Main Content


UVM テストベンチのスコアボードのパラメータとカバレッジ目標を変更する

この例では、Simulink® から生成された UVM テストベンチで応答チェッカーのパラメータを制御する方法を示します。このようなパラメータ化により、設計検証エンジニアはさまざまなテスト シナリオでスコアボードを再利用できるようになります。チェッカーに Simulink パラメータを指定すると、派生テスト クラス (ランダム化の有無にかかわらず) またはコマンド ライン plusarg 経由で直接値を設定できる構成オブジェクトが生成されます。

設計の説明と UVM テストベンチ生成の背景については、例 Simulink からパラメータ化された UVM テストベンチを生成する を参照してください。



model = 'pulsedetector_tb';

この例のデフォルトの UVM テストベンチを生成するには、次を実行します。

design     = [model '/PulseDetector'];
sequence   = [model '/GenPulse'];
scoreboard = [model '/CheckDetection'];
predictor  = [model '/PulseDetectorRef'];
driver     = [model '/InputDriver'];
monitor    = [model '/OutputMonitor'];
uvmbuild(design, sequence, scoreboard, Predictor=predictor, Driver=driver, Monitor=monitor);
### Starting DPI subsystem generation for UVM test bench
### Starting build procedure for model: PulseDetector
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper PulseDetector_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper PulseDetector_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: PulseDetector_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: PulseDetector

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model          Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
PulseDetector  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 58.21s
### Starting build procedure for model: GenPulse
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper GenPulse_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper GenPulse_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: GenPulse_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: GenPulse

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model     Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
GenPulse  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 31.474s
### Starting build procedure for model: InputDriver
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper InputDriver_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper InputDriver_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: InputDriver_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: InputDriver

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model        Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
InputDriver  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 22.829s
### Starting build procedure for model: OutputMonitor
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper OutputMonitor_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper OutputMonitor_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: OutputMonitor_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: OutputMonitor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model          Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
OutputMonitor  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 22.874s
### Starting build procedure for model: CheckDetection
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper CheckDetection_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper CheckDetection_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: CheckDetection_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: CheckDetection

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model           Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
CheckDetection  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 39.196s
### Starting build procedure for model: PulseDetectorRef
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper PulseDetectorRef_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper PulseDetectorRef_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: PulseDetectorRef_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: PulseDetectorRef

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model             Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
PulseDetectorRef  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 23.232s
### Starting UVM test bench generation for model: pulsedetector_tb
### Generating UVM transaction object ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/scoreboard/
### Generating UVM interface ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM sequence ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/sequence/
### Generating UVM sequencer ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/sequence/
### Generating UVM sequence transaction ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/sequence/
### Generating UVM driver ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/driver/
### Generating UVM monitor ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/monitor/
### Generating UVM input monitor ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM Reference Model ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/predictor/
### Generating UVM transaction object ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/predictor/
### Generating UVM agent ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM scoreboard ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/scoreboard/
### Generating UVM scoreboard configuration object ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/scoreboard/
### Generating UVM environment ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM test ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM top ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/
### Generating UVM test package ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/
### Generating UVM test bench simulation script for Mentor Graphics QuestaSim/Modelsim ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/
### Generating UVM test bench simulation script for Cadence Xcelium ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/
### Generating UVM test bench simulation script for Synopsys VCS ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/


モデルでは、応答チェックは、アサーション チェック ブロックで使用されるエラーしきい値変数によってパラメーター化されます。SystemVerilog モデルでは Simulink.Parameter 要素、pErrorThreshold を使用して保持するパラメータとして指定します。この仕様では、ゴールデンリファレンスと実際の DUT 間の誤差差の許容範囲を反映して、デフォルト値として 5.0 パーセントが指定されています。(このテストベンチでは、不一致は検出ロジックの倍精度実装と固定小数点実装によるものです。)

scoreboard block mask showing that the upper bound parameter is set to pErrorThreshold.

生成された UVM コードでは、パラメータは構成オブジェクト mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard_cfg_obj に配置されます。



mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard_cfg_obj 構成オブジェクトは、テストのビルド フェーズでインスタンス化されます (mw_PulseDetector_test)。



スコアボード mw_PulseDetector_scoreboardstart_of_simulation_phase 関数で、uvm_config_db データベースを介して mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard_cfg_obj 構成オブジェクトを設定します。




当初のテスト計画では、許容範囲は 5.0 パーセントとされていました。後で、より安全性が重要な要件を反映するために設計仕様が 1.0% に厳しくなった場合は、コマンド ラインを使用してこれを実行できます。サポート スクリプトは環境変数を使用して、SystemVerilog コマンド ラインと引数に影響を与えます。

提供されるスクリプトには、Questa® を実行する環境用の MathWorks 固有のセットアップが含まれています。インストールに合わせてコマンドを調整するか、別のシミュレーターを使用することを選択します。

current_simulator = 'Questa';

次に、UVM シミュレーションに影響する環境変数をクリアします。


次に、シミュレータを選択し、plusarg オーバーライドを使用して UVM テストベンチをシミュレートします。

cd uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top

% Simulate with an SNR of 2.0 and an error threshold of 1.0 percent.
setenv EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS '+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +RTWStructParam_pErrorThreshold=1.0'
switch current_simulator
    case 'Questa',     ! vsim -c -do
    case 'Questa_gui', ! vsim -do
    case 'Xcelium',    ! ./
    case 'VCS',        ! ./
Reading pref.tcl

# 2022.2

# do
# +SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +RTWStructParam_pErrorThreshold=1.0
# QuestaSim-64 vlog 2022.2 Compiler 2022.04 Apr 25 2022
# Start time: 17:37:23 on Jun 14,2023
# vlog -timescale 1ns/1ns ../DPI_dut/ ../sequence/ ../scoreboard/ ../driver/ ../monitor/ ../predictor/ "+define+MG_SIM" 
# -- Compiling package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# ** Note: (vlog-2286) Using implicit +incdir+/mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src from import uvm_pkg
# -- Compiling package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# -- Importing package mtiUvm.uvm_pkg (uvm-1.1d Built-in)
# -- Importing package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# ** Warning: ** while parsing file included at
# ** at ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# -- Compiling package mw_PulseDetector_top_sv_unit
# -- Importing package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# -- Compiling module PulseDetector_dpi
# ** Warning: ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# -- Compiling interface mw_PulseDetector_if
# -- Compiling module mw_PulseDetector_top
# Top level modules:
# 	mw_PulseDetector_top
# End time: 17:37:24 on Jun 14,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:01
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 2
# vsim "+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000" "+RTWStructParam_pErrorThreshold=1.0" -L work -voptargs="+acc" -sv_lib ../DPI_dut/PulseDetector -sv_lib ../sequence/GenPulse -sv_lib ../scoreboard/CheckDetection -sv_lib ../driver/InputDriver -sv_lib ../monitor/OutputMonitor -sv_lib ../predictor/PulseDetectorRef "+UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test" mw_PulseDetector_top "+define+MG_SIM" 
# Start time: 17:37:24 on Jun 14,2023
# ** Note: (vsim-3812) Design is being optimized...
# ** Warning: (vopt-10587) Some optimizations are turned off because the +acc switch is in effect. This will cause your simulation to run slowly. Please use -access/-debug to maintain needed visibility.
# ** Warning: ../DPI_dut/ (vopt-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# ** Note: (vsim-12126) Error and warning message counts have been restored: Errors=0, Warnings=2.
# //  Questa Sim-64
# //  Version 2022.2 linux_x86_64 Apr 25 2022
# //
# //  Copyright 1991-2022 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# //  All Rights Reserved.
# //
# //  QuestaSim and its associated documentation contain trade
# //  secrets and commercial or financial information that are the property of
# //  Mentor Graphics Corporation and are privileged, confidential,
# //  and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
# //  5 U.S.C. Section 552. Furthermore, this information
# //  is prohibited from disclosure under the Trade Secrets Act,
# //  18 U.S.C. Section 1905.
# //
# Loading sv_std.std
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast)
# Loading work.OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.InputDriver_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.CheckDetection_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.GenPulse_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.pulsedetector_tb_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetector_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_top_sv_unit(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.questa_uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_top(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast__2)
# Loading work.PulseDetector_dpi(fast)
# Loading ./../DPI_dut/
# Loading ./../sequence/
# Loading ./../scoreboard/
# Loading ./../driver/
# Loading ./../monitor/
# Loading ./../predictor/
# Loading /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/linux_x86_64/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# UVM-1.1d
# (C) 2007-2013 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# (C) 2007-2013 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
# (C) 2006-2013 Synopsys, Inc.
# (C) 2011-2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
#   ***********       IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES         ************
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   with `UVM_NO_DEPRECATED undefined.
#   See for more details.
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   See for more details.
#       (Specify +UVM_NO_RELNOTES to turn off this notice)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM] QUESTA_UVM-1.2.3
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM]  questa_uvm::init(+struct)
# UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test mw_PulseDetector_test...
# ** Info: Gathering coverage for           2 Simulink verify() calls.
#    Time: 0 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.initVerifyInfo File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 251
# [FrameNum=  0] No peak found in Ref or Impl.
# [FrameNum=  1] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.280 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.285 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.004 (1.551%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 50020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 50020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum=  2] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.194 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.006 (2.881%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 100020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 100020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum=  3] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.224 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.234 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.010 (4.623%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 150020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 150020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum=  4] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.209 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.009 (4.346%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 200020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 200020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum=  5] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.255 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.257 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.002 (0.735%)
# [FrameNum=  6] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.250 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.009 (3.660%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 300020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 300020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum=  7] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.243 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.002 (0.790%)
# [FrameNum=  8] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.231 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.007 (3.076%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 400020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 400020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum=  9] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.239 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.254 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.015 (6.083%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 450020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 450020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 10] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.230 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.005 (2.242%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 500020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 500020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 11] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.207 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.221 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.014 (6.697%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 550020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 550020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 12] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.265 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.260 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.005 (2.014%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 600020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 600020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_objection.svh(1267) @ 650000: reporter [TEST_DONE] 'run' phase is ready to proceed to the 'extract' phase
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:757', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:744', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Overall coverage for CheckDetection_dpi_verify_calls: metric=100.00 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 376
# --- UVM Report Summary ---
# ** Report counts by severity
# UVM_INFO :    4
# UVM_WARNING :    0
# UVM_ERROR :    0
# UVM_FATAL :    0
# ** Report counts by id
# [Questa UVM]     2
# [RNTST]     1
# [TEST_DONE]     1
# ** Note: $finish    : /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_root.svh(430)
#    Time: 650 us  Iteration: 61  Instance: /mw_PulseDetector_top
# End time: 17:37:46 on Jun 14,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:22
# Errors: 20, Warnings: 2
cd ../../..

SNR が 2.0 の場合、設計はほとんどの場合、新しい 1.0 パーセントのエラーしきい値に違反していることがわかります。


メモ: UVM テストベンチでのカバー グループの生成と収集には、Simulink Test ™ が必要です。

カバレッジ目標を設定することで、エラーしきい値を満たす必要がある検出されたフレームの数を指定できます。verify() 呼び出し、アサーション ブロック、および Simulink モデル検証ブロックを含むテスト評価ブロックとテスト シーケンス ブロックはすべて、カバレッジ情報を生成します。詳細については、SystemVerilogアサーションと機能カバレッジを生成する および例 Simulink Test verify 呼び出しから SystemVerilog で機能カバレッジを生成する を参照してください。

このモデルでは、Checker サブシステムの Check Static Upper Bound ブロックは、生成された UVM テストベンチでカバレッジ ID が pulsedetector_tb:744 になります。EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS のプラス引数を使用して、代替の SNR 値、エラーしきい値、およびカバレッジ目標を設定できます。次に例を示します。

  • 13 フレームすべてがエラーしきい値を通過する必要があることを表します。SNR が 2.0 でしきい値が 5 パーセントの場合、1 つまたは 2 つのフレームがしきい値を満たさないことがよくあり、このカバレッジ目標は達成されない可能性があります。

setenv EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS '+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +RTWStructParam_pErrorThreshold=5.0 +pulsedetector_tb:744=13'
  • 予測値と実際の値の境界の比較を排除するために、エラーしきい値を上げます。このしきい値により、カバレッジ目標が達成されます。

setenv EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS '+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +RTWStructParam_pErrorThreshold=10.0 +pulsedetector_tb:744=13'
  • 5 パーセントのエラーしきい値を維持し、カバレッジ目標の成功率を低く設定します。

setenv EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS '+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +RTWStructParam_pErrorThreshold=5.0 +pulsedetector_tb:744=8'


スコアボード構成オブジェクトはメンバーであるため、テストから直接値を生成して設定できます。ここでは、[4.00、8.00]パーセントの範囲でしきい値をランダム化します。しきい値は real タイプであるため、直接ランダム化することはできません。



これらの新しいクラスを使用して UVM シミュレーションを実行するには、環境変数を通じて指定された追加の引数を含む元のスクリプトを使用できます。

cd uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top
setenv EXTRA_UVM_COMP_ARGS '-f ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/extra_comp_args.f'
setenv EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS '+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM'
switch current_simulator
    case 'Questa',     ! vsim -c -do
    case 'Questa_gui', ! vsim -do
    case 'Xcelium',    ! ./
    case 'VCS',        ! ./
Reading pref.tcl

# 2022.2

# do
# -f ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/extra_comp_args.f
# +SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM
# ** Warning: (vlib-34) Library already exists at "work".
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 1
# QuestaSim-64 vlog 2022.2 Compiler 2022.04 Apr 25 2022
# Start time: 17:37:47 on Jun 14,2023
# vlog -timescale 1ns/1ns ../DPI_dut/ ../sequence/ ../scoreboard/ ../driver/ ../monitor/ ../predictor/ -f ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/extra_comp_args.f "+define+MG_SIM" 
# -- Compiling package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# ** Note: (vlog-2286) Using implicit +incdir+/mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src from import uvm_pkg
# -- Compiling package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# -- Importing package mtiUvm.uvm_pkg (uvm-1.1d Built-in)
# -- Importing package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg
# -- Importing package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# ** Warning: ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/./ (vlog-2240) Treating stand-alone use of function 'randomize' as an implicit VOID cast.
# ** Warning: ** while parsing file included at
# ** at ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# ** Warning: ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13233) Design unit "mw_PulseDetector_top_sv_unit" already exists and will be overwritten. Design unit compiled with different set of options.
# -- Compiling package mw_PulseDetector_top_sv_unit
# -- Importing package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg
# -- Compiling module PulseDetector_dpi
# ** Warning: ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# -- Compiling interface mw_PulseDetector_if
# -- Compiling module mw_PulseDetector_top
# Top level modules:
# 	mw_PulseDetector_top
# End time: 17:37:47 on Jun 14,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 4
# vsim "+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000" "+UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM" -L work -voptargs="+acc" -sv_lib ../DPI_dut/PulseDetector -sv_lib ../sequence/GenPulse -sv_lib ../scoreboard/CheckDetection -sv_lib ../driver/InputDriver -sv_lib ../monitor/OutputMonitor -sv_lib ../predictor/PulseDetectorRef "+UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test" mw_PulseDetector_top "+define+MG_SIM" 
# Start time: 17:37:47 on Jun 14,2023
# ** Note: (vsim-3813) Design is being optimized due to module recompilation...
# ** Warning: (vopt-10587) Some optimizations are turned off because the +acc switch is in effect. This will cause your simulation to run slowly. Please use -access/-debug to maintain needed visibility.
# ** Warning: ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/./ (vopt-2240) Treating stand-alone use of function 'randomize' as an implicit VOID cast.
# ** Warning: ../DPI_dut/ (vopt-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# ** Note: (vsim-12126) Error and warning message counts have been restored: Errors=0, Warnings=3.
# //  Questa Sim-64
# //  Version 2022.2 linux_x86_64 Apr 25 2022
# //
# //  Copyright 1991-2022 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# //  All Rights Reserved.
# //
# //  QuestaSim and its associated documentation contain trade
# //  secrets and commercial or financial information that are the property of
# //  Mentor Graphics Corporation and are privileged, confidential,
# //  and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
# //  5 U.S.C. Section 552. Furthermore, this information
# //  is prohibited from disclosure under the Trade Secrets Act,
# //  18 U.S.C. Section 1905.
# //
# Loading sv_std.std
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast)
# Loading work.OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.InputDriver_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.CheckDetection_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.GenPulse_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.pulsedetector_tb_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetector_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_top_sv_unit(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.questa_uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_top(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast__2)
# Loading work.PulseDetector_dpi(fast)
# Loading ./../DPI_dut/
# Loading ./../sequence/
# Loading ./../scoreboard/
# Loading ./../driver/
# Loading ./../monitor/
# Loading ./../predictor/
# Loading /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/linux_x86_64/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# UVM-1.1d
# (C) 2007-2013 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# (C) 2007-2013 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
# (C) 2006-2013 Synopsys, Inc.
# (C) 2011-2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
#   ***********       IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES         ************
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   with `UVM_NO_DEPRECATED undefined.
#   See for more details.
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   See for more details.
#       (Specify +UVM_NO_RELNOTES to turn off this notice)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM] QUESTA_UVM-1.2.3
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM]  questa_uvm::init(+struct)
# UVM_WARNING @ 0: reporter [MULTTST] Multiple (2) +UVM_TESTNAME arguments provided on the command line.  'mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM' will be used.  Provided list: mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM, mw_PulseDetector_test.
# UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM...
# UVM_INFO ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/./ @ 0: uvm_test_top [mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM] Setting error threshold to 5.200 percent
# ** Info: Gathering coverage for           2 Simulink verify() calls.
#    Time: 0 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.initVerifyInfo File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 251
# [FrameNum=  0] No peak found in Ref or Impl.
# [FrameNum=  1] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.280 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.285 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.004 (1.551%)
# [FrameNum=  2] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.194 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.006 (2.881%)
# [FrameNum=  3] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.224 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.234 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.010 (4.623%)
# [FrameNum=  4] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.209 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.009 (4.346%)
# [FrameNum=  5] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.255 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.257 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.002 (0.735%)
# [FrameNum=  6] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.250 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.009 (3.660%)
# [FrameNum=  7] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.243 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.002 (0.790%)
# [FrameNum=  8] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.231 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.007 (3.076%)
# [FrameNum=  9] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.239 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.254 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.015 (6.083%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 450020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 450020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 10] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.230 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.005 (2.242%)
# [FrameNum= 11] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.207 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.221 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.014 (6.697%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 550020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 550020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 12] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.265 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.260 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.005 (2.014%)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_objection.svh(1267) @ 650000: reporter [TEST_DONE] 'run' phase is ready to proceed to the 'extract' phase
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:757', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:744', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Overall coverage for CheckDetection_dpi_verify_calls: metric=100.00 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 376
# --- UVM Report Summary ---
# ** Report counts by severity
# UVM_INFO :    5
# UVM_WARNING :    1
# UVM_ERROR :    0
# UVM_FATAL :    0
# ** Report counts by id
# [MULTTST]     1
# [Questa UVM]     2
# [RNTST]     1
# [TEST_DONE]     1
# [mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM]     1
# ** Note: $finish    : /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_root.svh(430)
#    Time: 650 us  Iteration: 61  Instance: /mw_PulseDetector_top
# End time: 17:38:06 on Jun 14,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:19
# Errors: 4, Warnings: 3
cd ../../..



派生スコアボード構成オブジェクトを作成することにより、構成設定のより洗練されたランダム化を作成することもできます。この例では、テスト プランでは、検出器のさまざまな動作環境を反映したさまざまな範囲にしきい値が収まる必要があります。



  • randc として宣言された threshold_bucket メンバーを追加します。

  • しきい値の範囲を示すには、threshold_bucket メンバーを使用します。

  • シミュレーション中に検査するためにランダム化された値を出力します。


新しいテストが作成され、UVM ファクトリに新しい構成オブジェクトを使用し、ビルド フェーズ中にその設定をランダム化するように指示します。


これらの新しいクラスを使用して UVM シミュレーションを実行するには、環境変数を通じて指定された追加の引数を含む元のスクリプトを使用できます。

cd uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top
setenv EXTRA_UVM_COMP_ARGS '-f ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/extra_comp_args.f'
setenv EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS '+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM2'
switch current_simulator
    case 'Questa',     ! vsim -c -do
    case 'Questa_gui', ! vsim -do
    case 'Xcelium',    ! ./
    case 'VCS',        ! ./
Reading pref.tcl

# 2022.2

# do
# -f ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/extra_comp_args.f
# +SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM2
# ** Warning: (vlib-34) Library already exists at "work".
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 1
# QuestaSim-64 vlog 2022.2 Compiler 2022.04 Apr 25 2022
# Start time: 17:38:07 on Jun 14,2023
# vlog -timescale 1ns/1ns ../DPI_dut/ ../sequence/ ../scoreboard/ ../driver/ ../monitor/ ../predictor/ -f ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/extra_comp_args.f "+define+MG_SIM" 
# -- Compiling package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# ** Note: (vlog-2286) Using implicit +incdir+/mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src from import uvm_pkg
# -- Compiling package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# -- Importing package mtiUvm.uvm_pkg (uvm-1.1d Built-in)
# -- Importing package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg
# -- Importing package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# ** Warning: ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/./ (vlog-2240) Treating stand-alone use of function 'randomize' as an implicit VOID cast.
# ** Warning: ** while parsing file included at
# ** at ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# -- Compiling package mw_PulseDetector_top_sv_unit
# -- Importing package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg
# -- Compiling module PulseDetector_dpi
# ** Warning: ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# -- Compiling interface mw_PulseDetector_if
# -- Compiling module mw_PulseDetector_top
# Top level modules:
# 	mw_PulseDetector_top
# End time: 17:38:08 on Jun 14,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:01
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 3
# vsim "+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000" "+UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM2" -L work -voptargs="+acc" -sv_lib ../DPI_dut/PulseDetector -sv_lib ../sequence/GenPulse -sv_lib ../scoreboard/CheckDetection -sv_lib ../driver/InputDriver -sv_lib ../monitor/OutputMonitor -sv_lib ../predictor/PulseDetectorRef "+UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test" mw_PulseDetector_top "+define+MG_SIM" 
# Start time: 17:38:08 on Jun 14,2023
# ** Note: (vsim-8009) Loading existing optimized design _opt
# //  Questa Sim-64
# //  Version 2022.2 linux_x86_64 Apr 25 2022
# //
# //  Copyright 1991-2022 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# //  All Rights Reserved.
# //
# //  QuestaSim and its associated documentation contain trade
# //  secrets and commercial or financial information that are the property of
# //  Mentor Graphics Corporation and are privileged, confidential,
# //  and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
# //  5 U.S.C. Section 552. Furthermore, this information
# //  is prohibited from disclosure under the Trade Secrets Act,
# //  18 U.S.C. Section 1905.
# //
# Loading sv_std.std
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast)
# Loading work.OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.InputDriver_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.CheckDetection_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.GenPulse_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.pulsedetector_tb_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetector_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_top_sv_unit(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.questa_uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_top(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast__2)
# Loading work.PulseDetector_dpi(fast)
# Loading ./../DPI_dut/
# Loading ./../sequence/
# Loading ./../scoreboard/
# Loading ./../driver/
# Loading ./../monitor/
# Loading ./../predictor/
# Loading /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/linux_x86_64/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# UVM-1.1d
# (C) 2007-2013 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# (C) 2007-2013 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
# (C) 2006-2013 Synopsys, Inc.
# (C) 2011-2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
#   ***********       IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES         ************
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   with `UVM_NO_DEPRECATED undefined.
#   See for more details.
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   See for more details.
#       (Specify +UVM_NO_RELNOTES to turn off this notice)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM] QUESTA_UVM-1.2.3
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM]  questa_uvm::init(+struct)
# UVM_WARNING @ 0: reporter [MULTTST] Multiple (2) +UVM_TESTNAME arguments provided on the command line.  'mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM2' will be used.  Provided list: mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM2, mw_PulseDetector_test.
# UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test mw_PulseDetector_test_SCRPRM2...
# UVM_INFO ../../../overrides_SCRPRM/./ @ 0: reporter [mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard_cfg_CRT] Setting error threshold to 5.16 percent
# ** Info: Gathering coverage for           2 Simulink verify() calls.
#    Time: 0 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.initVerifyInfo File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 251
# [FrameNum=  0] No peak found in Ref or Impl.
# [FrameNum=  1] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.280 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.285 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.004 (1.551%)
# [FrameNum=  2] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.194 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.006 (2.881%)
# [FrameNum=  3] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.224 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.234 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.010 (4.623%)
# [FrameNum=  4] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.209 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.009 (4.346%)
# [FrameNum=  5] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.255 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.257 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.002 (0.735%)
# [FrameNum=  6] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.250 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.009 (3.660%)
# [FrameNum=  7] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.243 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.002 (0.790%)
# [FrameNum=  8] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.231 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.007 (3.076%)
# [FrameNum=  9] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.239 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.254 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.015 (6.083%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 450020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 450020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 10] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.230 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.005 (2.242%)
# [FrameNum= 11] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.207 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.221 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.014 (6.697%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 550020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 550020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 12] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.265 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.260 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.005 (2.014%)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_objection.svh(1267) @ 650000: reporter [TEST_DONE] 'run' phase is ready to proceed to the 'extract' phase
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:757', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:744', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Overall coverage for CheckDetection_dpi_verify_calls: metric=100.00 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 376
# --- UVM Report Summary ---
# ** Report counts by severity
# UVM_INFO :    5
# UVM_WARNING :    1
# UVM_ERROR :    0
# UVM_FATAL :    0
# ** Report counts by id
# [MULTTST]     1
# [Questa UVM]     2
# [RNTST]     1
# [TEST_DONE]     1
# [mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard_cfg_CRT]     1
# ** Note: $finish    : /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_root.svh(430)
#    Time: 650 us  Iteration: 61  Instance: /mw_PulseDetector_top
# End time: 17:38:26 on Jun 14,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:18
# Errors: 4, Warnings: 0
cd ../../..



完全な UVM 環境では、ランダム化が導入されるたびに、カバレッジを含め、環境のさまざまな部分がどのランダム値が生成されたかを認識するようにすることが通常不可欠です。これらの例では、ランダム化された値が単純に出力されます。生成されたエラーしきい値のカバレッジを追加し、多数のシミュレーション実行を通じて実際の信号エラーを分析することは、読者に残された課題です。




Simulink からパラメータ化された UVM テストベンチを生成する

UVM テストベンチで動作 DUT を RTL DUT に置き換える