Reduced Bus Wiring: Bus Element Ports - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 2:07

Reduced Bus Wiring: Bus Element Ports

Quickly group signals as buses and automatically create bus element ports with single click actions in Simulink®. These bus element port blocks provide a simplified and flexible way to use bus signals as inputs and outputs to subsystems. The Bus Element blocks are equivalent to an Inport or Outport block combined with a Bus Selector or Bus Creator block. They allow for great flexibility of wiring, as well as easy specification of grouping by name and coloring.

Using bus element ports reduces signal line complexity and clutter in a block diagram by allowing you to access a bus port through many individual blocks that can be placed closer to where they are being used, rather than tying them all to a single Outport or Inport block. They also make it easy to change the interface over time as you are designing it because they can be moved around the diagram independent of each other. Overall, bus element ports make models easier to create, but also easier to read and share.

Recorded: 8 Mar 2017

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