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assign the fields of a structure correctly
Why is d1 in the reversed order? Why don't you make life simpler and reorder it to match (or vice versa with the table)? Faili...

2日 前 | 0

Save imported vector array with matlab file for later use
When you close MATLAB itself??? No, when you close any application its working data are gone because the memory is released bac...

4日 前 | 0

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writatable row size limitation
Write to '.xlsx' file instead of '.xls' >> tX=array2table(rand(86405,16)); >> size(tX) ans = 86405 16 >> wr...

5日 前 | 0

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Contour plot of cubic interpolation with set number of contour levels
Xvec= [-1.8750 -1.1250 -0.3750 -1.8750 -1.1250 -0.3750 -1.8750 -1.1250 -0.3750 -1.8750 -1.1250 -0.3750 ...

5日 前 | 0

Odd behavior using datetime
Another alternative without converting the numeric values to strings... dates = [4072016 2072016 12072016].'; y=rem(dates,10...

6日 前 | 0

Odd behavior using datetime
Have a better mousetrap, I think... dates = string([4072016 2072016 12072016]).'; dt=datetime(pad(dates,8,'left','0'),'InputFo...

6日 前 | 0

Can I used Unique to find unique x,y,z coordinates in table data?
load matlab whos tT=summaryTable1; clearvars -except tT head(tT) tT.Properties.VariableNames=strrep(tT.Properties.VariableN...

6日 前 | 0

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Odd behavior using datetime
I'm surprised the first works; it shouldn't either. See the doc for datetime <time formats>. As it notes, d Day of the m...

7日 前 | 0

Using readtable on a csv with missing columns
f=["colA,colB,colC,colD" "1000,2000,3000" "1100,2200,3300" "1110,2220,3330" "1111,2222,3333"]; writelines(f,'tt.csv') type...

7日 前 | 1

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Merge multiple columns based on match rows using loop
There's <an example> of precisely that operation with synchronize and timetables

7日 前 | 1

How to interpolate data with different sample times
Two basic choices resample in the Signal Processing TB will let you simply resample B by the ratio of the sizes with a phase-ma...

7日 前 | 0

Technical Specification for Format Specification for fprintf, sprintf, sscanf, etc.
Mathworks does not publish their internal specifications other than the documentation. One can submit service requests for clar...

7日 前 | 0

Add a label to a minor tick, in an inset plot
% create a plot x1 = linspace(0,1000); y1 = sin(2*pi*x1); hF=figure; ...

8日 前 | 1

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How to get the values of the XAxis Minor Ticks (of an inset plot)
@Gayathri recognized the underlying problem which can be very confusing because it is so erratic in what does/does not get updat...

8日 前 | 1

Can plot markers be specified in an array?
Use the multiple-handle option with set; there are examples there. NOTA BENE the property name and the properties must be pas...

10日 前 | 1

Count number of nucleotide bases (letters) in file with multiple entries
I'll convert the comment to an Answer because I believe it is/will be part of the required solution and is probably easier to cl...

10日 前 | 1

Open and read unique spectrum file .spc
L=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; numel(L) :The fir...

11日 前 | 0

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Reading Bytes from Arduino to MATLAB
I dunno how to fix the Arduino side, but the data bytes you're returning aren't the right values for the single float values 1 t...

12日 前 | 1

Combined 2 files .dat with different size
"but i want to combine 2 files in one file .dat the Problem it's the Two files has different size" You already told us that, b...

12日 前 | 1

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Increasing the line width of box plot whiskers
... hBx=findobj('Tag','boxplot'); % the boxplot group handle hBx=find(hBx.Children,'-not','Tag',...

12日 前 | 0

uitable copy function allowing for numerical values of mixture of of numbers and chars.
I'd go at it a little bit differently, although I just discovered the clipboard only takes one line of text so one does have to ...

13日 前 | 0

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While cycle with conditions never ending
while ~(Dice1==6 & Dice2==6) The expression as written first does AND operation of the two numeric, not logic, values and t...

14日 前 | 0

boxchart - different box width according to number of data points
I'll add a shorter, cleaner version as well...go ahead and accept the answer since it is the basis for the result desired if you...

16日 前 | 0

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boxchart - different box width according to number of data points
With sufficient perserverence it looks as though should be able to make boxchart work...the doc had an easy example to illustrat...

17日 前 | 0

How to locked/unlocked cells in an Excel file?
You'll have to use Excel COM. The <Link to Excel Locked Property> gives the syntax; you merely set the range .Locked property t...

20日 前 | 2

Interpolating between columns for an index
X=[550 750 950]; Y=[1 2 8]; % the interpolation table data xy=[550 22;580 21;650 20;623 28;850 14]; % the da...

22日 前 | 0

How to use stacked bar charts to draw multiple confidence intervals
coef = [-0.0186 0.0057 -0.0067 -0.0007 0 -0.0295 -0.0517 -0.0651 -0.0689 -0.0862 -0.0866]; Lower_Bound = [ -0.061944 -0.051528 ...

23日 前 | 0

Crosstab by using the same input for both arguments
"@Sim - if what I wrote is correct..." Your statements above were written under the null hypothesis that "both KSTEST2() and ...

24日 前 | 1

Why do I get Empty Plots during Optimization?
Per the above comments, at least a start would be something more like... function state = gaPlotRangeND(options, state, flag) ...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0
