Main Content


UVM テストベンチで動作 DUT を RTL DUT に置き換える

この例では、スタンドインの C ベース デザイン DUT から、単純な動作 RTL DUT インターフェイス、さらに AXI4-Lite および AXI4-Stream バス プロトコルを使用する完全なプロトコル ベースの RTL DUT インターフェイスに移行する方法を示します。ドライバーやモニターなど、いくつかの UVM コンポーネントを変更する必要がありますが、元のテストベンチ構造とシーケンスおよびスコアボード コンポーネントを変更せずに再利用できます。

設計の説明と UVM テストベンチ生成の背景については、 Simulinkからパラメーター化された UVM テストベンチを生成の例を参照してください。

UVM テストベンチの生成


model = 'pulsedetector_tb';

この例のデフォルトの UVM テストベンチを生成するには、次を実行します。

design     = [model '/PulseDetector'];
sequence   = [model '/GenPulse'];
scoreboard = [model '/CheckDetection'];
predictor  = [model '/PulseDetectorRef'];
driver     = [model '/InputDriver'];
monitor    = [model '/OutputMonitor'];
uvmbuild(design, sequence, scoreboard, Predictor=predictor, Driver=driver, Monitor=monitor);
### Starting DPI subsystem generation for UVM test bench
### Starting build procedure for model: PulseDetector
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper PulseDetector_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper PulseDetector_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: PulseDetector_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: PulseDetector

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model          Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
PulseDetector  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 31.238s
### Starting build procedure for model: GenPulse
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper GenPulse_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper GenPulse_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: GenPulse_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: GenPulse

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model     Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
GenPulse  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 26.802s
### Starting build procedure for model: InputDriver
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper InputDriver_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper InputDriver_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: InputDriver_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: InputDriver

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model        Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
InputDriver  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 20.099s
### Starting build procedure for model: OutputMonitor
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper OutputMonitor_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper OutputMonitor_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: OutputMonitor_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: OutputMonitor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model          Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
OutputMonitor  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 21.032s
### Starting build procedure for model: CheckDetection
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper CheckDetection_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper CheckDetection_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: CheckDetection_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: CheckDetection

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model           Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
CheckDetection  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 29.418s
### Starting build procedure for model: PulseDetectorRef
### Starting SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation
### Generating DPI H Wrapper PulseDetectorRef_dpi.h
### Generating DPI C Wrapper PulseDetectorRef_dpi.c
### Generating UVM module package
### Generating SystemVerilog module
### Generating makefiles for: PulseDetectorRef_dpi
### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library
### Successful completion of build procedure for model: PulseDetectorRef

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model             Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
PulseDetectorRef  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 22.554s
### Starting UVM test bench generation for model: pulsedetector_tb
### Generating UVM transaction object ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/scoreboard/
### Generating UVM interface ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM sequence ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/sequence/
### Generating UVM sequencer ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/sequence/
### Generating UVM sequence transaction ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/sequence/
### Generating UVM driver ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/driver/
### Generating UVM monitor ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/monitor/
### Generating UVM input monitor ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM Reference Model ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/predictor/
### Generating UVM transaction object ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/predictor/
### Generating UVM agent ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM scoreboard ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/scoreboard/
### Generating UVM scoreboard configuration object ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/scoreboard/
### Generating UVM environment ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM test ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/uvm_artifacts/
### Generating UVM top ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/
### Generating UVM test package ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/
### Generating UVM test bench simulation script for Mentor Graphics QuestaSim/Modelsim ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/
### Generating UVM test bench simulation script for Cadence Xcelium ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/
### Generating UVM test bench simulation script for Synopsys VCS ./uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top/

C ベースの DUT を RTL ベースの DUT に置き換える

UVM テストベンチ生成では、DUT を SystemVerilog モジュールにラップされた C ベースのアルゴリズムとしてエクスポートします。これにより、生成された UVM が元のSimulink®シミュレーション動作と一致することをすぐに検証できます。もちろん、UVM テストベンチの目的は、手書きかHDL Coder™によって生成されたかにかかわらず、RTL を検証することです。Simulink DUT インターフェイスが目的の RTL インターフェイスと一致する場合は、生成された UVM テストベンチでオーバーライドを最小限に抑えて、C ベースの DUT を RTL に直接置き換えることができます。

動作インターフェイスを使用して RTL を生成する

NOTEicon.png HDL Coderを使用して RTL を生成したくない場合は、 overrides_RTLDUT/RTLIPSourceのこの例で HDL ソースを使用できます。

HDL Coderを使用すると、DUT の RTL バージョンを直接作成できます。

makehdl(design, 'targetdirectory', 'rtl_no_protocols');
### Generating HDL for 'pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector'.
### Using the config set for model pulsedetector_tb for HDL code generation parameters.
### Running HDL checks on the model 'pulsedetector_tb'.
### Begin compilation of the model 'pulsedetector_tb'...
### Begin compilation of the model 'pulsedetector_tb'...
### Working on the model 'pulsedetector_tb'...
### Starting Verilog code generation process for filter: filter
### 'LUTMapToRAM' is set to 'On' for the model. This option is used to map lookup tables to a block RAM in hardware.  To disable pipeline insertion for mapping lookup tables to RAM, please set the option to 'Off'.
### The code generation and optimization options you have chosen have introduced additional pipeline delays.
### The delay balancing feature has automatically inserted matching delays for compensation.
### The DUT requires an initial pipeline setup latency. Each output port experiences these additional delays.
### Output port 1: 8 cycles.
### Output port 2: 8 cycles.
### Working on... GenerateModel
### Begin model generation 'gm_pulsedetector_tb' ....
### Rendering DUT with optimization related changes (IO, Area, Pipelining)...
### Model generation complete.
### Begin Verilog Code Generation for 'pulsedetector_tb'.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Create TDATA as rtl_no_protocols/pulsedetector_tb/Create_TDATA.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Detect Pulse/Compute Power as rtl_no_protocols/pulsedetector_tb/Compute_Power.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Detect Pulse/Local Peak/MATLAB Function as rtl_no_protocols/pulsedetector_tb/MATLAB_Function.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Detect Pulse/Local Peak as rtl_no_protocols/pulsedetector_tb/Local_Peak.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Detect Pulse as rtl_no_protocols/pulsedetector_tb/Detect_Pulse.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Latch Peak as rtl_no_protocols/pulsedetector_tb/Latch_Peak.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/TDATA conversions as rtl_no_protocols/pulsedetector_tb/TDATA_conversions.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector as rtl_no_protocols/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector.v.
### Code Generation for 'pulsedetector_tb' completed.
### Generating HTML files for code generation report at pulsedetector_tb_codegen_rpt.html
### Creating HDL Code Generation Check Report PulseDetector_report.html
### HDL check for 'pulsedetector_tb' complete with 0 errors, 0 warnings, and 1 messages.
### HDL code generation complete.

UVM テストベンチで DUT をオーバーライドする

インターフェイスは元の C ベースのインターフェイスと一致するため、次の図に示すように、UVM テストベンチでは DUT 自体のみを置き換える必要があります。

UVM Testbench block diagram, with the DUT block highlighted

RTL DUT を使用して UVM テストベンチをシミュレートする

必要なオーバーライドはoverrides_RTLDUTサブディレクトリにあります。これらのオーバーライドは、 RTLIPSourceサブディレクトリの RTL を利用します。

この例には、Questa® をセットアップして実行するためのスクリプトが含まれています。HDL シミュレーターのインストールに一致するようにコマンドを調整します。

current_simulator = 'Questa';

次に、UVM シミュレーションに影響を与える環境変数をクリアします。


最後に、RTL ベースの DUT を利用して UVM テストベンチを実行します。

cd uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top

setenv UVM_TOP_MODULE mw_PulseDetector_RTL_top
setenv EXTRA_UVM_COMP_ARGS '-f ../../../overrides_RTLDUT/extra_comp_args.f'
setenv EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS '+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000'
switch current_simulator
    case 'Questa',     ! vsim -c -do
    case 'Questa_gui', ! vsim -do
    case 'Xcelium',    ! ./
    case 'VCS',        ! ./
Reading pref.tcl

# 2022.2

# do
# -f ../../../overrides_RTLDUT/extra_comp_args.f
# +SNR_default_inp_val=10000000
# QuestaSim-64 vlog 2022.2 Compiler 2022.04 Apr 25 2022
# Start time: 22:06:45 on Jun 16,2023
# vlog -timescale 1ns/1ns ../DPI_dut/ ../sequence/ ../scoreboard/ ../driver/ ../monitor/ ../predictor/ -f ../../../overrides_RTLDUT/extra_comp_args.f "+define+MG_SIM" 
# -- Compiling package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# ** Note: (vlog-2286) Using implicit +incdir+/mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src from import uvm_pkg
# -- Compiling package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# -- Importing package mtiUvm.uvm_pkg (uvm-1.1d Built-in)
# -- Importing package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling module Create_TDATA
# -- Compiling module Compute_Power
# -- Compiling module MATLAB_Function
# -- Compiling module Local_Peak
# -- Compiling module Detect_Pulse
# -- Compiling module Latch_Peak
# -- Compiling module TDATA_conversions
# -- Compiling module PulseDetector
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorRTL
# ** Warning: ../../../overrides_RTLDUT/RTLIPSource/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# -- Compiling interface mw_PulseDetector_if
# -- Compiling package mw_PulseDetector_RTL_top_sv_unit
# -- Importing package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# -- Compiling module mw_PulseDetector_RTL_top
# Top level modules:
# 	mw_PulseDetector_RTL_top
# End time: 22:06:45 on Jun 16,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 1
# vsim "+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000" -L work -voptargs="+acc" -sv_lib ../DPI_dut/PulseDetector -sv_lib ../sequence/GenPulse -sv_lib ../scoreboard/CheckDetection -sv_lib ../driver/InputDriver -sv_lib ../monitor/OutputMonitor -sv_lib ../predictor/PulseDetectorRef "+UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test" mw_PulseDetector_RTL_top "+define+MG_SIM" 
# Start time: 22:06:45 on Jun 16,2023
# ** Note: (vsim-3812) Design is being optimized...
# ** Warning: (vopt-10587) Some optimizations are turned off because the +acc switch is in effect. This will cause your simulation to run slowly. Please use -access/-debug to maintain needed visibility.
# ** Warning: ../../../overrides_RTLDUT/RTLIPSource/ (vopt-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# ** Note: (vsim-12126) Error and warning message counts have been restored: Errors=0, Warnings=2.
# //  Questa Sim-64
# //  Version 2022.2 linux_x86_64 Apr 25 2022
# //
# //  Copyright 1991-2022 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# //  All Rights Reserved.
# //
# //  QuestaSim and its associated documentation contain trade
# //  secrets and commercial or financial information that are the property of
# //  Mentor Graphics Corporation and are privileged, confidential,
# //  and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
# //  5 U.S.C. Section 552. Furthermore, this information
# //  is prohibited from disclosure under the Trade Secrets Act,
# //  18 U.S.C. Section 1905.
# //
# Loading sv_std.std
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast)
# Loading work.OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.InputDriver_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.CheckDetection_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.GenPulse_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.pulsedetector_tb_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_RTL_top_sv_unit(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.questa_uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_RTL_top(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast__2)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorRTL(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetector(fast)
# Loading work.TDATA_conversions(fast)
# Loading work.Detect_Pulse(fast)
# Loading work.Compute_Power(fast)
# Loading work.Local_Peak(fast)
# Loading work.MATLAB_Function(fast)
# Loading work.Latch_Peak(fast)
# Loading work.Create_TDATA(fast)
# Loading ./../DPI_dut/
# Loading ./../sequence/
# Loading ./../scoreboard/
# Loading ./../driver/
# Loading ./../monitor/
# Loading ./../predictor/
# Loading /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/linux_x86_64/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# UVM-1.1d
# (C) 2007-2013 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# (C) 2007-2013 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
# (C) 2006-2013 Synopsys, Inc.
# (C) 2011-2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
#   ***********       IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES         ************
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   with `UVM_NO_DEPRECATED undefined.
#   See for more details.
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   See for more details.
#       (Specify +UVM_NO_RELNOTES to turn off this notice)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM] QUESTA_UVM-1.2.3
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM]  questa_uvm::init(+struct)
# UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test mw_PulseDetector_test...
# ** Info: Gathering coverage for           2 Simulink verify() calls.
#    Time: 0 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.initVerifyInfo File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 251
# [FrameNum=  0] No peak found in Ref or Impl.
# [FrameNum=  1] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.280 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.285 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.004 (1.551%)
# [FrameNum=  2] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.194 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.006 (2.881%)
# [FrameNum=  3] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.224 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.234 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.010 (4.623%)
# [FrameNum=  4] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.209 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.009 (4.346%)
# [FrameNum=  5] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.255 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.257 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.002 (0.735%)
# [FrameNum=  6] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.250 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.009 (3.660%)
# [FrameNum=  7] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.243 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.002 (0.790%)
# [FrameNum=  8] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.231 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.007 (3.076%)
# [FrameNum=  9] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.239 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.254 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.015 (6.083%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 450020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 450020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 10] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.230 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.005 (2.242%)
# [FrameNum= 11] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.207 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.221 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.014 (6.697%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 550020 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 550020 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 12] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.265 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2170.000000, mag-squared=0.260 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] DIFF     : Peak location=7, mag-squared=0.005 (2.014%)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_objection.svh(1267) @ 650000: reporter [TEST_DONE] 'run' phase is ready to proceed to the 'extract' phase
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:757', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:744', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Overall coverage for CheckDetection_dpi_verify_calls: metric=100.00 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 650 us  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 376
# --- UVM Report Summary ---
# ** Report counts by severity
# UVM_INFO :    4
# UVM_WARNING :    0
# UVM_ERROR :    0
# UVM_FATAL :    0
# ** Report counts by id
# [Questa UVM]     2
# [RNTST]     1
# [TEST_DONE]     1
# ** Note: $finish    : /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_root.svh(430)
#    Time: 650 us  Iteration: 61  Instance: /mw_PulseDetector_RTL_top
# End time: 22:07:30 on Jun 16,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:45
# Errors: 4, Warnings: 2
cd ../../..

C ベースの DUT を AXI ベースの RTL DUT に置き換える

Simulinkの DUT はパルス検出器の機能動作を表し、HDL IP コアに一般的なハードウェア プロトコル インターフェイスを使用しません。検証ワークフローの次のステップでは、AXI ベースのプロトコルを使用する HDL 実装を、生成された同じ UVM テストベンチに統合します。

ポートを AXI インターフェイスにマップする

この RTL DUT の場合、 coeffポートはプロセッサ インターフェイス AXI4-Lite にマップされ、 data_inポートは AXI4-Stream スレーブ インターフェイスにマップされ、 data_outポートは、次に示すように AXI4-Stream マスター インターフェイスにマップされます。


この RTL は手動で記述することも、IP コア生成ワークフロー ( HDL Coderが必要) を使用して作成することもできます。


NOTEicon.png RTL 実装は、overrides_AXIDUT/AXIIPSourceにあるこの例に含まれているため、 HDL Coderライセンスは必要ありません。

HDL Coderをお持ちの場合は、信号を AXI インターフェイスにマップし、指定されたハードウェア プロトコルを使用して RTL IP コアを生成できます。

生成をスクリプト化するために、HDL Coder設定をpulsedetector_genaxidutにエクスポートしました。

この例には、Vivado® を実行するためのMathWorks固有のセットアップが含まれています。インストールに合わせてコマンドを調整します。


次に、 HDL Coderを使用して AXI ベースの RTL DUT を生成するスクリプトを実行します。

### Workflow begin.
### Loading settings from model.
### Generating HDL for 'pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector'.
### Using the config set for model pulsedetector_tb for HDL code generation parameters.
### Running HDL checks on the model 'pulsedetector_tb'.
### Begin compilation of the model 'pulsedetector_tb'...
### Begin compilation of the model 'pulsedetector_tb'...
Warning: AXI4-Stream Protocol requires TDATA port width to be integer number of bytes. In the generated HDL code, the bitwidth of the TDATA port of the interface "AXI4-Stream Master" will be 72 bits.
### ++++++++++++++ Task Generate RTL Code and IP Core ++++++++++++++
### Working on the model 'pulsedetector_tb'...
### Starting Verilog code generation process for filter: filter
### 'LUTMapToRAM' is set to 'On' for the model. This option is used to map lookup tables to a block RAM in hardware.  To disable pipeline insertion for mapping lookup tables to RAM, please set the option to 'Off'.
### The code generation and optimization options you have chosen have introduced additional pipeline delays.
### The delay balancing feature has automatically inserted matching delays for compensation.
### The DUT requires an initial pipeline setup latency. Each output port experiences these additional delays.
### Output port 1: 8 cycles.
### Output port 2: 8 cycles.
### Working on... GenerateModel
### Begin model generation 'gm_pulsedetector_tb' ....
### Rendering DUT with optimization related changes (IO, Area, Pipelining)...
### Model generation complete.
### Begin Verilog Code Generation for 'pulsedetector_tb'.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Create TDATA as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Create_TDATA.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Detect Pulse/Compute Power as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Compute_Power.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Detect Pulse/Local Peak/MATLAB Function as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_MATLAB_Function.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Detect Pulse/Local Peak as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Local_Peak.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Detect Pulse as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Detect_Pulse.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/Latch Peak as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Latch_Peak.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector/TDATA conversions as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_TDATA_conversions.v.
### Working on pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetector as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_PulseDetector.v.
### Code Generation for 'pulsedetector_tb' completed.
### Generating HTML files for code generation report at pulsedetector_tb_codegen_rpt.html
### Creating HDL Code Generation Check Report PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_PulseDetector_report.html
### HDL check for 'pulsedetector_tb' complete with 0 errors, 0 warnings, and 1 messages.
### HDL code generation complete.
### Begin IP core top level wrapper code generation.
### Begin Verilog Code Generation for 'pulsedetector_tb'.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_reset_sync as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_reset_sync.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_dut as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_dut.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data_OUT/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data_OUT_classic/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_generic as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_generic.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data_OUT as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data_OUT.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_TLAST_OUT/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_TLAST_OUT_classic/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_singlebit as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_singlebit.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_TLAST_OUT as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_TLAST_OUT.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_slave/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_slave as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_slave.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_addr_decoder as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_addr_decoder.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite_module as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite_module.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite.v.
### Working on PulseDetectorAXI_ip as rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/PulseDetectorAXI_ip.v.
### Code Generation for 'pulsedetector_tb' completed.
### HDL code generation complete.
### Begin IP core packaging.
### Generating IP core report pulsedetector_tb_ip_core_report.html
### Generated logfile: rtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tb/workflow_task_VivadoIPPackager.log
### Task "Vivado IP Packager" successful.
****** Vivado v2022.1 (64-bit)
  **** SW Build 3526262 on Mon Apr 18 15:47:01 MDT 2022
  **** IP Build 3524634 on Mon Apr 18 20:55:01 MDT 2022
    ** Copyright 1986-2022 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

source vivado_ip_package.tcl -notrace
create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:06 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 2521.500 ; gain = 0.023 ; free physical = 8787 ; free virtual = 35671
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1700] Loaded user IP repository '/home/merickso/Documents/MATLAB/ExampleManager/merickso.Bdoc23b.j2301974.r23bI10_ex2_uvm/hdlverifier-ex70605950/pulsedetector_proj/rtl_with_axi_protocols/ipcore'.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-3656] If you move the project, the path for repository '/home/merickso/Documents/MATLAB/ExampleManager/merickso.Bdoc23b.j2301974.r23bI10_ex2_uvm/hdlverifier-ex70605950/pulsedetector_proj/rtl_with_axi_protocols/ipcore' may become invalid. A better location for the repository would be in a path adjacent to the project. (Current project location is '/home/merickso/Documents/MATLAB/ExampleManager/merickso.Bdoc23b.j2301974.r23bI10_ex2_uvm/hdlverifier-ex70605950/pulsedetector_proj/rtl_with_axi_protocols/ipcore/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_v1_0/prj_ip'.)
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository '/mathworks/hub/share/apps/HDLTools/Vivado/2022.1-mw-0/Lin/Vivado/2022.1/data/ip'.
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-5107] Inferred bus interface 'AXI4_Stream_Master' of definition '' (from Xilinx Repository).
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-5107] Inferred bus interface 'AXI4_Stream_Slave' of definition '' (from Xilinx Repository).
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-5107] Inferred bus interface 'AXI4_Lite' of definition '' (from Xilinx Repository).
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-5107] Inferred bus interface 'AXI4_Lite_ARESETN' of definition '' (from Xilinx Repository).
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-5107] Inferred bus interface 'IPCORE_RESETN' of definition '' (from Xilinx Repository).
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-5107] Inferred bus interface 'AXI4_Lite_ACLK' of definition '' (from Xilinx Repository).
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-5107] Inferred bus interface 'IPCORE_CLK' of definition '' (from Xilinx Repository).
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-4728] Bus Interface 'AXI4_Lite_ARESETN': Added interface parameter 'POLARITY' with value 'ACTIVE_LOW'.
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-4728] Bus Interface 'IPCORE_RESETN': Added interface parameter 'POLARITY' with value 'ACTIVE_LOW'.
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-4728] Bus Interface 'AXI4_Lite_ACLK': Added interface parameter 'ASSOCIATED_BUSIF' with value 'AXI4_Lite'.
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-4728] Bus Interface 'AXI4_Lite_ACLK': Added interface parameter 'ASSOCIATED_RESET' with value 'AXI4_Lite_ARESETN'.
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-4728] Bus Interface 'IPCORE_CLK': Added interface parameter 'ASSOCIATED_RESET' with value 'IPCORE_RESETN'.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-3158] Bus Interface 'AXI4_Stream_Master': FREQ_HZ bus parameter missing from AXI interface when interface is not associated to a clock.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-3158] Bus Interface 'AXI4_Stream_Slave': FREQ_HZ bus parameter missing from AXI interface when interface is not associated to a clock.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-5661] Bus Interface 'IPCORE_CLK' does not have any bus interfaces associated with it.
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2181] Payment Required is not set for this core.
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2187] The Product Guide file is missing.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Create_TDATA.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Create_TDATA.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Compute_Power.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Compute_Power.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_MATLAB_Function.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_MATLAB_Function.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Local_Peak.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Local_Peak.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Detect_Pulse.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Detect_Pulse.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Latch_Peak.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Latch_Peak.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_TDATA_conversions.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_TDATA_conversions.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_PulseDetector.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_PulseDetector.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_reset_sync.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_reset_sync.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_dut.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_dut.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_generic.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_generic.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data_OUT.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data_OUT.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_singlebit.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_singlebit.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_TLAST_OUT.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_TLAST_OUT.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_slave.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_slave.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_addr_decoder.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_addr_decoder.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite_module.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite_module.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagesynthesis", cannot add it again.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1971] File named "hdl/PulseDetectorAXI_ip.v" already exists in file group "xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation", cannot add it again.
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri Jun 16 22:15:48 2023...

Elapsed time is 38.7377 seconds.

### Workflow complete.

これにより、結果の HDL IP ファイルがrtl_with_axi_protocols/hdlsrc/pulsedetector_tbに配置されます。

必要な UVM コンポーネントをオーバーライドする

元の DUT を置き換える UVM ファイルはoverrides_AXIDUTにあります。元のuvmbuildの呼び出しで生成されたファイルを変更する必要はありません。

RTL DUT を使用するには、ピンクで強調表示されている UVM テストベンチの一部を置き換える必要があります。

UVM testbench block diagram with the driver, monitor, DUT, and AXI interface highlighted in pink.

AXI RTL DUT を使用した UVM テストベンチのシミュレーション

新しい RTL DUT でテストベンチを実行し、UVM の実行がSimulinkの実行と一致することを確認します。シーケンスは SNR 入力ポートでパラメータ化されるため、UVM のデフォルト値は 0.0 です。シミュレーションの実行を適切に比較するには、 Simulink と一致するように、デフォルト値を 2.0 (ビット値が 0b10_000000) に変更する必要があります。これは、環境変数を介してスクリプトに渡す plusarg を介して行うことができます。

コンパイルする新しい RTL ファイルが多数あるため、最上位のデザイン ユニットをオーバーライドする必要があります。これらの更新を環境変数を通じてスクリプトに渡します。

cd uvm_build/pulsedetector_tb_uvm_testbench/top

setenv UVM_TOP_MODULE mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_top
setenv EXTRA_UVM_COMP_ARGS '-f ../../../overrides_AXIDUT/extra_comp_args.f'
setenv EXTRA_UVM_SIM_ARGS '+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_test'
switch current_simulator
    case 'Questa',     ! vsim -c -do
    case 'Questa_gui', ! vsim -do
    case 'Xcelium',    ! ./
    case 'VCS',        ! ./
Reading pref.tcl

# 2022.2

# do
# -f ../../../overrides_AXIDUT/extra_comp_args.f
# +SNR_default_inp_val=10000000 +UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_test
# ** Warning: (vlib-34) Library already exists at "work".
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 1
# QuestaSim-64 vlog 2022.2 Compiler 2022.04 Apr 25 2022
# Start time: 22:15:49 on Jun 16,2023
# vlog -timescale 1ns/1ns ../DPI_dut/ ../sequence/ ../scoreboard/ ../driver/ ../monitor/ ../predictor/ -f ../../../overrides_AXIDUT/extra_comp_args.f "+define+MG_SIM" 
# -- Compiling package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# ** Note: (vlog-2286) Using implicit +incdir+/mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src from import uvm_pkg
# -- Compiling package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# -- Importing package mtiUvm.uvm_pkg (uvm-1.1d Built-in)
# -- Importing package GenPulse_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package CheckDetection_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package InputDriver_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Create_TDATA
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Compute_Power
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_MATLAB_Function
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Local_Peak
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Detect_Pulse
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Latch_Peak
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_TDATA_conversions
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_PulseDetector
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_reset_sync
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_dut
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_generic
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data_OUT
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_singlebit
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_TLAST_OUT
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_slave
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_addr_decoder
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite_module
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite
# -- Compiling module PulseDetectorAXI_ip
# -- Compiling package pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg
# -- Importing package pulsedetector_tb_pkg
# ** Warning: ** while parsing file included at ../../../overrides_AXIDUT/
# ** at ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# -- Compiling package mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_top_sv_unit
# -- Importing package PulseDetector_dpi_pkg
# -- Importing package pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg
# -- Compiling module PulseDetector_dpi
# ** Warning: ../DPI_dut/ (vlog-13314) Defaulting port 'coeff_in' kind to 'var' rather than 'wire' due to default compile option setting of -svinputport=relaxed.
# -- Compiling interface mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_if
# -- Compiling interface mw_PulseDetector_if
# -- Compiling module mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_top
# Top level modules:
# 	PulseDetector_dpi
# 	mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_top
# End time: 22:15:50 on Jun 16,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:01
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 2
# vsim "+SNR_default_inp_val=10000000" "+UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_test" -L work -voptargs="+acc" -sv_lib ../DPI_dut/PulseDetector -sv_lib ../sequence/GenPulse -sv_lib ../scoreboard/CheckDetection -sv_lib ../driver/InputDriver -sv_lib ../monitor/OutputMonitor -sv_lib ../predictor/PulseDetectorRef "+UVM_TESTNAME=mw_PulseDetector_test" mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_top "+define+MG_SIM" 
# Start time: 22:15:50 on Jun 16,2023
# ** Note: (vsim-3812) Design is being optimized...
# ** Warning: (vopt-10587) Some optimizations are turned off because the +acc switch is in effect. This will cause your simulation to run slowly. Please use -access/-debug to maintain needed visibility.
# ** Note: (vopt-143) Recognized 2 FSMs in module "PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite_module(fast)".
# ** Note: (vsim-12126) Error and warning message counts have been restored: Errors=0, Warnings=1.
# //  Questa Sim-64
# //  Version 2022.2 linux_x86_64 Apr 25 2022
# //
# //  Copyright 1991-2022 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# //  All Rights Reserved.
# //
# //  QuestaSim and its associated documentation contain trade
# //  secrets and commercial or financial information that are the property of
# //  Mentor Graphics Corporation and are privileged, confidential,
# //  and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
# //  5 U.S.C. Section 552. Furthermore, this information
# //  is prohibited from disclosure under the Trade Secrets Act,
# //  18 U.S.C. Section 1905.
# //
# Loading sv_std.std
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_if(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast)
# Loading work.OutputMonitor_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.InputDriver_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorRef_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.CheckDetection_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.GenPulse_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.pulsedetector_tb_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.pulsedetector_tb_extension_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetector_dpi_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_top_sv_unit(fast)
# Loading mtiUvm.questa_uvm_pkg(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_top(fast)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_if(fast__2)
# Loading work.mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_if(fast__2)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_reset_sync(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_addr_decoder(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi_lite_module(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_slave(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_generic(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_dut(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_PulseDetector(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_TDATA_conversions(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Detect_Pulse(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Compute_Power(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Local_Peak(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_MATLAB_Function(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Latch_Peak(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_src_Create_TDATA(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_axi4_stream_master(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_data_OUT(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_generic(fast__1)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_fifo_TLAST_OUT(fast)
# Loading work.PulseDetectorAXI_ip_SimpleDualPortRAM_singlebit(fast)
# Loading ./../DPI_dut/
# Loading ./../sequence/
# Loading ./../scoreboard/
# Loading ./../driver/
# Loading ./../monitor/
# Loading ./../predictor/
# Loading /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/uvm-1.1d/linux_x86_64/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# UVM-1.1d
# (C) 2007-2013 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# (C) 2007-2013 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
# (C) 2006-2013 Synopsys, Inc.
# (C) 2011-2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
#   ***********       IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES         ************
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   with `UVM_NO_DEPRECATED undefined.
#   See for more details.
#   You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
#   See for more details.
#       (Specify +UVM_NO_RELNOTES to turn off this notice)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM] QUESTA_UVM-1.2.3
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/questa_uvm_pkg-1.2/src/ @ 0: reporter [Questa UVM]  questa_uvm::init(+struct)
# UVM_WARNING @ 0: reporter [MULTTST] Multiple (2) +UVM_TESTNAME arguments provided on the command line.  'mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_test' will be used.  Provided list: mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_test, mw_PulseDetector_test.
# UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_test...
# UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [UVMTOP] UVM testbench topology:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name                                                       Type                                   Size  Value
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# uvm_test_top                                               mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_test           -     @477 
#   env                                                      mw_PulseDetector_environment           -     @484 
#     PulseDetector_agent                                    mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_agent          -     @500 
#       ap                                                   uvm_analysis_port                      -     @631 
#       ap_input_pred                                        uvm_analysis_port                      -     @639 
#       drv                                                  mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_driver         -     @647 
#         rsp_port                                           uvm_analysis_port                      -     @662 
#         seq_item_port                                      uvm_seq_item_pull_port                 -     @654 
#       mon                                                  mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_monitor        -     @670 
#         mw_PulseDetector_monitor_analysis_port             uvm_analysis_port                      -     @677 
#       mon_input                                            mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_monitor_input  -     @685 
#         mw_PulseDetector_monitor_input_analysis_port_pred  uvm_analysis_port                      -     @692 
#       sqr                                                  mw_PulseDetector_sequencer             -     @522 
#         rsp_export                                         uvm_analysis_export                    -     @529 
#         seq_item_export                                    uvm_seq_item_pull_imp                  -     @623 
#         arbitration_queue                                  array                                  0     -    
#         lock_queue                                         array                                  0     -    
#         num_last_reqs                                      integral                               32    'd1  
#         num_last_rsps                                      integral                               32    'd1  
#     PulseDetector_predictor                                mw_PulseDetector_predictor             -     @514 
#       aexp                                                 uvm_analysis_export                    -     @709 
#       ap                                                   uvm_analysis_port                      -     @764 
#       mw_PulseDetector_predictor_fifo                      uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(T)             -     @717 
#         analysis_export                                    uvm_analysis_imp                       -     @756 
#         get_ap                                             uvm_analysis_port                      -     @748 
#         get_peek_export                                    uvm_get_peek_imp                       -     @732 
#         put_ap                                             uvm_analysis_port                      -     @740 
#         put_export                                         uvm_put_imp                            -     @724 
#     PulseDetector_scoreboard                               mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard            -     @507 
#       mw_PulseDetector_agent_fifo                          uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(T)             -     @796 
#         analysis_export                                    uvm_analysis_imp                       -     @835 
#         get_ap                                             uvm_analysis_port                      -     @827 
#         get_peek_export                                    uvm_get_peek_imp                       -     @811 
#         put_ap                                             uvm_analysis_port                      -     @819 
#         put_export                                         uvm_put_imp                            -     @803 
#       mw_PulseDetector_agent_fifo_input_pred               uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(T)             -     @843 
#         analysis_export                                    uvm_analysis_imp                       -     @882 
#         get_ap                                             uvm_analysis_port                      -     @874 
#         get_peek_export                                    uvm_get_peek_imp                       -     @858 
#         put_ap                                             uvm_analysis_port                      -     @866 
#         put_export                                         uvm_put_imp                            -     @850 
#       mw_PulseDetector_agent_imp                           uvm_analysis_export                    -     @780 
#       mw_PulseDetector_agent_imp_input_pred                uvm_analysis_export                    -     @788 
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ** Info: Gathering coverage for           2 Simulink verify() calls.
#    Time: 0 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.initVerifyInfo File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 251
# [FrameNum=  0] Peak found in Impl but not in Ref.
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 54885 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 54885 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum=  1] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.280 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2169.000000, mag-squared=0.285 using global max
# [FrameNum=  1] DIFF     : Peak location=6, mag-squared=0.004 (1.551%)
# [FrameNum=  2] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2168.000000, mag-squared=0.194 using global max
# [FrameNum=  2] DIFF     : Peak location=5, mag-squared=0.006 (2.881%)
# [FrameNum=  3] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.224 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2167.000000, mag-squared=0.234 using global max
# [FrameNum=  3] DIFF     : Peak location=4, mag-squared=0.010 (4.623%)
# [FrameNum=  4] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.200 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2166.000000, mag-squared=0.209 using global max
# [FrameNum=  4] DIFF     : Peak location=3, mag-squared=0.009 (4.346%)
# [FrameNum=  5] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.255 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2165.000000, mag-squared=0.257 using global max
# [FrameNum=  5] DIFF     : Peak location=2, mag-squared=0.002 (0.735%)
# [FrameNum=  6] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2164.000000, mag-squared=0.250 using global max
# [FrameNum=  6] DIFF     : Peak location=1, mag-squared=0.009 (3.660%)
# [FrameNum=  7] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.241 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.243 using global max
# [FrameNum=  7] DIFF     : Peak location=0, mag-squared=0.002 (0.790%)
# [FrameNum=  8] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2162.000000, mag-squared=0.231 using global max
# [FrameNum=  8] DIFF     : Peak location=1, mag-squared=0.007 (3.076%)
# [FrameNum=  9] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.239 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2161.000000, mag-squared=0.254 using global max
# [FrameNum=  9] DIFF     : Peak location=2, mag-squared=0.015 (6.083%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 548715 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 548715 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 10] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.225 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2160.000000, mag-squared=0.230 using global max
# [FrameNum= 10] DIFF     : Peak location=3, mag-squared=0.005 (2.242%)
# [FrameNum= 11] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.207 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2159.000000, mag-squared=0.221 using global max
# [FrameNum= 11] DIFF     : Peak location=4, mag-squared=0.014 (6.697%)
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744:
#    Time: 658455 ns  Scope: pulsedetector_tb_pkg.mw_PulseDetector_scoreboard.run_phase File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 84
# ** Error: pulsedetector_tb:744: At step 'inferred verify call' verify id 'CheckDetection/CheckDetection/Check Static 
# Upper Bound' Failed
#    Time: 658455 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.checkVerifyStatus File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 347
# [FrameNum= 12] PREDICTED: Peak location=2163.000000, mag-squared=0.265 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] ACTUAL   : Peak location=2158.000000, mag-squared=0.260 using global max
# [FrameNum= 12] DIFF     : Peak location=5, mag-squared=0.005 (2.014%)
# UVM_INFO verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_objection.svh(1267) @ 713385: reporter [TEST_DONE] 'run' phase is ready to proceed to the 'extract' phase
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:757', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 713385 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Instance coverage for verify 'pulsedetector_tb:744', coverpoint 'pass_cp': metric=100.00, at_least=   1 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 713385 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 369
# ** Info: Overall coverage for CheckDetection_dpi_verify_calls: metric=100.00 (   COVERED)
#    Time: 713385 ns  Scope: CheckDetection_dpi_pkg.VerifyInterfaceT.reportVerifyCoverage File: ../scoreboard/ Line: 376
# --- UVM Report Summary ---
# ** Report counts by severity
# UVM_INFO :    5
# UVM_WARNING :    1
# UVM_ERROR :    0
# UVM_FATAL :    0
# ** Report counts by id
# [MULTTST]     1
# [Questa UVM]     2
# [RNTST]     1
# [TEST_DONE]     1
# [UVMTOP]     1
# ** Note: $finish    : /mathworks/hub/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Lin/linux_x86_64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_root.svh(430)
#    Time: 713385 ns  Iteration: 61  Instance: /mw_PulseDetector_AXIRTL_top
# End time: 22:16:23 on Jun 16,2023, Elapsed time: 0:00:33
# Errors: 6, Warnings: 1
cd ../../..

以下に波形を示します。これらは、デザインを実行するための異なるタイミングを示しています。常に有効なデータの安定したストリームの代わりに、5000 信号サンプルのフレームごとに、64 個の係数がプロセッサ インターフェイスを介して最初にプログラムされ、次に 5000 サンプルがストリーミングされます。

この最初の波形では、1 つのフレームの開始時にカーソルが表示され、次のフレームの開始時にもう 1 つのカーソルが表示されます。


この次の波形は、TLAST での 1 つのフレームの終わりにカーソルがあり、次の係数セットがプロセッサ インターフェイスを介して送信されているときの次のフレームの始まりにもう 1 つのカーソルがある詳細ビューを示しています。



この例では、 Simulinkで開発されたデザインとテストベンチを使用して、完全に実行可能な UVM テストベンチを生成する方法を示しました。uvmbuildコマンドは、主要コンポーネントの生成、コンパイル、UVM フレームワークへの統合を自動化します。

HDL 検証エンジニアは、 Simulinkから全体的なカバレッジを確認し、ネイティブ UVM シーケンスの独自のライブラリでカバレッジを拡張できます。

また、元のシーケンス ジェネレーターや応答チェッカーを変更することなく、 Simulinkの動作デザインを AXI4 などのハードウェア プロトコルでラップされた RTL デザインに置き換えることもできます。


| (HDL Coder)
