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Install Update or Upgrade to New Version of Polyspace Access

You use the same procedure to install a Polyspace® Access™ update, for example, R2024b Update 1, or to upgrade to a new version of Polyspace Access. Before you begin, inform users that Polyspace Access will be unavailable during the update or upgrade. Some of the steps in the next sections require elevated user privileges (sudo).

Step 1: Prerequisites

  • Download a new installation image. See Download instructions.

  • If you are installing a new version of Polyspace Access, follow the steps outlined in the topic Update Network License to update your license.

  • Create a snapshot of your current installation folder. You can use the snapshot to roll back the update or upgrade if there are issues with the installation. Check that you have enough memory on your machine to store the snapshot. For example, if your installation folder is /usr/local/Polyspace_Access use this command:

    sudo tar -cvpzf /usr/local/ps-access.old.tgz /usr/local/Polyspace_Access

See also Other Pre-Installation Checks.

Step 2: Stop and Remove Containers for Current Installation

To avoid conflicts between the Docker® container versions of your current and new installations, stop and delete the docker containers for your current installation:

  1. In the Cluster Admin dashboard, click Stop Apps. This action stops most but not all of the containers.

  2. In the command line terminal where you started the admin-docker-agent binary, press Ctrl+C to stop the binary.

    Alternatively, use the command docker stop admin && docker rm admin to stop and delete the admin container.

  3. At the command line, enter these commands to stop and delete the remaining containers:

    docker stop polyspace-access issuetracker usermanager gateway
    docker rm polyspace-access issuetracker usermanager gateway

To check that you have deleted all containers, use the command docker ps -a to view all running and stopped containers on your system.

Step 3: Install and Start New Polyspace Access Services

Unzip and Install

You typically install an update or upgrade by extracting the contents of the installation image that you downloaded in step 1 into the installation folder of your current Polyspace Access installation. This operation overwrites existing installation files but preserves your settings and databases. For example, if your current installation folder is /usr/local/Polyspace_Access, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the zipped installation image and run this command:

unzip -d /usr/local/Polyspace_Access
Depending on the version and update number that you are installing, the zipped installation image will have a different name.

Start Cluster Admin Interface

At the command line, navigate to the installation folder and run the command:

./admin-docker-agent --hostname `hostname -f`
Specify additional options to use a different port or configure HTTPS. See admin-docker-agent.

Use the URL provided in the output of the previous command to go to the Cluster Admin interface, then:

  1. Click Configure Apps and inspect the settings. Check that the file and folder paths are correct and then save and validate the settings.

  2. Return to the Cluster Admin dashboard and click Restart Apps.

Check Installation Status

Depending on the size of your existing database, the Polyspace Access services might take up to several hours to restart, even after the Status indicators turn green and all the apps are listed as running in the Cluster Dashboard.

While Polyspace migrates your data to the new version of Polyspace Access, if you try to log in you see a banner with the message:

Polyspace Access is temporarily unavailable while your administrator performs some planned maintenance.
 Try again later


Do not click Restart Apps or restart any container during the migration process.

Open the log of the Polyspace Access ETL service, search for "migration", and look for the message "Data migration completed successfully". Once that message appears in the log, the installation is successful. To open the log, from the cluster admin dashboard, click Polyspace Access and then Show Logs for the Polyspace Access ETL service.

If you see a migration error in the log, see Contact Technical Support About Polyspace Access Issues.

You can restore your previous installation by unpacking the snapshot you created in step 1 in a new folder. Do not unpack your snapshot in the existing installation folder as the database base schema might no longer be compatible with an older version of Polyspace Access.

Step 4: Post-Installation Configuration

After you complete the update or upgrade:

Other Pre-Installation Checks

Check License Manager Version

To avoid any potential issues with license file operation, check that you are running the latest license manager software version. To view the latest license manager software version available, see the FlexNet® Version on this page.

To check your current license manager software version, at the command line, depending on your operating system, enter the commands listed in this table.


lmgrd.exe -v 

./lmgrd -v 

LM_Folder is the folder where you installed the license manager. See also Update Network License Manager Software.

Check for Docker Network Conflicts

The Polyspace Access services run inside a docker network. See Networking overview. When you update Polyspace Access, the services reuse the existing docker network unless you explicitly specify a different docker network.

To avoid network conflicts, check with your network administrator whether the IP range of the docker network used by your current installation is not also used by other services. If you already performed this check during a previous installation and you have not experienced networking issues, you may skip this section. Otherwise, follow these steps. Run the commands on the machine where you install Polyspace Access.

  1. To view which docker network your current installation uses, while the Polyspace Access services are running, use this command:

    docker container inspect polyspace-access-etl-0-main
    and then inspect the NetworkSettings.Networks node in the output.

    If more than one network is listed in the output, perform step 2 for each network.

  2. To view the IP range that is used by the docker network from step 1, run this command:

    docker network inspect networkName
    and inspect the IPAM.config node. Contact your network administrator to determine if the IP range is used by other services. networkName is the name of the docker network, for example mathworks.

    • If your docker network conflicts with an existing network, create a docker network and specify the subnet and gateway to avoid conflicts with existing networks. See docker network create. To use the new network, specify the --network-name newNetworkName option when you start the admin-docker-agent binary.

      Use the command docker network rm networkName to remove Docker networks that you no longer use.

    • If the docker network does not conflict with an existing network, no action is required. The network is reused with the new installation.

Compatibility Considerations

  • The Polyspace Access docker container names might change between releases. If you run scripts that use the container names, check those names in the new release and update your scripts accordingly.

    To view the names of currently running containers, use command docker ps --format '{{.Names}}'.

  • If you update Polyspace Access version R2021a or earlier to version R2021b or later, and both of these are true:

    • You use your company LDAP for user authentication.

    • You use the option --force-exposing-ports when you start the admin-docker-agent binary for the new installation.

    Check that all the services have a valid port number assigned to them before you click Restart Apps to start the services.

    To view the currently assigned ports for the services, in the Cluster Admin dashboard, click Configure Nodes and then go to the Services tab of the Nodes settings.

  • To download results stored in Polyspace Access version R2022a Update 1 or later by using the polyspace-access -download command, update the Polyspace product that you run the command from to version R2022a Update 1 or later.

See Also

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