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センサー データ

TurtleBot® センサーからデータを収集する

TurtleBot ロボットは、すべてのセンサー データを ROS ネットワーク上に公開します。これらの関数は、ROS ネットワークのさまざまなセンサーからデータを取得するために使用されます。setVelocity を使用して速度コマンドを送信し、ロボットを動かすこともできます。



getColorImageGet color image from TurtleBot camera
getGrayImageGet grayscale image from TurtleBot camera
getDepthImageGet depth image from TurtleBot camera
getPointCloudGet point cloud image from TurtleBot camera
getLaserScanGet laser scan sensor readings from TurtleBot
getIMUGet IMU data from TurtleBot
getOdometryGet odometry reading from TurtleBot
getTransformGet transformation between two frames on the TurtleBot robot
resetOdometryReset odometry for TurtleBot
setVelocitySend linear and angular velocities to TurtleBot


turtlebotConnect to TurtleBot


  • Get Started with the TurtleBot Support Package

    This example demonstrates how to interface with the TurtleBot® robot. You can acquire sensor data from the robot's sensors and send commands to control the robot's motion.

  • Get Image Data from TurtleBot at a Fixed Rate

    This example shows how to get image data from the TurtleBot and display it at a fixed rate. ROS Toolbox Support Package for TurtleBot-Based Robots enables you to connect to TurtleBot hardware and get the color, grayscale, and depth images from it. In this example, use the getColorImage function to get color images off the TurtleBot to display them. To collect images at a fixed rate, use rateControl.

  • Plot Turtlebot Odometry

    This example shows how to get, store, and display odometry data from a TurtleBot® as it drives in an environment.