Implementing a PLCnext-Based Turbine Control System in Simulink
Jakoba Reimann, Sokratel GmbH
Model-Based Design provides an efficient approach to modeling and designing control systems. Both the controller and the plant model are implemented in MATLAB® and Simulink®. By linking these models, you can optimally analyze the controller and adapt it to the environment and the plant. Different stages of testing like unit tests or model-in-the-loop tests are optimally implemented with Simulink Test™. Further advantages like a visual representation of data flow, intuitive language learning, and smooth implementation of new features make Simulink the ideal choice for Sokratel’s task of implementing a PLCnext-based wind turbine control system. This talk focuses on the following topics:
- What is Model-Based Design and why does Sokratel use it?
- The iterative process of refining a requirement from the idea to the prototype
- Introduction to the process based on a small example
- Toolchain integration: How Sokratel automates daily work
- Testing concept: Hardware-in-the-loop testing with the PLCnext system
After this talk, you will have an idea of how to successfully lead your team on the road from MATLAB and Simulink development to the final product on hardware.
Published: 8 May 2023