Connecting Simulink with Other Simulation Frameworks - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 52:52

Connecting Simulink with Other Simulation Frameworks

In this webinar, learn how you can connect Simulink with code-based simulation frameworks. First, we provide an overview of the different options, including the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.  We then show how to connect Simulink with a code-based simulation framework, using NASA’s Trick simulation environment as an example.  During the demonstration, we show how to bring code from Trick into Simulink and also how to generate code from Simulink and export it to Trick.

Although not a prerequisite for this webinar, it is recommended that you also watch the Simulink and Stateflow for Simulation Engineers webinar, since that webinar focuses more deeply on the workflow of using Simulink and Stateflow for modeling, simulation, and testing.

Note: Simulink Verification and Validation transitioned to Simulink Check, Simulink Coverage, and Requirements Toolbox in R2017b.

About the Presenters:
Michael Carone is a senior product marketing manager for the Simulink platform. Michael’s background is in mechanical engineering and engineering design processes.
Mark McBroom is a principal engineer and senior team leader in the pilot engineering group. Mark’s background is in embedded software development.

Recorded: 23 Oct 2013

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