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Model Configuration Parameters: Stateflow Diagnostics

The Diagnostics > Stateflow category includes parameters for detecting issues related to Stateflow® charts.

Unused data, events, messages, and functions

Select the diagnostic action to take for detection of unused data, events, and messages in a chart. Removing unused data, events, and messages can minimize the size of your model.

Unexpected backtracking

Select the diagnostic action to take when a chart junction has both of the following conditions. The junction:

  • Does not have an unconditional transition path to a state or a terminal junction

  • Has multiple transition paths leading to it

Invalid input data access in chart initialization

Select the diagnostic action to take when a chart:

  • Has the ExecuteAtInitialization property set to true

  • Accesses input data on a default transition or associated state entry actions, which execute at chart initialization

No unconditional default transitions

Select the diagnostic action to take when a chart does not have an unconditional default transition to a state.

Transition outside natural parent

Select the diagnostic action to take when a chart contains a transition that loops outside of the parent state or junction.

Undirected event broadcasts

Select the diagnostic action to take when a chart contains undirected local event broadcasts.

Transition action specified before condition action

Select the diagnostic action to take when a transition action executes before a condition action in a transition path with multiple transition segments.

Read-before-write to output in Moore chart

Select the diagnostic action to take when a Moore chart uses a previous output value to determine the current state.

Absolute time temporal value shorter than sampling period

Select the diagnostic action to take when a state or transition absolute time operator uses a time value that is shorter than the sample time for the Stateflow block.

Self transition on leaf state

Select the diagnostic action to take when you can remove a self-transition on a leaf state.

Execute-at-Initialization disabled in presence of input events

Select the diagnostic action to take when Stateflow detects triggered or enabled charts that are not running at initialization.

Unreachable execution path

Select the diagnostic action to take when there are chart constructs not on a valid execution path.

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