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Matrix Operations


Matrix Operations ライブラリのブロックを使用して一般的な行列演算をモデル化します。


Array Processing SubsystemApply algorithm to each element of a matrix (R2024a 以降)
Create Diagonal Matrix対角要素からの正方対角行列の作成
Cross Product2 つのベクトルのクロス積 (R2021b 以降)
Expand ScalarCreate matrix from scalar using scalar expansion (R2024a 以降)
Extract Diagonal入力行列の主対角の抽出
Hermitian Transpose行列のエルミート転置の計算 (R2021b 以降)
Identity MatrixGenerate matrix with ones on main diagonal and ground values elsewhere (R2021b 以降)
IsHermitianCheck if matrix is Hermitian or skew-Hermitian (R2022a 以降)
IsSymmetricCheck if matrix is symmetric or skew-symmetric (R2021b 以降)
IsTriangularCheck if matrix is upper or lower triangular (R2021b 以降)
Matrix ConcatenateConcatenate input matrices of same data type for iterative processing
Matrix SquareCompute square of input matrix
Neighborhood Processing SubsystemCreate algorithm that follows the neighborhood pattern (R2022b 以降)
Permute MatrixReorder matrix rows or columns
Pixel Processing SubsystemCreate algorithm that converts multichannel image data to single-channel (R2024a 以降)
Product, Matrix Multiplyスカラー、非スカラーの乗算と除算、あるいは行列の乗算と逆行列
SubmatrixSelect subset of elements (submatrix) from matrix input
Transpose行列の転置の計算 (R2021b 以降)