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Similar to what has happened with the wishlist threads (#1 #2 #3 #4 #5), the "what frustrates you about MATLAB" thread has become very large. This makes navigation difficult and increases page load times.
So here is the follow-up page.
What should you post where?
Next Gen threads (#1): features that would break compatibility with previous versions, but would be nice to have
@anyone posting a new thread when the last one gets too large (about 50 answers seems a reasonable limit per thread), please update this list in all last threads. (if you don't have editing privileges, just post a comment asking someone to do the edit)
I was browsing the MathWorks website and decided to check the Cody leaderboard. To my surprise, William has now solved 5,000 problems. At the moment, there are 5,227 problems on Cody, so William has solved over 95%. The next competitor is over 500 problems behind. His score is also clearly the highest, approaching 60,000.
Explore the newest online training courses, available as of 2024b: one new Onramp, eight new short courses, and one new learning path. Yes, that’s 10 new offerings. We’ve been busy.
As a reminder, Onramps are free to all. Short courses and learning paths require a subscription to the Online Training Suite (OTS).
- Multibody Simulation Onramp
- Analyzing Results in Simulink
- Battery Pack Modeling
- Introduction to Motor Control
- Signal Processing Techniques for Streaming Signals
- Core Signal Processing Techniques in MATLAB (learning path – includes the four short courses listed below)
Want to do this right, since we are switching parts entirely from another manufacturing method. Have both 2D and 3D drawings for the existing parts, and have some leeway for tolerances and non-critical geometeries. Looking for anything even close to this concept ...
syms u v
function Z = atan2alt(V,U)
% extension of atan2(V,U) into the complex plane
Z = -1i*log((U+1i*V)./sqrt(U.^2+V.^2));
% check for purely real input. if so, zero out the imaginary part.
realInputs = (imag(U) == 0) & (imag(V) == 0);
Z(realInputs) = real(Z(realInputs));
As I am editing this post, I see the expected symbolic display in the nice form as have grown to love. However, when I save the post, it does not display. (In fact, it shows up here in the discussions post.) This seems to be a new problem, as I have not seen that failure mode in the past.
You can see the problem in this Answer forum response of mine, where it did fail.
Hot off the heels of my High Performance Computing experience in the Czech republic, I've just booked my flights to Atlanta for this year's supercomputing conference at SC24.
Will any of you be there?
RGB triplet [0,1]
RGB triplet [0,255]
Hexadecimal Color Code
Indexed color
Truecolor array
Equally unfamiliar with all-above
2327 票
Create a struct arrays where each struct has field names "a," "b," and "c," which store different types of data. What efficient methods do you have to assign values from individual variables "a," "b," and "c" to each struct element? Here are five methods I've provided, listed in order of decreasing efficiency. What do you think?
Create an array of 10,000 structures, each containing each of the elements corresponding to the a,b,c variables.
num = 10000;
a = (1:num)';
b = string(a);
c = rand(3,3,num);
Here are the methods;
%% method1
t1 =tic;
s = struct("a",[], ...
"b",[], ...
s1 = repmat(s,num,1);
for i = 1:num
s1(i).a = a(i);
s1(i).b = b(i);
s1(i).c = c(:,:,i);
t1 = toc(t1);
%% method2
t2 =tic;
for i = num:-1:1
s2(i).a = a(i);
s2(i).b = b(i);
s2(i).c = c(:,:,i);
t2 = toc(t2);
%% method3
t3 =tic;
for i = 1:num
s3(i).a = a(i);
s3(i).b = b(i);
s3(i).c = c(:,:,i);
t3 = toc(t3);
%% method4
t4 =tic;
ct = permute(c,[3,2,1]);
t = table(a,b,ct);
s4 = table2struct(t);
t4 = toc(t4);
%% method5
t5 =tic;
s5 = struct("a",num2cell(a),...
t5 = toc(t5);
%% plot
xtickformat('method %g')
Local large language models (LLMs), such as llama, phi3, and mistral, are now available in the Large Language Models (LLMs) with MATLAB repository through Ollama™!
Read about it here:
In the past two years, MATHWORKS has updated the image viewer and audio viewer, giving them a more modern interface with features like play, pause, fast forward, and some interactive tools that are more commonly found in typical third-party players. However, the video player has not seen any updates. For instance, the Video Viewer or vision.VideoPlayer could benefit from a more modern player interface. Perhaps I haven't found a suitable built-in player yet. It would be great if there were support for custom image processing and audio processing algorithms that could be played in a more modern interface in real time.
Additionally, I found it quite challenging to develop a modern video player from scratch in App Designer.(If there's a video component for that that would be great)
BTW,the following picture shows the built-in function uihtml function showing a more modern playback interface with controls for play, pause and so on. But can not add real-time image processing algorithms within it.
In case you haven't come across it yet, @Gareth created a Jokes toolbox to get MATLAB to tell you a joke.
Dear MATLAB contest enthusiasts,
In the 2023 MATLAB Mini Hack Contest, Tim Marston captivated everyone with his incredible animations, showcasing both creativity and skill, ultimately earning him the 1st prize.
We had the pleasure of interviewing Tim to delve into his inspiring story. You can read the full interview on MathWorks Blogs: Community Q&A – Tim Marston.
Last question: Are you ready for this year’s Mini Hack contest?
As far as I know, starting from MATLAB R2024b, the documentation is defaulted to be accessed online. However, the problem is that every time I open the official online documentation through my browser, it defaults or forcibly redirects to the documentation hosted site for my current geographic location, often with multiple pop-up reminders, which is very annoying!
Suggestion: Could there be an option to set preferences linked to my personal account so that the documentation defaults to my chosen language preference without having to deal with “forced reminders” or “forced redirection” based on my geographic location? I prefer reading the English documentation, but the website automatically redirects me to the Chinese documentation due to my geolocation, which is quite frustrating!
Mari is helping Dad work.
Don't use / What are Projects?
51+ (comment below)
3487 票
Swimming, diving
Other water-based sport
Other indoor arena sport
track, field
Other outdoor sport
346 票
Base case:
Suppose you need to do a computation many times. We are going to assume that this computation cannot be vectorized. The simplest case is to use a for loop:
number_of_elements = 1e6;
test_fcn = @(x) sqrt(x) / x;
for i = 1:number_of_elements
x(i) = test_fcn(i);
t_forward = toc;
disp(t_forward + " seconds")
This can easily be sped up by preallocating the variable that houses results:
x = zeros(number_of_elements, 1);
for i = 1:number_of_elements
x(i) = test_fcn(i);
t_forward_prealloc = toc;
disp(t_forward_prealloc + " seconds")
In this example, preallocation speeds up the loop by a factor of about three to four (running in R2024a). Comment below if you get dramatically different results.
disp(sprintf("%.1f", t_forward / t_forward_prealloc))
Run it in reverse:
Is there a way to skip the explicit preallocation and still be fast? Indeed, there is.
clear x
for i = number_of_elements:-1:1
x(i) = test_fcn(i);
t_backward = toc;
disp(t_backward + " seconds")
By running the loop backwards, the preallocation is implicitly performed during the first iteration and the loop runs in about the same time (within statistical noise):
disp(sprintf("%.2f", t_forward_prealloc / t_backward))
Do you get similar results when running this code? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Beneficial side effect:
Have you ever had to use a for loop to delete elements from a vector? If so, keeping track of index offsets can be tricky, as deleting any element shifts all those that come after. By running the for loop in reverse, you don't need to worry about index offsets while deleting elements.
Has this been eliminated? I've been at 31 or 32 for 30 days for awhile, but no badge. 10 badge was automatic.
D.R. Kaprekar was a self taught recreational mathematician, perhaps known mostly for some numbers that bear his name.
Today, I'll focus on Kaprekar's constant (as opposed to Kaprekar numbers.)
The idea is a simple one, embodied in these 5 steps.
1. Take any 4 digit integer, reduce to its decimal digits.
2. Sort the digits in decreasing order.
3. Flip the sequence of those digits, then recompose the two sets of sorted digits into 4 digit numbers. If there were any 0 digits, they will become leading zeros on the smaller number. In this case, a leading zero is acceptable to consider a number as a 4 digit integer.
4. Subtract the two numbers, smaller from the larger. The result will always have no more than 4 decimal digits. If it is less than 1000, then presume there are leading zero digits.
5. If necessary, repeat the above operation, until the result converges to a stable result, or until you see a cycle.
Since this process is deterministic, and must always result in a new 4 digit integer, it must either terminate at either an absorbing state, or in a cycle.
For example, consider the number 6174.
7641 - 1467
We get 6174 directly back. That seems rather surprising to me. But even more interesting is you will find all 4 digit numbers (excluding the pure rep-digit nmbers) will always terminate at 6174, after at most a few steps. For example, if we start with 1234
4321 - 1234
8730 - 0378
8532 - 2358
and we see that after 3 iterations of this process, we end at 6174. Similarly, if we start with 9998, it too maps to 6174 after 5 iterations.
9998 ==> 999 ==> 8991 ==> 8082 ==> 8532 ==> 6174
Why should that happen? That is, why should 6174 always drop out in the end? Clearly, since this is a deterministic proces which always produces another 4 digit integer (Assuming we treat integers with a leading zero as 4 digit integers), we must either end in some cycle, or we must end at some absorbing state. But for all (non-pure rep-digit) starting points to end at the same place, it seems just a bit surprising.
I always like to start a problem by working on a simpler problem, and see if it gives me some intuition about the process. I'll do the same thing here, but with a pair of two digit numbers. There are 100 possible two digit numbers, since we must treat all one digit numbers as having a "tens" digit of 0.
N = (0:99)';
Next, form the Kaprekar mapping for 2 digit numbers. This is easier than you may think, since we can do it in a very few lines of code on all possible inputs.
Ndig = dec2base(N,10,2) - '0';
Nmap = sort(Ndig,2,'descend')*[10;1] - sort(Ndig,2,'ascend')*[10;1];
I'll turn it into a graph, so we can visualize what happens. It also gives me an excuse to employ a very pretty set of tools in MATLAB.
G2 = graph(N+1,Nmap+1,[],cellstr(dec2base(N,10,2)));
Do you see what happens? All of the rep-digit numbers, like 11, 44, 55, etc., all map directly to 0, and they stay there, since 0 also maps into 0. We can see that in the star on the lower right.
G2cycles = cyclebasis(G2)
All other numbers eventually end up in the cycle:
That is
81 ==> 63 ==> 27 ==> 45 ==> 09 ==> and back to 81
looping forever.
Another way of trying to visualize what happens with 2 digit numbers is to use symbolics. Thus, if we assume any 2 digit number can be written as 10*T+U, where I'll assume T>=U, since we always sort the digits first
syms T U
(10*T + U) - (10*U+T)
So after one iteration for 2 digit numbers, the result maps ALWAYS to a new 2 digit number that is divisible by 9. And there are only 10 such 2 digit numbers that are divisible by 9. So the 2-digit case must resolve itself rather quickly.
What happens when we move to 3 digit numbers? Note that for any 3 digit number abc (without loss of generality, assume a >= b >= c) it almost looks like it reduces to the 2 digit probem, aince we have abc - cba. The middle digit will always cancel itself in the subtraction operation. Does that mean we should expect a cycle at the end, as happens with 2 digit numbers? A simple modification to our previous code will tell us the answer.
N = (0:999)';
Ndig = dec2base(N,10,3) - '0';
Nmap = sort(Ndig,2,'descend')*[100;10;1] - sort(Ndig,2,'ascend')*[100;10;1];
G3 = graph(N+1,Nmap+1,[],cellstr(dec2base(N,10,2)));
This one is more difficult to visualize, since there are 1000 nodes in the graph. However, we can clearly see two disjoint groups.
We can use cyclebasis to tell us the complete story again.
G3cycles = cyclebasis(G3)
And we see that all 3 digit numbers must either terminate at 000, or 495. For example, if we start with 181, we would see:
811 - 118
963 - 369
954 - 459
It will terminate there, forever trapped at 495. And cyclebasis tells us there are no other cycles besides the boring one at 000.
What is the maximum length of any such path to get to 495?
D3 = distances(G3,496) % Remember, MATLAB uses an index origin of 1
D3(isinf(D3)) = -inf; % some nodes can never reach 495, so they have an infinite distance
The maximum number of steps to get to 495 is 6 steps.
find(D3 == 6) - 1
So the 3 digit number 100 required 6 iterations to eventually reach 495.
shortestpath(G3,101,496) - 1
I think I've rather exhausted the 3 digit case. It is time now to move to the 4 digit problem, but we've already done all the hard work. The same scheme will apply to compute a graph. And the graph theory tools do all the hard work for us.
N = (0:9999)';
Ndig = dec2base(N,10,4) - '0';
Nmap = sort(Ndig,2,'descend')*[1000;100;10;1] - sort(Ndig,2,'ascend')*[1000;100;10;1];
G4 = graph(N+1,Nmap+1,[],cellstr(dec2base(N,10,2)));
And here we see the behavior, with one stable final point, 6174 as the only non-zero ending state. There are no circular cycles as we had for the 2-digit case.
How many iterations were necessary at most before termination?
D4 = distances(G4,6175);
D4(isinf(D4)) = -inf;
The plot tells the story here. The maximum number of iterations before termination is 7 for the 4 digit case.
find(D4 == 7,1,'last') - 1
shortestpath(G4,9986,6175) - 1
Can you go further? Are there 5 or 6 digit Kaprekar constants? Sadly, I have read that for more than 4 digits, things break down a bit, there is no 5 digit (or higher) Kaprekar constant.
We can verify that fact, at least for 5 digit numbers.
N = (0:99999)';
Ndig = dec2base(N,10,5) - '0';
Nmap = sort(Ndig,2,'descend')*[10000;1000;100;10;1] - sort(Ndig,2,'ascend')*[10000;1000;100;10;1];
G5 = graph(N+1,Nmap+1,[],cellstr(dec2base(N,10,2)));
The result here are 4 disjoint cycles. Of course the rep-digit cycle must always be on its own, but the other three cycles are also fully disjoint, and are of respective length 2, 4, and 4.
Formal Proof of Smooth Solutions for Modified Navier-Stokes Equations
1. Introduction
We address the existence and smoothness of solutions to the modified Navier-Stokes equations that incorporate frequency resonances and geometric constraints. Our goal is to prove that these modifications prevent singularities, leading to smooth solutions.
2. Mathematical Formulation
2.1 Modified Navier-Stokes Equations
Consider the Navier-Stokes equations with a frequency resonance term R(u,f)\mathbf{R}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{f})R(u,f) and geometric constraints:
∂u∂t+(u⋅∇)u=−∇pρ+ν∇2u+R(u,f)\frac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t} + (\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla) \mathbf{u} = -\frac{\nabla p}{\rho} + \nu \nabla^2 \mathbf{u} + \mathbf{R}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{f})∂t∂u+(u⋅∇)u=−ρ∇p+ν∇2u+R(u,f)
• u=u(t,x)\mathbf{u} = \mathbf{u}(t, \mathbf{x})u=u(t,x) is the velocity field.
• p=p(t,x)p = p(t, \mathbf{x})p=p(t,x) is the pressure field.
• ν\nuν is the kinematic viscosity.
• R(u,f)\mathbf{R}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{f})R(u,f) represents the frequency resonance effects.
• f\mathbf{f}f denotes external forces.
2.2 Boundary Conditions
The boundary conditions are:
u⋅n=0 on Γ\mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{n} = 0 \text{ on } \Gammau⋅n=0 on Γ
where Γ\GammaΓ represents the boundary of the domain Ω\OmegaΩ, and n\mathbf{n}n is the unit normal vector on Γ\GammaΓ.
3. Existence and Smoothness of Solutions
3.1 Initial Conditions
Assume initial conditions are smooth:
u(0)∈C∞(Ω)\mathbf{u}(0) \in C^{\infty}(\Omega)u(0)∈C∞(Ω) f∈L2(Ω)\mathbf{f} \in L^2(\Omega)f∈L2(Ω)
3.2 Energy Estimates
Define the total kinetic energy:
E(t)=12∫Ω∣u(t)∣2 dΩE(t) = \frac{1}{2} \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u}(t)^2 \, d\OmegaE(t)=21∫Ω∣u(t)∣2dΩ
Differentiate E(t)E(t)E(t) with respect to time:
dE(t)dt=∫Ωu⋅∂u∂t dΩ\frac{dE(t)}{dt} = \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \cdot \frac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t} \, d\OmegadtdE(t)=∫Ωu⋅∂t∂udΩ
Substitute the modified Navier-Stokes equation:
dE(t)dt=∫Ωu⋅[−∇pρ+ν∇2u+R] dΩ\frac{dE(t)}{dt} = \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \cdot \left[ -\frac{\nabla p}{\rho} + \nu \nabla^2 \mathbf{u} + \mathbf{R} \right] \, d\OmegadtdE(t)=∫Ωu⋅[−ρ∇p+ν∇2u+R]dΩ
Using the divergence-free condition (∇⋅u=0\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u} = 0∇⋅u=0):
∫Ωu⋅∇pρ dΩ=0\int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \cdot \frac{\nabla p}{\rho} \, d\Omega = 0∫Ωu⋅ρ∇pdΩ=0
dE(t)dt=−ν∫Ω∣∇u∣2 dΩ+∫Ωu⋅R dΩ\frac{dE(t)}{dt} = -\nu \int_{\Omega} \nabla \mathbf{u}^2 \, d\Omega + \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{R} \, d\OmegadtdE(t)=−ν∫Ω∣∇u∣2dΩ+∫Ωu⋅RdΩ
Assuming R\mathbf{R}R is bounded by a constant CCC:
∫Ωu⋅R dΩ≤C∫Ω∣u∣ dΩ\int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{R} \, d\Omega \leq C \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \, d\Omega∫Ωu⋅RdΩ≤C∫Ω∣u∣dΩ
Applying the Poincaré inequality:
∫Ω∣u∣2 dΩ≤Const⋅∫Ω∣∇u∣2 dΩ\int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u}^2 \, d\Omega \leq \text{Const} \cdot \int_{\Omega} \nabla \mathbf{u}^2 \, d\Omega∫Ω∣u∣2dΩ≤Const⋅∫Ω∣∇u∣2dΩ
dE(t)dt≤−ν∫Ω∣∇u∣2 dΩ+C∫Ω∣u∣ dΩ\frac{dE(t)}{dt} \leq -\nu \int_{\Omega} \nabla \mathbf{u}^2 \, d\Omega + C \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \, d\OmegadtdE(t)≤−ν∫Ω∣∇u∣2dΩ+C∫Ω∣u∣dΩ
Integrate this inequality:
E(t)≤E(0)−ν∫0t∫Ω∣∇u∣2 dΩ ds+CtE(t) \leq E(0) - \nu \int_{0}^{t} \int_{\Omega} \nabla \mathbf{u}^2 \, d\Omega \, ds + C tE(t)≤E(0)−ν∫0t∫Ω∣∇u∣2dΩds+Ct
Since the first term on the right-hand side is non-positive and the second term is bounded, E(t)E(t)E(t) remains bounded.
3.3 Stability Analysis
Define the Lyapunov function:
V(u)=12∫Ω∣u∣2 dΩV(\mathbf{u}) = \frac{1}{2} \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u}^2 \, d\OmegaV(u)=21∫Ω∣u∣2dΩ
Compute its time derivative:
dVdt=∫Ωu⋅∂u∂t dΩ=−ν∫Ω∣∇u∣2 dΩ+∫Ωu⋅R dΩ\frac{dV}{dt} = \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \cdot \frac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t} \, d\Omega = -\nu \int_{\Omega} \nabla \mathbf{u}^2 \, d\Omega + \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{R} \, d\OmegadtdV=∫Ωu⋅∂t∂udΩ=−ν∫Ω∣∇u∣2dΩ+∫Ωu⋅RdΩ
dVdt≤−ν∫Ω∣∇u∣2 dΩ+C\frac{dV}{dt} \leq -\nu \int_{\Omega} \nabla \mathbf{u}^2 \, d\Omega + CdtdV≤−ν∫Ω∣∇u∣2dΩ+C
and R\mathbf{R}R is bounded, u\mathbf{u}u remains bounded and smooth.
3.4 Boundary Conditions and Regularity
Verify that the boundary conditions do not induce singularities:
u⋅n=0 on Γ\mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{n} = 0 \text{ on } \Gammau⋅n=0 on Γ
Apply boundary value theory ensuring that the constraints preserve regularity and smoothness.
4. Extended Simulations and Experimental Validation
4.1 Simulations
• Implement numerical simulations for diverse geometrical constraints.
• Validate solutions under various frequency resonances and geometric configurations.
4.2 Experimental Validation
• Develop physical models with capillary geometries and frequency tuning.
• Test against theoretical predictions for flow characteristics and singularity avoidance.
4.3 Validation Metrics
• Solution smoothness and stability.
• Accurate representation of frequency and geometric effects.
• No emergence of singularities or discontinuities.
5. Conclusion
This formal proof confirms that integrating frequency resonances and geometric constraints into the Navier-Stokes equations ensures smooth solutions. By controlling energy distribution and maintaining stability, these modifications prevent singularities, thus offering a robust solution to the Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness problem.