Adam Danz
Software engineer at MathWorks with a Ph.D. in neurophysiology from the University of Rochester (NY). Specialized in visual and vestibular systems, multisensory integration, sensory-motor and control systems, steering, and navigation. Former member of the MathWorks Community Advisory Board. *My community contributions before 14-Feb-2022 were prior to my employment at MathWorks.
Which color format are you least familiar or least comfortable with?
7ヶ月 前 | 2784 votes | 7 comments
AMA: The secret of staff contributors in the Answers forum
Welcome to MATLAB Central's first Ask Me Anything (AMA) session! Over the next few weeks, I look forward to addressing any...
8ヶ月 前 | 24
New in MATLAB R2022b: GridSizeChangedFcn in TiledChartLayout
New in R2022b: GridSizeChangedFcn tiledlayout() creates a TiledChartLayout object that defines a gridded layout of axes wit...
約2年 前 | 7
New in MATLAB R2022b: determine if a vector is uniformly spaced
Uniform spacing and the problem of round-off error The vector [3 4 5 6 7 8 9] is uniformly spaced with a step size of 1. ...
約2年 前 | 6
National Volunteer Week: Contribute to the MATLAB Central Community
<<>> *20 minutes makes a difference* I...
2年以上 前 | 13
How much time should be spent searching for a solution before asking a question in the forum?
2年以上 前 | 23801 votes | 15 comments
New in MATLAB R2022a: Modify tab focus order of UI components
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/10759/data>> . *MATLAB R2022a* provides app developers more control over user ...
2年以上 前 | 4
New in MATLAB R2022a: Control keyboard focus to UI components
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/10699/data>> . *MATLAB R2022a* provides app developers more control over user ...
2年以上 前 | 3
New in MATLAB R2022a: export graphics to animated GIFs
Starting in *MATLAB R2022a*, use the *|<
2年以上 前 | 3
New in MATLAB R2022a: Fontsize scaling
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/10124/data>> You've spent hours designing the perfect figure and now it's time to...
3年弱 前 | 4
What type of music do you listen to while coding? Share your playlists in the comments!
3年弱 前 | 753 votes | 9 comments
New in MATLAB R2021a: Auto rotation of axis tick labels
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/5228/data>> *Starting in MATLAB R2021a axis tick labels will auto-rotate to avoid...
3年以上 前 | 11
Four New App Features in MATLAB R2021a
*Four (of many) new features for Apps in MATLAB R2021a* These four new features are the solutions to many inquiries in the An...
3年以上 前 | 5
New in R2021a: LimitsChangedFcn
*New in R2021a, |<
3年以上 前 | 6
New in R2021a: Name=Value syntax
3年以上 前 | 7
New in R2021a: Improvements to tiled chart layout
|< tiledlayout>|, introduced in MATLAB R2019b, offers a flexible way t...
3年以上 前 | 8
Happy St. Patrick's Day - simple emoticon & animation demo
*Did you know you can use most emoticons in text objects?* Most emoticons are just < unicode charac...
4年弱 前 | 6
New in R2021a: Capture disp() output as a string
We've all been there. You've got some kind of output that displays perfectly in the command window and you just want to capture...
4年弱 前 | 10
New in R2020b: Record snapshots of your app
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/2223/commHighlighIconSmall.png>> # Use the new exportapp function to capture an i...
約4年 前 | 8
New in R2020b: new way to return height or width of arrays
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/2166/2020b_heightwidth_img.png>> Prior to r2020b the height (number of rows) and ...
約4年 前 | 6
New in R2020b: Two new marker symbols
' The Matlab r2020b release introduces the new horizontal ('_') and vertical (' | ') line marker symbols that are centered ar...
約4年 前 | 13
New in r2020b: Subtitles & Title/Label Alignment
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/1744/mainImg.png>> *Add a subtitle* Multi-lined titles have been supported for...
約4年 前 | 15
New in R2020a: Mouse Pointer control in apps & uifigures
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/1606/pointers.bmp>> *<
4年以上 前 | 14
New in R2020a: App button animation & truecolor images
<</matlabcentral/discussions/uploaded_files/1021/demoApp.gif>> *Starting in r2020a, AppDesigner <
4年以上 前 | 22
National volunteer week: Standing on the shoulders of giants
This week is < National Volunteer Week> in the USA and Canada and to celebrate, I’d like to pa...
4年以上 前 | 11
New in r2020a: leap seconds
New to r2020a, |< leapseconds()>| creates a table showing all leap sec...
4年以上 前 | 6
New in r2020a: functions to analyze timetable ranges
Do date ranges from two different timetables intersect? Is a specific datetime value within the range of a timetable? Is ...
4年以上 前 | 10