SocketCAN Interface Support from Vehicle Network Toolbox - Hardware Support - MATLAB & Simulink

Hardware Support

Capabilities and Features

Vehicle Network Toolbox™ supports the SocketCAN interface, which enables communication with compatible CAN and CAN FD interface hardware on Linux® platforms.

With the SocketCAN interface support, you can perform the following tasks in MATLAB® and Simulink®:

  • Transmit and receive CAN messages
  • Pack and unpack CAN messages for simplified decoding and encoding using .dbc files
  • Filter, log, and replay CAN messages
  • Find and display CAN interface device settings
  • Perform XCP communication over CAN using A2L files

You can transmit and receive CAN messages using the CAN FD standard if the CAN interface hardware supports CAN FD.

Supported Hardware

Vehicle Network Toolbox can communicate with any device that supports SocketCAN. Some vendors that provide SocketCAN compatible hardware include: 

  • Intrepid Control Systems
  • Kvaser
  • PEAK-System
  • ESD
  • Softing
Example hardware that supports SocketCAN interface

Example hardware that supports SocketCAN interface