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Create a Simple Form-Based Setup

This example creates a forms-based setup that generates a report on a set of magic squares (see the magic function).

Create a Word Template

Copy the Report Explorer Default Word Template

Templates that you use in the Report Explorer must be copies of the Report Explorer default template or based on a copy.

  1. Start Report Explorer:

  2. In Report Explorer, select Tools > Edit Document Conversion Template.

  3. From the list of templates, select Default Word Template. In the dialog box, click Copy template.

  4. Save the template on the MATLAB® path and name it magic-square.dotx.

  5. In the list of templates, the new template appears as Copy of Default Word Template. Select it and set these properties:

    • Template id: magic-square

    • Display name: Magic Square

    • Description: Defines the form for my magic square report

  6. Open the template in Microsoft® Word. With the template selected, in the dialog box, click Open template.

Prepare to Work with Holes in Word

To work with holes in a Word template, display the Word Developer ribbon if it is not displayed. Then, in the Developer ribbon, turn on design mode. To help you to create content in the right place, display paragraph marks.

  1. In your Word template, select File > Options.

  2. In the Word Options dialog box, select Customize Ribbon.

  3. From the Customize the Ribbon list, under Main Tabs, select the Developer check box, and click OK.

  4. On the Developer ribbon, toggle Design Mode on.

  5. On the Home ribbon, click the Show/Hide Paragraph Marks button .

Create Sections and Set Default Headers and Footers

The default template uses a different first page header and footer for the default page layout. For this example, your template must contain only a default page header and footer. Edit the headers and footers so that the template contains only default page layouts.

  1. With your cursor in the first page, create a section break. From the Layout ribbon, select Breaks > Next Page.

  2. On the new page, double-click the page header. In the Header & Footer Tools ribbon, toggle Link to Previous off.

  3. Click the footer. Toggle Link to Previous off. Click Close Header and Footer.

  4. With your cursor in the second page, create a section break using Layout > Breaks > Next Page.

  5. In the third page, in the header and the footer, toggle Link to Previous off.

Format Page Numbers

The first section is the title page and does not use a page number. The second section contains the table of contents and uses lowercase roman numerals, starting with page i. The third section is the main content of your report and uses Arabic numerals, starting with page 1.

  1. In the footer of the first page, delete the page number.

  2. In the footer of the second page, right-click the page number and select Format Page Numbers. Set Number format to lowercase roman numerals. Set Start at to 1.

  3. Center the number in the footer.

  4. In the footer of the last page, right-click the page number and select Format Page Numbers. Set Number format to Arabic numerals. Set Start at to 1.

  5. Center the number in the footer.

  6. Click Close Header and Footer.

Add Boilerplate Text and Hole to Title Page

Design a title page that includes boilerplate text and one hole. The boilerplate text is the report title, and the hole is for the date.

  1. On the first page, before the section break, enter the title text:

    My Magic Square Report
  2. Apply the Word Title style.

  3. In a new paragraph, add an inline hole, and give it the title Date.

    • With your cursor in the paragraph, add a space and put the text cursor in front of it. This technique ensures that you are creating an inline hole and not a block hole.

    • On the Developer ribbon, in the Controls group, click the Rich Text Content Control button.

    • On the Developer ribbon, click Properties. Set Title to Date and Tag to Hole. Click OK.

    • To show the purpose of the hole, enter Date in the hole.

    • Delete the space that follows the hole.

  4. Create a Word style named MyDate based on Normal.

    Create New Style from Formatting dialog box with Name set to MyDate and with Style for follow paragraph set to Normal

    In the Paragraph properties, change these values:

    • Space before to 60

    • Alignment to Centered

  5. Apply the MyDate style to the paragraph that contains the Date hole.

Add the Table of Contents

In the second section (the second page), add the table of contents header and field. The TOC contains chapter names and page numbers. The field is a table of contents placeholder that is populated with the chapter names and page numbers when the report is generated.

  1. Before the section break on the second page, add the heading for the table of contents. Type Contents and apply the style TOC Heading.

  2. Add a Normal paragraph after the heading and insert the table of contents field. On the Insert ribbon, select Quick Parts > Field. From the list, select TOC and click OK. Respond to the message that appears.

Add Chapters Hole

The third section of your report is for the main content of the report. Create a block hole and your own heading style to apply to paragraphs in your report setup.

  1. Insert a block hole and name it Chapters.

    • Select the paragraph marker. Then, on the Developer ribbon, click the Rich Text Content Control button.

    • With your cursor in the rich text control, on the Developer ribbon, click Properties. Set Title to Chapters and Tag to Hole. Click OK.

    • Type Chapters in the hole to indicate the purpose of the hole.

  2. Create a style MyHeading1 based on Heading 1.

    Create New Style from Formatting dialog box with Name set to MyHeading1 and Formatting set to Calibri (Body)

    • Change the font to Calibri.

    • In the Paragraph formatting, on the Indents and Spacing tab, change Spacing After to 20.

    • On the Line and Page Breaks tab, select the Page Break Before check box.

Save and Close the Template

Clean up the template for report generation, and then save and close it.

  1. Remove any empty paragraphs.

  2. Turn off paragraph marks.

  3. Save and close the template.

Create the Report Setup File

  1. Create a form-based setup file. In Report Explorer, select File > New Form.

  2. In the Report Form Options, under Report Output Type and Templates, change File format to Word and change the template name to your custom template, Magic Square.

    When you select your custom template, the holes and layouts from your template populate the setup. This setup contains these holes:

    • A block hole for the start of the document (first section), named #start#. This hole contains a DOCX Page Layout component. Default page header and footer components appear as children of the layout component.

    • An inline hole named Date.

    • A block hole for the start of the second section, named #sect2#, and a block hole for the start of the third section, named #sect3#.

      Each section hole contains a page layout component. Each page layout component contains a Page Header and Page Footer component to pick up the page number information you specified in the template.

    • A block hole named Chapters.

  3. Add a Text component as a child of the Date inline hole. To insert the current date in the hole, enter this expression in the text box of the Text component. This expression returns the value of the MATLAB date command:

  4. Create an Eval component as a child of the Chapters Template Hole component in your report. In the component’s dialog box, clear the Insert MATLAB expression in report and Display command window output in report check boxes. Copy this code into the Expression to evaluate in the base workspace box:

    % This M-code sets up two variables
    % that define how the report runs.
    % mgicSizeVector is a list of MxM
    % Magic Square sizes to insert into
    % the report. Magic squares cannot 
    % be 2x2.
    magicSizeVector=[4 8 16 32];
    % largestDisplayedArray sets the
    % limit of array size to insert
    % in the report with the
    % Insert Variable component.
  5. Create a For Loop component after the Eval component in your report setup. Set the loop’s End value to length(magicSizeVector). Set Variable name to MAGIC_SQUARE_INDEX.

  6. Add an Eval component as the first child of the for loop. In the component dialog box, set Expression to evaluate to Magic_Square_Size=magicSizeVector(MAGIC_SQUARE_INDEX);. Clear the Insert MATLAB expression in report and Display command window output in report check boxes.

    The figure shows your report setup so far:

    Report setup as displayed in Report Explorer

  7. Create a Paragraph component as a child of the for component. In the dialog box, change the paragraph text Style Name to Specify and enter MyHeading1. This setting formats the chapter headings generated by the for loop with the MyHeading1 style you created in your template.

  8. Create an Insert Variable component as a child of the Paragraph component. Set Variable name to Magic_Square_Size.

  9. Create an Eval component after the Variable component. Clear the Insert MATLAB expression in report and Display command window output in report check boxes. Set Expression to evaluate to:

    % This m-script produces a magic
    % square of size Magic_Square_Size
    % and creates an image of that square.
    title(sprintf('Magic Square N=%i',Magic_Square_Size))
    axis equal;
  10. Create a Logical If component after the Eval component. In the component dialog box, set Test expression to Magic_Square_Size<=largestDisplayedArray. Move the Logical If component so that it is a sibling of the Paragraph component.

  11. Create a Logical Then component as a child of the Logical If component. Create an Insert Variable component as a child of the Logical Then component. In the dialog box, set Variable name to mySquare.

  12. Create a Logical Else component following the Logical Then component. Create a Figure Loop component as a child of the Logical Else component.

  13. Create a Figure Snapshot component as a child of the Figure Loop component. In the Figure Snapshot dialog box, set the paper orientation to portrait. Set Image size to Custom: [5 4] inches.

    The figure shows the structure of the report setup and the setting for the Paragraph component.

    Report Explorer with Paragraph - <Text from children> component selected in the left pane

Generate the Report

Select the Report Form component and select File > Report.

See Also

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