に含まれる確率を推定します。wj は観測値 j の重み、T はノード t に含まれているすべての観測値のインデックスの集合です。
のいずれも指定しなかった場合、wj = 1/n になります。ここで、n は標本サイズです。fitctree
は、xi を昇順で並べ替えます。並べ替えられた予測子の各要素は、分割候補または切り取り点です。fitctree
は、欠損値に対応するインデックスを、分割されない集合 TU に格納します。fitctree
は、すべての分割候補で不純度ゲイン (ΔI) を最大化することにより、xi を使用してノード t を分割する最適な方法を決定します。つまり、xi に含まれているすべての分割候補について、fitctree
は、ノード t に含まれている観測値を左と右の子ノード (それぞれ tL および tR) に分割します。fitctree
は ΔI を計算します。特定の分割候補について、集合 TL および TR 内の観測値のインデックスがそれぞれ tL および tR に含まれていると仮定します。xi に欠損値が含まれていない場合、現在の分割候補の不純度ゲインは次のようになります。
xi に欠損値が含まれている場合、観測値はランダムに欠損していると仮定され、不純度ゲインは次のようになります。
T - TU は、ノード t に含まれている、欠損していないすべての観測値のインデックスの集合です。
は、決定分岐 xj < u と可能なすべての決定分岐 xk < v (j ≠ k) の間で関連性予測尺度 を計算します。fitctree
は、xi について代理分岐を使用して、欠損値が含まれている観測値を子ノードに割り当てます。代理予測子にも欠損値が含まれている場合、fitctree
は他の代理がなくなるまで、尺度が 2 番目に大きいものから順番に決定分岐を使用します。fitctree
は、ノード t で 2 つの異なる代理分岐を使用して 2 つの異なる観測値を分割することができます。たとえば、ノード t で予測子 xi (i ∉ {1,2}) について、予測子 x1 および x2 がそれぞれ最適および 2 番目に最適な代理であるとします。予測子 xi の観測値 m が欠損しており (つまり、xmi が欠損)、xm1 は欠損していない場合、x1 は観測値 xmi の代理予測子になります。観測値 x(m + 1),i と x(m + 1),1 が欠損しており、x(m + 1),2 は欠損していない場合、x2 は観測値 m + 1 の代理予測子になります。fitctree
が代理分岐を使用して、ノード t に含まれているすべての欠損観測値を子ノードに割り当てることができない場合、不純度ゲインは ΔIU になります。それ以外の場合、fitctree
は不純度ゲインに ΔI を使用します。
は、不純度ゲインが最大になる切り取り点で予測子変数を分割します。曲率検定の場合 (つまり、
は、ノード t の観測値について各予測子と応答の間で曲率検定を実施します。すべての p 値が 0.05 以上である場合、
はノード t を分割しません。最小の p 値が存在する場合、
は対応する予測子を選択してノード t を分割します。アンダーフローにより複数の p 値がゼロになる場合、
は対応する予測子に標準 CART を適用して分割予測子を選択します。
は、分割予測子を選択した場合に、標準 CART を使用して切り取り点を選択します (標準 CART のプロセスの手順 4 を参照)。
交互作用検定の場合 (つまり、
は、ノード t の観測値について、各予測子と応答の間で曲率検定を、予測子の各ペアと応答の間で交互作用検定を実施します。すべての p 値が 0.05 以上である場合、
はノード t を分割しません。曲率検定の結果により最小の p 値が存在する場合、
は対応する予測子を選択してノード t を分割します。交互作用検定の結果により最小の p 値が存在する場合、
は対応する予測子のペアに対して標準 CART を使用して分割予測子を選択します。アンダーフローにより複数の p 値がゼロになる場合、
は対応する予測子に標準 CART を適用して分割予測子を選択します。
は、分割予測子を選択した場合に、標準 CART を使用して切り取り点を選択します (標準 CART のプロセスの手順 4 を参照)。
(これらの名前と値のペアの引数の既定値) の場合、枝刈りは分類誤差を使用して葉のみに適用されます。この仕様はツリー葉あたり最も一般的なクラスを共有する葉のマージになります。MaxNumSplits
は現在の "レイヤー" に含まれているすべてのノードを分割してから枝ノードの数をカウントします。レイヤーとは、ルート ノードから同じ距離にあるノードの集合です。枝ノードの数がMaxNumSplits
個の枝ノードが存在している。推奨されている分割を行うと、少なくとも 1 つの枝ノードで観測値の数が
より少なくなる。推奨される分割を行うと、少なくとも 1 つの葉ノードで観測値の数が
より少なくなる。レイヤー内で適切な分割を検出できない。つまり、現在の枝刈り基準 (
参照) では、レイヤー内で推奨されている分割を行っても状況が改善されない。すべてのノードが純粋 (ノード内のすべての観測値が同じクラス) になるのは特殊なケースです。PredictorSelection
の場合に、すべての検定で p 値が 0.05 を超える。
では Intel® スレッディング ビルディング ブロック (TBB) を使用して決定木の学習を並列化します。Intel TBB の詳細については、https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/oneapi/onetbb.htmlを参照してください。
および Weights
名前と値の引数 Cost
、および Weights
を指定すると、出力モデル オブジェクトに Cost
、および W
プロパティと W
[1] Breiman, L., J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. Stone. Classification and Regression Trees. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1984.
[2] Coppersmith, D., S. J. Hong, and J. R. M. Hosking. “Partitioning Nominal Attributes in Decision Trees.” Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 3, 1999, pp. 197–217.
[3] Loh, W.Y. “Regression Trees with Unbiased Variable Selection and Interaction Detection.” Statistica Sinica, Vol. 12, 2002, pp. 361–386.
[4] Loh, W.Y. and Y.S. Shih. “Split Selection Methods for Classification Trees.” Statistica Sinica, Vol. 7, 1997, pp. 815–840.
tall 配列
tree = fitctree(Tbl,Y)
tree = fitctree(X,Y)
tree = fitctree(___,Name,Value)
[tree,FitInfo,HyperparameterOptimizationResults] = fitctree(___,Name,Value)
— 名前と値のペアの引数'OptimizeHyperparameters'
は、ハイパーパラメーターの交差検証最適化を記述する値が関連付けられているハイパーパラメーターの table またはBayesianOptimization
(既定) を指定した場合、HyperparameterOptimizationResults
は table になり、使用したハイパーパラメーター、観測された目的関数の値(交差検証損失)、および最低 (最良) から最高 (最悪) までの観測値の順位が格納されます。
— 交差検証として、tall 最適化では'Holdout'
検証のみがサポートされます。既定では、データの 20% がホールドアウト検証データとして選択されて確保され、残りのデータがモデルの学習に使用されます。この引数を使用してホールドアウトの比率に別の値を指定できます。たとえば、データの 30% を検証データとして確保するには'HyperparameterOptimizationOptions',struct('Holdout',0.3)
— tall 最適化の場合、fitctree
以下は、tall 配列専用の追加の名前と値のペアの引数です。
— 出力される木の最大の深さを指定する正の整数。この引数の値を指定すると、レベル数が少なく、計算対象の tall 配列に対して必要な通過回数が少ない木が返されます。一般に、fitctree
のアルゴリズムでは、データを 1 回通過し、木の各レベルに対してさらに 1 回ずつ通過します。既定では、この関数は最大の木の深さを設定しません。
詳細は、tall 配列を参照してください。
Parallel Computing Toolbox™ を使用して自動的に並列計算を実行することで、コードを高速化します。
ハイパーパラメーターの最適化を並列実行するには、関数 fitctree
を呼び出すときに名前と値の引数 'HyperparameterOptimizationOptions', struct('UseParallel',true)
並列計算の全般的な情報については、自動並列サポートを使用した MATLAB 関数の実行 (Parallel Computing Toolbox)を参照してください。
GPU 配列
Parallel Computing Toolbox™ を使用してグラフィックス処理装置 (GPU) 上で実行することにより、コードを高速化します。
は、次のいずれかに該当する場合に GPU でモデルを当てはめます。入力引数
は決定木が深くなると GPU でも CPU より高速に実行されない可能性があることに注意してください。
詳細は、GPU での MATLAB 関数の実行 (Parallel Computing Toolbox)を参照してください。
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次の MATLAB コマンドに対応するリンクがクリックされました。
コマンドを MATLAB コマンド ウィンドウに入力して実行してください。Web ブラウザーは MATLAB コマンドをサポートしていません。
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