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Arduino Common ブロック


Analog InputMeasure voltage of analog input pin
Analog OutputGenerate voltage on the specified DAC pin
CAN Transmit Transmit message to CAN network
CAN Receive Receive message from CAN network
Continuous Servo WriteSet direction and speed of continuous rotation servo motor
Digital InputGet logical value of digital input pin
Digital OutputSet logical value of digital output pin
I2C WriteWrite data to an I2C peripheral device or an I2C peripheral device register
I2C ReadRead data from I2C peripheral device or I2C peripheral device register
SPI WriteReadWrite data to and read data from an SPI device
PWMGenerate pulse width modulated signal on analog output pin
Serial ReceiveReceive data over Arduino serial port
Serial TransmitTransmit data over Arduino serial port
Standard Servo ReadMeasure shaft position of standard servo motor in degrees
Standard Servo WriteSet shaft position of standard servo motor to angle specified in degrees
External InterruptTrigger the downstream function-call subsystem from an Interrupt Service Routine
SD Card File ReadRead data from an SD card
Input CaptureMeasure frequency and duty cycle of external input signal (R2020b 以降)
Modbus RS485 Client ReadClient device reads data from server device register(s) over RS485 network (R2020b 以降)
Modbus RS485 Client WriteClient device writes data to server device register(s) over RS485 network (R2020b 以降)
Modbus RS485 Server ReadServer device reads data from the server device register over RS485 network (R2020b 以降)
Modbus RS485 Server WriteServer device writes data to server device register over RS485 network (R2020b 以降)
BLE SendSend data using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol (R2021b 以降)
BLE ReceiveReceive data using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol (R2021b 以降)
Protocol EncoderEncode input data into a uint8 byte stream by specifying the packet structure (R2021b 以降)
Protocol DecoderDecode a uint8 byte stream by specifying the packet structure (R2021b 以降)
L293D DC MotorControl power and direction of a DC motor (R2023a 以降)
PCA9685 DC MotorControl power and direction of a DC motor (R2023a 以降)
L293D DC MotorControl power and direction of a DC motor (R2023a 以降)
PCA9685 DC MotorControl power and direction of a DC motor (R2023a 以降)
NeoPixelControl color and brightness of RGB and RGBW Adafruit NeoPixel LED strip (R2024a 以降)
On-board EEPROM ReadRead data from on-board Arduino EEPROM (R2024a 以降)
On-board EEPROM WriteWrite data to on-board Arduino EEPROM (R2024a 以降)

