Simple Deep Learning Algorithms with K-fold Cross-Validation

バージョン 1.1 (4.28 KB) 作成者: Jingwei Too
This toolbox offers convolution neural networks (CNN) using k-fold cross-validation, which are simple and easy to implement.
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更新 2020/12/20

Jx-DLT : Deep Learning Toolbox

* This toolbox contains the convolution neural network (CNN)

* The < Main.m file > shows examples of how to use CNN programs with the benchmark data set. Note we demo the CNN using one to three convolution layers setup.

* Detail of this toolbox can be found at



Too, Jingwei, et al. “Featureless EMG Pattern Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Network.” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 14, no. 3, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, June 2019, p. 1291, doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v14.i3.pp1291-1297.

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