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Estimate arrival directions of signals using MUSIC


doas = musicdoa(covmat,nsig) uses the MUSIC algorithm to estimate the directions of arrival, doas, of nsig plane waves received on a uniform linear array (ULA). The argument covmat is a positive-definite Hermitian matrix representing the sensor covariance matrix. Detected sources appear as peaks in the spatial spectrum. The argument nsig is the number of arriving signals. Sensor elements are spaced one-half wavelength apart in units of wavelengths. The function forces exact conjugate symmetry of covmat by averaging the covariance matrix with its conjugate transpose.


[doas,spec,specang] = musicdoa(covmat,nsig) also returns the spatial spectrum, spec, and the nsig angles of the spectrum peaks, specang.


[___] = musicdoa(covmat,nsig,___,'ScanAngles',scanangle) specifies the grid of broadside angles to search for spectrum peaks.


[___] = musicdoa(covmat,nsig,___,'ElementSpacing',dist) specifies the spacing between array elements.



collapse all

Calculate the directions of arrival of 3 uncorrelated signals arriving at an 11-element ULA with half-wavelength spacing. Assume the signals are coming from the broadside angles of 0°, –12°, and 85°. The noise at each element is Gaussian white noise and is uncorrelated between elements. The SNR is 5 dB.

Specify the number of ULA elements and the element spacing (in wavelengths).

nelem = 11;
d = 0.5;
snr = 5.0;
elementPos = (0:nelem-1)*d;

Specify the number of signals and their broadside arrival angles.

nsig = 3;
angles = [0.0 -12.0 85.0];

Create the sensor covariance matrix.

covmat = sensorcov(elementPos,angles,db2pow(-snr));

Estimate the broadside arrival angles.

doas = musicdoa(covmat,nsig)
doas = 1×3

     0    85   -12

The estimated angles match the specified angles.

Calculate the directions of arrival of 3 uncorrelated signals arriving at an 11-element ULA with half-wavelength spacing. Assume the signals are coming from the broadside angles of 0°, –12°, and 85°. The noise at each element is Gaussian white noise and is uncorrelated between elements. The SNR is 2 dB.

Specify the number of ULA elements and the element spacing (in wavelengths).

nelem = 11;
d = 0.5;
snr = 2.0;
elementPos = (0:nelem-1)*d;

Specify the number of signals and their broadside arrival angles.

nsig = 3;
angles = [0.0 -12.0 85.0];

Create the sensor covariance matrix.

covmat = sensorcov(elementPos,angles,db2pow(-snr));

Compute the MUSIC spectrum and estimate the broadside arrival angles.

[doas,spec,specang] = musicdoa(covmat,nsig);

Plot the MUSIC spectrum.

xlabel('Arrival Angle (deg)')
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
title('MUSIC Spectrum')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title MUSIC Spectrum, xlabel Arrival Angle (deg), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains an object of type line.

The estimated angles match the specified angles.

Calculate the directions of arrival of 4 uncorrelated signals arriving at an 11-element ULA. The element spacing is 0.5 wavelengths. Assume the signals are coming from the broadside angles of –60.2°, –20.7°, 0.5°, and 84.8°. The noise at each element is Gaussian white noise and is uncorrelated between elements. The SNR is 0 dB.

Specify the number of ULA elements and the element spacing (in wavelengths).

nelem = 11;
d = 0.5;
snr = 5.0;
elementPos = (0:nelem-1)*d;

Specify the number of signals and their broadside arrival angles.

nsig = 4;
angles = [-60.2 -20.7 0.5 84.8];

Create the sensor covariance matrix.

covmat = sensorcov(elementPos,angles,db2pow(-snr));

Compute the MUSIC spectrum and estimate the broadside arrival angles in the range from -70° to 90° in 0.1° increments.

[doas,spec,specang] = musicdoa(covmat,nsig,'ScanAngles',[-70:.1:90]);

Plot the MUSIC spectrum.

xlabel('Arrival Angle (deg)')
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
title('MUSIC Spectrum')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title MUSIC Spectrum, xlabel Arrival Angle (deg), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains an object of type line.

   84.8000  -60.2000    0.5000  -20.7000

The estimated angles match the specified angles.

Calculate the directions of arrival of 4 uncorrelated signals arriving at an 11-element ULA. The element spacing is 0.4 wavelengths spacing. Assume the signals are coming from the broadside angles of –60°, –20°, 0°, and 85°. The noise at each element is Gaussian white noise and is uncorrelated between elements. The SNR is 0 dB.

Specify the number of ULA elements and the element spacing (in wavelengths).

nelem = 11;
d = 0.4;
snr = 0.0;
elementPos = (0:nelem-1)*d;

Specify the number of signals and their broadside arrival angles.

nsig = 4;
angles = [-60.0 -20.0 0.0 85.0];

Create the sensor covariance matrix.

covmat = sensorcov(elementPos,angles,db2pow(-snr));

Compute the MUSIC spectrum and estimate the broadside arrival angles.

[doas,spec,specang] = musicdoa(covmat,nsig,'ElementSpacing',d);

Plot the MUSIC spectrum.

xlabel('Arrival Angle (deg)')
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
title('MUSIC Spectrum')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title MUSIC Spectrum, xlabel Arrival Angle (deg), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains an object of type line.

The estimated angles match the specified angles.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Sensor covariance matrix, specified as a complex-valued, positive-definite M-by-M matrix. The quantity M is the number of elements in the ULA array. The function forces Hermiticity property by averaging the matrix and its conjugate transpose.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Number of arriving signals, specified as a positive integer. The number of signals must be smaller than the number of elements in the ULA array.

Example: 2

Data Types: double

Broadside search angles, specified as a real-valued vector. Angles must lie in the range (–90°,90°) and must be in increasing order.

Example: [-40:0.5:50]

Data Types: double

Distance between array elements, specified as a real-valued positive scalar.

Example: 0.45

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Directions of arrival angle, returned as a real-valued 1-by-D vector, where D is the number of arriving signals specified in nsig. Angle units are in degrees. Angle values lie in the range specified by scanangle.

Spatial spectrum, returned as a positive real-valued vector. The dimension of spec equals the dimension of scanangle.

Broadside angle of spectrum, returned as a real-valued vector. The dimension of specang equals the dimension of scanangle.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2016b