Application of Automatic Code Generation for Rapid and Efficient Motor Control Development - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 14:13

Application of Automatic Code Generation for Rapid and Efficient Motor Control Development

Edward Kelly, Delphi Electronics & Safety

The advantages of automatic code generation to greatly speed the development process by linking the tools for simulation, code generation, and testing early in the development process as well as to more easily investigate performance issues late in the process are well known. However, concerns about loss of coding efficiency with this approach limit adoption of code generation for applications such as motor control. The efficient and accurate control of electric motor torque requires complex logic to be executed in sub-100 µ sec periods. Due to the fast execution rates, care must be taken in the software coding phase to ensure the algorithms will not exceed the target processor's throughput capability. Best practices for implementing requirements into models that generate efficient code will minimize this issue while allowing the advantages of modeling and code generation.

Recorded: 12 May 2015

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