Simscape ファイルの展開
ブロック線図での Simscape™ ファイルの使用
テキストのコンポーネント ファイルをカスタム Simscape ブロックに変換して、ブロック線図に配置します。Simscape Component ブロックを使用すると、Simscape コンポーネント ファイルをモデルのブロックにすばやく変換できます。また、Simscape コンポーネントのカスタム ブロック ライブラリを作成すると、こうしたモデルを組織全体で共有できるようになります。これらの 2 つの手法に関する詳細については、Simscape コンポーネント ファイルからのカスタム ブロックの生成を参照してください。
Simscape ブロック
Simscape Component | Deploy Simscape language component as custom block in model diagram |
ssc_build | (To be removed) Build custom library from collection of Simscape files |
ssc_mirror | (To be removed) Create protected mirror of library of Simscape files |
ssc_protect | (To be removed) Generate Simscape protected files from source files |
sl_postprocess | Make postprocessing customizations when building custom block library |
ssc_clean | (To be removed) Clean all derived files generated by library build process |
ssc_update | Update Simscape component files to use new syntax |
simscape.dependency.file | Check dependencies for single file |
simscape.dependency.lib | Check dependencies for library package |
simscape.dependency.model | Check dependencies for model |
subsystem2ssc | Convert subsystem containing Simscape blocks into equivalent Simscape file or files |
カスタム コンポーネントの展開の基本的な手法
- Simscape コンポーネント ファイルからのカスタム ブロックの生成
テキストのコンポーネント ファイルを Simscape ブロックに変換する方法。 - Selecting Component File Directly from Block
Quickly deploy a single component file. - Deploy a Component File in Block Diagram
This example shows how you can quickly transform a Simscape component file into a block in your model. - Switch Between Different Source Components
This example shows how you can try out several variants of a component in your model by pointing the Simscape Component block to different component files. - Prototype a Component and Get Instant Feedback
This example shows how you can interactively modify the component source and get instant feedback on the resulting block implementation.
ブロック線図でのカスタム ブロックの表示
- Customizing the Block Name and Appearance
How to customize the block name, names of parameters, variables, and ports, and the block icon. - Customize Block Display
This example shows a complete component file with annotation and the resulting library block and dialog box. The image file,custom_spring.svg
, is located in the same folder as the component file. This example is an illustration of basic techniques described in Customizing the Block Name and Appearance. - Use Advanced Techniques to Customize Block Display
This example shows how you can use block layout annotation and enumerations to improve usability of a custom block.
カスタム ブロック ライブラリ
- Building Custom Block Libraries
Generate a custom block library from a namespace of Simscape component files. - Customizing the Library Name and Appearance
Namespace names must be valid MATLAB® identifiers. The top-level namespace always generates a library model with the namenamespace_name
. However, library configuration files let you provide descriptive library names and specify other customizations for sublibraries, generated from subfolders in the namespace hierarchy. - Create a Custom Block Library
This example illustrates how you can convert a namespace containing Simscape component files into a custom block library, containing sublibraries with customized names and appearance. It summarizes the techniques described in Organizing Your Simscape Files, Converting Your Simscape Files, and Customizing the Library Name and Appearance. - When to Rebuild a Custom Library
You need to rebuild the custom Simscape libraries: - Checking File and Model Dependencies
How to use Dependency Analyzer to analyze a model and determine its model dependencies.
ケース スタディ
- Case Study — Basic Custom Block Library
How to build your own library of custom blocks based on component files. - Case Study — Electrochemical Library
How to create a new custom domain and build a complete library of custom blocks based on that domain.