
New in R2021a: Capture disp() output as a string

Adam Danz 2021 年 3 月 15 日 (編集日時: 2021 年 4 月 29 日)
最新アクティビティ Adam Danz さんによる編集 (2023 年 1 月 15 日)

We've all been there. You've got some kind of output that displays perfectly in the command window and you just want to capture that display as a string so you can use it again somewhere else. Maybe it's a multidimensional array, a table, a structure, or a fit object that perfectly displays the information you need in a neat and tidy format but when you try to recreate the display in a string variable it's like reconstructing the Taj Mahal out of legos.

Enter Matlab r2021a > formattedDisplayText()

Use str=formattedDisplayText(var) the same way you use disp(var) except instead of displaying the output, it's stored as a string as it would appear in the command window.

Additional name-value pairs allow you to

  • Specify a numeric format
  • Specify loose|compact line spacing
  • Display true|false instead of 1|0 for logical values
  • Include or suppress markup formatting that may appear in the display such as the bold headers in tables.

Demo: Record the input table and results of a polynomial curve fit

load census
[fitobj, gof] = fit(cdate, pop, 'poly3', 'normalize', 'on')

Results printed to the command window:

fitobj = 
     Linear model Poly3:
     fitobj(x) = p1*x^3 + p2*x^2 + p3*x + p4
       where x is normalized by mean 1890 and std 62.05
     Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
       p1 =       0.921  (-0.9743, 2.816)
       p2 =       25.18  (23.57, 26.79)
       p3 =       73.86  (70.33, 77.39)
       p4 =       61.74  (59.69, 63.8)
gof = 
  struct with fields:
             sse: 149.77
         rsquare: 0.99879
             dfe: 17
      adjrsquare: 0.99857
            rmse: 2.9682

Capture the input table, the printed fit object, and goodness-of-fit structure as strings:

rawDataStr = formattedDisplayText(table(cdate,pop),'SuppressMarkup',true)
fitStr = formattedDisplayText(fitobj)
gofStr = formattedDisplayText(gof)

Display the strings:

rawDataStr = 
    "    cdate     pop 
         _____    _____
         1790       3.9
         1800       5.3
         1810       7.2
         1820       9.6
         1830      12.9
         1840      17.1
         1850      23.1
         1860      31.4
         1870      38.6
         1880      50.2
         1890      62.9
         1900        76
         1910        92
         1920     105.7
         1930     122.8
         1940     131.7
         1950     150.7
         1960       179
         1970       205
         1980     226.5
         1990     248.7
fitStr = 
    "     Linear model Poly3:
          ary(x) = p1*x^3 + p2*x^2 + p3*x + p4
            where x is normalized by mean 1890 and std 62.05
          Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
            p1 =       0.921  (-0.9743, 2.816)
            p2 =       25.18  (23.57, 26.79)
            p3 =       73.86  (70.33, 77.39)
            p4 =       61.74  (59.69, 63.8)
gofStr = 
    "           sse: 149.77
            rsquare: 0.99879
                dfe: 17
         adjrsquare: 0.99857
               rmse: 2.9682

Combine the strings into a single string and write it to a text file in your temp directory:

txt =  strjoin([rawDataStr; fitStr; gofStr],[newline newline]);
file = fullfile(tempdir,'results.txt');
fid = fopen(file,'w+');
cleanup = onCleanup(@()fclose(fid)); 
fprintf(fid, '%s', txt);
clear cleanup

Open results.txt.

winopen(file) % for Windows platforms
Gary Gorman
Gary Gorman 2023 年 1 月 13 日 (編集日時: 2023 年 1 月 13 日)
"constructing the tajMahal out of legos"!!! Yes, that is precisely my experience as I can generate a particular display, sometimes in livescript output, sometimes with Insert>>>Equation, sometimes with Insert>>>LATEX equation, but I cannot obtain "build once, use anywhere" functionality. Adam Danz' comments above suggest that such functionality may be achievable with formattedDisplayText. Unfortunately that doesnt work for me, either:
clear all
A = [
1 2
3 4
strA = formattedDisplayText(A)
syms a b c d
a b
c d
R2022b output is:
strB display does not look like a matrix. How can I obtain a string that will display a matrix? I suspect my objective is not achievable as Mr. Danz results above are all table displays. I want a string that will display as a matrix when used in a sentence along with other words and equations and matrices. I could use Insert>>>LATEX Equation but that displays only in the livescript input pane and not in the livescript output pane.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2023 年 1 月 15 日 (編集日時: 2023 年 1 月 15 日)
formattedDisplayText captures the display as it would appear in the command window, not the live editor.
Try using sym to reformat your matrix in the live editor.
matrix = magic(3)
A = sym(matrix)
Then convert it to latex using the latex function:
altx = latex(A)
> '\left(\begin{array}{ccc} 8 & 1 & 6\\ 3 & 5 & 7\\ 4 & 9 & 2 \end{array}\right)'
Then you can use it in graphics object such as,
text(0.5,0.5,['$',altx,'$'], 'interpreter', 'latex') % write
Rather have square brackets? See this MATLAB Centra Answer.
Yvan Lengwiler
Yvan Lengwiler 2021 年 4 月 20 日

Well that seems a bit superfluous.

str = evalc('disp(table(cdate,pop))');

And if you want to remove html tags from the output, do this:

str = regexprep(str,'<.*?>','');
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2021 年 4 月 22 日 (編集日時: 2021 年 4 月 22 日)

Almost... you need to wrap the output in a string to match the output of formattedDisplayText. Also, no need to call regexprep to remove the hotlinks and markup. You could do this instead,

str = string(evalc('feature(''hotlinks'',''off'');disp(table(cdate,pop))'))

or, of course, just call this line which is a bit more readable IMO

formattedDisplayText(table(cdate,pop),'SuppressMarkup', true)

formattedDisplayText has some other features that set it apart from using a simple evalc.

Let's look at a table of exchange rates with bank number formatting

c = {'USD', 1; 'EURO', 0.830213; 'Pound', 0.716957; 'Rupee', 75.299172};
|evalc                          formattedDisplayText
"    {'USD'  }    {[      1]}   "    {'USD'  }    {[ 1.00]}
     {'EURO' }    {[0.83021]}        {'EURO' }    {[ 0.83]}
     {'Pound'}    {[0.71696]}        {'Pound'}    {[ 0.72]}
     {'Rupee'}    {[ 75.299]}        {'Rupee'}    {[75.30]}
 "                               "|

or displaying values as fractions or ratios

r = randi(20,1,5)./randi(40,1,5);
  "  0.35294   0.42857   0.025   0.67857   0.71429
  "  6/17      3/7       1/40    19/28      5/7     

How about differentiating between numeric and logical values?

b = num2cell(randi(2,5,5)-1);
ri = randperm(25,12); 
b(ri(1:6)) = {false};
b(ri(7:12)) = {true};
  "    {[0]}    {[0]}    {[1]}    {[1]}    {[0]}
       {[0]}    {[1]}    {[1]}    {[0]}    {[0]}
       {[0]}    {[1]}    {[0]}    {[1]}    {[0]}
       {[0]}    {[1]}    {[0]}    {[1]}    {[0]}
       {[1]}    {[1]}    {[1]}    {[1]}    {[1]}
  "    {[    0]}    {[   0]}    {[   1]}    {[    1]}    {[false]}
       {[false]}    {[   1]}    {[true]}    {[false]}    {[    0]}
       {[false]}    {[true]}    {[   0]}    {[    1]}    {[    0]}
       {[false]}    {[true]}    {[   0]}    {[    1]}    {[false]}
       {[ true]}    {[true]}    {[true]}    {[    1]}    {[    1]}

Of course, all of these options can be implemented using evalc with a bit of finesse. In fact, formattedDisplayText uses evalc and should come with the same security warning in the evalc documentation .

goc3 2021 年 3 月 15 日

This seems like a reliable alternative to diary, which doesn't always turn on and off when intended. Thanks for pointing this out, Adam.