Enhanced Data Dictionary for Model Based Automotive Production Software Development - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 11:11

Enhanced Data Dictionary for Model Based Automotive Production Software Development

Todd Nordby, Navistar International

Navistar developed a new Data Dictionary tool (DD) enhancing Simulink’s Data Dictionary to simplify control model design while supporting production code generation and deployment. Providing further data object abstraction, the DD simplifies various user groups’ processes and streamlines collaboration during development. For example, function developers use the DD to specify functional requirements for data objects such as names, physical units, and signal value ranges; while embedded software engineers simultaneously specify production code specific aspects. This approach lets function developers focus on functional requirements while embedded software engineers focus on production code implementation and integration. The DD also includes a lightweight component-based framework supporting the integration of hundreds of software components for both AUTOSAR and non-AUTOSAR applications using a bottom-up approach.

Published: 16 Nov 2020