Requirements and Advanced Model Checks Getting Started

バージョン 3.1 (4.17 MB) 作成者: Pat Canny
This example shows how to get started with MathWorks' Model Verification & Validation tools
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更新 2022/10/17

This example shows how to get started with MathWorks' Model Verification & Validation tools. It uses a fictional scenario that is based on elements of a typical Simulink user on an embedded systems production team. The example is packaged as a MATLAB Project. It uses the following products:

- Simulink
- Stateflow
- Simulink Requirements
- Simulink Check
- Simulink Design Verifier*

* Simulink Coverage is a required product for Simulink Design Verifier. This example requires a Simulink Coverage license, but does not show Simulink Coverage features.

To get started:

1) Unzip the example to a working directory
2) Open MATLAB
3) Navigate to the working directory
4) Open the file "Designer_Work_Flow.prj" by double-clicking or, from the MATLAB Command Window, enter "simulinkproject('Designer_Work_Flow.prj')"

If you do not have access to these products, please request a free trial:


This example uses a fictional scenario based on a typical engineer's experience for the purpose of demonstration. Any use of names of actual products or firms is entirely coincidental and unintentional. The contents of this example do not constitute a real design.

You are an engineer at Farnswerth Automotive and are on a secret project team developing a single-occupant Level 5 autonomous vehicle, which many call The Pod.

Your team, which designs the control system software, is about to complete the "desktop simulation" phase of the project before moving on to the much-anticipated "hardware in the loop" testing phase in the brand new state-of-the-art testing facility hidden away from the rest of the company. Everyone is excited!

One of your many responsibilities is the adaptive cruise control feature, which should set The Pod apart from its competition because it will allow multiple Pods to travel within 1 meter of each other at 100 km/h. Your CEO has been posting about this specific feature on social media for months now.

You have completed most of the design, and have saved the "easy stuff" for the very end.


Pat Canny (2024). Requirements and Advanced Model Checks Getting Started (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2021a
R2021a と互換性あり
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