Simulink Real-Time HDL Workflow with Speedgoat Hardware
Day 1 of 2
Overview on Workflows
Objective: Understand the concepts of RCP versus HIL. Know the deployment options: CPU versus FPGA.
- Real-time testing workflows
- Levels of model accuracy
- Deployment options on CPUs and FPGAs
Setting Up Development and Target Computers
Objective: Be able to set up the communication between target PC and development computer. Be able to run ready-made applications on real-time target machine.
- Setting up development computer and target PC
- Starting and stopping the application
- Viewing signals
- Changing parameters at run time
From Desktop to Real-Time Simulation
Objective: Become familiar with the example used during the course. Understand different levels of modeling accuracy. Be able to transform a desktop simulation model to a deployable real-time model.
- Course example: servo motor control
- Different levels of model accuracy
- Simulation with average values
- Simulation with PWM
- From desktop to real-time simulation
Basic HDL Workflow
Objective: Become familiar with the basics of HDL Workflow Advisor for programming an FPGA within the Speedgoat target machine. Be able to deploy a very simple model which uses just digital I/O and does not need any special optimization for deployment.
- HDL workflow overview
- Preparing models for HDL code generation
- HDL Workflow Advisor
- Oversampling
Fixed-Point Conversion
Objective: Be able to convert a Simulink model using floating point data types to a model using fixed-point data types.
- Converting from floating to fixed-point
- Using internal rules
- Fixed-point scaling and inheritance
- Using the Fixed-Point Tool
Day 2 of 2
Integrating External Code – Black Boxing
Objective: Be able to configure a Simulink model to make use of functionality that is already available as HDL code.
- Existing external HDL code
- Configuration of model for code generation
- Subsystem for including the external code
- Subsystem for analog input
- Generation of interface model
- Deployment and running of the application
Speedgoat HDL Coder™ I/O Blocksets
Objective: Be able to configure a Simulink model to make use of I/O functionality provided by Speedgoat HDL I/O blocksets.
- FPGA library blocks - PWM
- CPU library blocks - PWM
- Including the library blocks into course example model
- Finalizing the model
Implementing Algorithms Together with External HDL Code
Objective: Be able to combine application algorithm and I/O functionality on a FPGA. Be able to understand and fix timing issues which may occur when generating HDL code from Simulink models.
- Combining I/O functionality and controller algorithm for FPGA deployment
- Understanding timing on a FPGA
- Using the generic ASIC/FPGA workflow within the HDL Workflow Advisor (HDLWA)
- HDLWA – Timing optimization using clock-rate pipelining
- HDLWA – Timing optimization using enable-based constraints
Simscape™ Hardware-in-the-Loop Workflow
Objective: Be able to convert Simscape-based models into models only using Simulink blocks which may be deployed to an FPGA.
- Simscape HIL workflow overview
- Using the Simscape HDL Workflow advisor for converting a Simscape model into a Simulink implementation model
- Validating the implementation model
- Preparing the implementation model for HDL code generation
- Generating HDL code
- Running the HIL application
レベル: 上級
期間: 2 日
言語: English