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結果 1,457 件

Climate Data Toolbox for MATLAB

バージョン 1.01

作成者: Chad Greene

A set of low-level functions and tutorials for analyzing and displaying Earth science data.

Easy to use, GUI based tool to capture, analyze, validate, postprocess, visualize and simulate PIV data.


バージョン 2024.0

作成者: Arnaud Delorme

A toolbox for processing electrophysiological data

Medical Image Processing Toolbox

バージョン 1.5

作成者: Alberto Gomez

Classes and functions for N-dimensional medical image processing, inspired by ITK

Generate unstructured meshes for general two-dimensional geometries.



作成者: Medical Incubator Tuebingen

The most advanced toolbox for neuroscience stimulus presentation, response collection and data collection.


バージョン 7.0

作成者: Harry Dymond

Convert numbers to engineering notation strings, or use SI-prefixes instead. Offers extensive customisation. Also works on axes tick labels.

hg = plotframe( rotationMatrix, translationVector, basisVectorLengths, Name=Value )

The codes of a novel astrophysics-inspired meta-heuristic optimization algorithm, namely Transit Search (TS)

dsPIC, PIC32, SAMx2, SAMx5 and SAMx7 support package

Fast 2D peak finder


作成者: Adi Natan

Find local maxima \ peak positions in noisy 2D arrays


バージョン 1.0.6

作成者: Sefa Aras

Fitness-Distance Balance (FDB): A New Selection Method for Meta-Heuristic Search Algorithms

A notable use case is to simulate RGB or Kinect (depth) camera images for computer vision applications.


バージョン 1.0

作成者: Zakir Hussain

Generates WLAN LDPC config variables in the format supported by ldpcEncode() and ldpcDecode() functions of MATLAB (supported from 2021b)

This is the code of the Semi-Supervised Deep Rule-Based Classifier

The attached files show how to send/receive Simulink data using python while the simulation is running.


バージョン 1.6.5

作成者: Federico Miretti

Solve finite horizon multi-stage deterministic decision problems using Dynamic Programming



作成者: Philip Kollmannsberger

Calculates the 3D skeleton of an arbitrary binary volume using parallel medial axis thinning.



作成者: Olivier Lartillot

An innovative environment, on top of Matlab, for music and audio analysis

A Matlab class for EPANET water distribution simulation libraries

Pink, red, blue and violet noise generation via spectral processing of a white noise.

Time-Frequency analysis via Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT).

Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization

バージョン 1.31.4

作成者: Sam

Implementation of a PSO algorithm with the same syntax as the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox.

Rbeast or BEAST is a Bayesian algorithm to detect changepoints and decompose time series into trend, seasonality, and abrupt changes.

Restart MATLAB

バージョン 1.0.0

作成者: Jeno Boka

This simple script starts a new instance of MATLAB, and closes the instance from which it was called.


バージョン 1.0.1

作成者: Sefa Aras

A novel Stochastic Fractal Search Algorithm with Fitness-Distance Balance for Global Numerical Optimization

Telegram Bot Toolbox API


作成者: Aleksei Kukin

The Telegram Bot Toolbox API created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram.

Code with visualization and excercises. Camera supported

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)


作成者: Pramit Biswas

Searching/Tuning/Optimizing by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method

This toolbox offers convolution neural networks (CNN) using k-fold cross-validation, which are simple and easy to implement.

A simple toolbox for the creation of ensembles of classifiers and regressors.

This single MATLAB file generates the nonlinear dynamics of any manipulator which obeys Denavit-Hartenberg parameters.


バージョン 1.2

作成者: Chad Greene

Empirical Orthogonal Functions tailored for spatiotemporal analysis, with a tutorial.

Generate finite element mesh based on 2D multi-phase image, with polyline and smoothing and simplification features.

Electrolyzer modelling toolbox


作成者: Pietari Puranen

Water electrolysis modelling toolbox for UI curve parametrization

RTFS assists in building complex transmission line models for short-circuit analysis in power systems.

Electric Aircraft Model in Simscape


作成者: Steve Miller

Electric and hybrid electric aircraft models for component sizing

Set the range of radii, density, and other parameters to create a plot that draws randomly centered polygons with or without overlap.

Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Problem version 1

バージョン 1.0.0

作成者: Houssem

Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Problem version 1 using metaheuristics

TPMS Designer


作成者: Alistair Jones

TPMS Designer is a toolbox to aid in design and analysis of cellular structures


バージョン 5.2.1

作成者: Alistair Dieppe

The Bayesian Estimation, Analysis and Regression toolbox (BEAR)

Decoupled active and reactive power control for a three-phase inverter connected to the utility grid based on the PI controller.

Ohms Law Using MATLAB Simulink (with and without using GOTO) - K. Karthik Kumar

A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB

This code calculates 2D/3D specific surface of porous media using 2D images

Estimation whether a given signal is wide-sense stationarity using a novel method.

Método da Bisseção; Método de Newton-Raphson; Método da Secante; Eliminação Gaussiana; Decomposição LU.

These files present learning and error reduction with the SDRE controller augmented by an iterative learning control approach.

A Simple Finite Volume Solver for Matlab


作成者: Ehsan

A simple yet general purpose FVM solver for transient convection diffusion PDE

Generate Data for Clustering

バージョン 2.0.1

作成者: Nuno Fachada

Generates 2D data for clustering.

dynamic FDB Selection Method: An improved version Fitness Distance Balance dfDB-MRFO: Improved Manta Ray Foraging Optimizer with dFDB


バージョン 2.2

作成者: Nils B

This Toolbox converts the header of matlab code files into HTML documents and adds those to the matlab documentation.

Skel2Graph 3D


作成者: Philip Kollmannsberger

Calculate the network graph of a 3D voxel skeleton.


バージョン 1.0.0

作成者: Kohei Yatabe

A simple and user-friendly tool for computing STFT/DGT

A hybrid metaheuristic optimization algorithm that combines strong points of FA and PSO

GUI version of Im2mesh. Generate finite element mesh based on 2D multi-phase image, with polyline smoothing and simplification features.


バージョン 1.0.1

作成者: Yui Chun Leung

MATLAB implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks -- from GAN to Pixel2Pixel, CycleGAN

Sample Entropy

バージョン 1.1.0

作成者: Víctor Martínez-Cagigal

A bearable and vectorized implementation of Sample Entropy (SampEn).

Line-Profile Analysis Software (LIPRAS)

バージョン 1.466.2.0

作成者: Giovanni Esteves

Peak fitting GUI for Diffraction Data




Corrects perspective in an image.

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