2D/3D specific surface of porous media using 2D images

バージョン (11.2 KB) 作成者: Arash Rabbani
This code calculates 2D/3D specific surface of porous media using 2D images
ダウンロード: 905
更新 2021/2/9


2D/3D specific surface of porous media using 2D images

Specific surface of the porous media has two different definitions:
1- 3-D Specific surface of the void/porous space, which is equal to the surface
are of pores divided by their volume. In 2-D the definition is: perimeter of pores
divided by their area.
2- 3-D Specific surface of the solid/grain space, which is equal to the surface
are of grains divided by their volume. In 2-D the definition is: perimeter of grains
divided by their area.
This code computes all of these parameters and visualizes the grain/pore boundaries.
The unit is: micron ^-1. The resolution of the image is set to be 5 micron per pixel.
Consider that you can change the input resolution in beginning lines of the code.
the Rabbani et al. (2014) have founded that the 3-D specific surface is approximately 1.35 times
greater than its 2-D value. In addition this code computes the porosity of the porous media.
If porosity obtained irregular you should invert the color of your input image.
If you want to use this code in your researches you can cite these articles:

1- Rabbani, A., Jamshidi, S., & Salehi, S. (2014). Determination of specific surface of
rock grains by 2D imaging. Journal of Geological Research, 2014.

2- Rabbani, A., & Jamshidi, S. (2014). Specific surface and porosity relationship for
sandstones for prediction of permeability. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and
Mining Sciences, 71, 25-32.

Check out my tutorial videos on porous material modeling via Matlab on youtube:

By Arash Rabbani


1- Rabbani, A., Jamshidi, S., & Salehi, S. (2014). Determination of specific surface of rock grains by 2D imaging. Journal of Geological Research, 2014. 2- Rabbani, A., & Jamshidi, S. (2014). Specific surface and porosity relationship for sandstones for prediction of permeability. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 71, 25-32.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2015a
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