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mpm install

(Linux, Windows, Mac) Install products from operating system command line

Using mpm install at the operating system command line requires MATLAB® Package Manager. See Get MATLAB Package Manager.

If you instead want to manage packages within MATLAB, see Package Management (MATLAB).


mpm install --release=<release> --destination=</full/path/to/destination> --products=<product1> ... <productN> installs MathWorks® products and support packages for a release to the specified installation folder. mpm also installs any required products, if they are not installed already.

Run mpm install from the operating system command line. You can also use this command in a MATLAB Dockerfile to create a MATLAB container image. For more details, see Create a MATLAB Container Image on GitHub®.


mpm install --source=</full/path/to/source> --destination=</full/path/to/destination> --products=<product1> ... <productN> specifies the installation source. If you do not specify --source, then mpm installs products and support packages from


mpm install ... [options] sets additional product installation options, using either of the previous syntaxes. For example, you can omit the installation of GPU libraries when installing Parallel Computing Toolbox™, or omit the installation of the default Java® Runtime Environment (JRE) used by MATLAB. You can specify options in any order.


mpm install --inputfile=</full/path/to/file> installs products using an input file. You can download a template input file for your release from the mpm-input-files folder on GitHub. You must specify --inputfile without any other options.



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Install the latest release of Simulink® and Deep Learning Toolbox™ Model for ResNet-50 Network. If they are not already installed, mpm also installs the required products: MATLAB and Deep Learning Toolbox.

Linux® or Mac:

./mpm install --release=R2024b --destination=/home/<USER>/matlab --products=Simulink Deep_Learning_Toolbox_Model_for_ResNet-50_Network

Windows® (run as administrator):

.\mpm.exe install --release=R2024b --destination="C:\Users\<USER>\matlab" --products=Simulink Deep_Learning_Toolbox_Model_for_ResNet-50_Network

You can install additional products later. For example, add Robotics System Toolbox™ to the installation.

Linux or Mac:

./mpm install --release=R2024b --destination=/home/<USER>/matlab --products=Robotics_System_Toolbox

Windows (run as administrator):

.\mpm.exe install --release=R2024b --destination="C:\Users\<USER>\matlab" --products=Robotics_System_Toolbox

Install MathWorks products and support packages from a source folder downloaded using mpm download. For additional ways to install products from downloaded sources, see the --source option.

  1. Download the latest release of Simulink and Deep Learning Toolbox Model for ResNet-50 Network to a folder on your computer. mpm also includes the required products in the download, MATLAB and Deep Learning Toolbox.

    Linux or Mac:

    ./mpm download --release=R2024b --destination=/path/to/download/folder --products=Simulink Deep_Learning_Toolbox_Model_for_ResNet-50_Network

    Windows (run as administrator):

    .\mpm.exe download --release=R2024b --destination="\path\to\download\folder" --products=Simulink Deep_Learning_Toolbox_Model_for_ResNet-50_Network
  2. If you are installing the products on a different computer, copy the downloaded folder to a location that the target computer can access. For example, copy the folder to a shared network drive or to the computer itself using removable media.

  3. In the downloaded folder, navigate to the mpm/<ARCH> subfolder, where <ARCH> is the platform architecture of the target computer, such as glnxa64 (Linux) or win64 (Windows). This subfolder contains the version of mpm that you can use to install the downloaded products and support package. On Linux and Mac platforms only, give executable permissions to mpm so that you can run it.

    Linux or Mac:

    cd /path/to/download/folder/mpm/<ARCH>
    chmod +x mpm


    cd "\path\to\download\folder\mpm\<ARCH>"
  4. Install the downloaded products on the target computer using mpm install.

    • Using the --source option, specify the absolute path to the downloaded folder.

    • Using the --destination option, specify the absolute path to the location where you want to install the products.

    • Using the --products option, specify the products you want to install. mpm also installs the required products, MATLAB and Deep Learning Toolbox. For the full list of products by release, see the mpm-input-files folder on GitHub.

    Linux or Mac:

    ./mpm install --source=/path/to/download/folder --destination=/path/to/install/folder --products=Simulink Deep_Learning_Toolbox_Model_for_ResNet-50_Network

    Windows (run as administrator):

    .\mpm.exe install --source="\path\to\download\folder" --destination="\path\to\install\folder" --products=Simulink Deep_Learning_Toolbox_Model_for_ResNet-50_Network

Install the latest MATLAB release without the default JRE used by MATLAB. Also install Parallel Computing Toolbox but without the GPU libraries to reduce the installation size.

Linux or Mac:

./mpm install --release=R2024b --products=MATLAB Parallel_Computing_Toolbox --no-gpu --no-jre

Windows (run as administrator):

.\mpm.exe install --release=R2024b --products=MATLAB Parallel_Computing_Toolbox --no-gpu --no-jre

After installing MATLAB, you must set a supported custom JRE, or MATLAB will not run. To set a custom JRE, see the support article for your operating system:

Install products and support packages for the latest MATLAB release by specifying installation options in an input file.

  1. From the mpm-input-files folder, open the folder for the latest MATLAB release, and download a copy of the mpm_input_<release>.txt file.

  2. In the downloaded file, configure the MATLAB installation by uncommenting lines that start with a single # and updating their values.

    Specify the installation options.

    • Release Update Level (Optional)

      By default, mpm installs the latest versions of MATLAB products for the given release.

      To install a specific release update, uncomment the updateLevel line and change the update level. For example:

      • updateLevel=0 installs the general release.

      • updateLevel=1 installs update 1.

    • Installation Folder (Optional)

      By default, mpm installs MATLAB products to the default destination folder for that computer's platform.

      To change the destination folder, uncomment the destinationFolder line and specify the path to the folder.

      Linux or Mac example:


      Windows example:


    Specify the products and support packages to install.

    • Products

      Uncomment the product.Simulink and product.Statistics_and_Machine_Learning_Toolbox lines for installing Simulink and Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™. You do not need to uncomment the required product, MATLAB, because mpm installs required products automatically.

      # ...
    • Support Packages

      Uncomment the product.Deep_Learning_Toolbox_Model_for_ResNet-50_Network line to install Deep Learning Toolbox Model for ResNet-50 Network. You do not need to uncomment the required product, Deep Learning Toolbox.


    Save the file.

  3. Install the products and support package using mpm install. Specify the full path to the input file you downloaded and updated.

    Linux or Mac:

    ./mpm install --inputfile=/path/to/file/mpm_input_<release>.txt

    Windows (run as administrator):

    .\mpm.exe install --inputfile="\path\to\file\mpm_input_<release>.txt"

Install products from a folder downloaded using the interactive installer for downloading and installing MathWorks products. You can download only those products for which you have a license. For additional ways to install products from downloaded sources, see the --source option.

  1. Download products using the interactive installer.

    1. From MathWorks Downloads, click Download for Platform to download the installer for your platform.

    2. Run the downloaded installer, sign in to your MathWorks Account, and accept the license agreement.

    3. From the Advanced Options menu, select I want to download without installing.

    4. Follow the prompts to download your products for the target computers.

    For more detailed instructions, see Download Products Without Installing.

  2. If you are installing the products on a different computer, copy the downloaded folder and mpm executable to a location that the target computer can access. For example, copy the folder and executable to a shared network drive or to the computer itself using removable media.

  3. Install the downloaded products on the target computer using mpm install.

    • Using the --source option, specify the absolute path to the downloaded folder.

    • Using the --destination option, specify the absolute path to the location where you want to install the products.

    • Using the --products option, specify the products you want to install. mpm attempts to install any required products, even if you do not specify them, so these products must be included in the downloaded folder. For example, if you downloaded Simulink, then the folder must include its required product, MATLAB. For the full list of products by release, see the mpm-input-files folder on GitHub.

    Linux or Mac:

    ./mpm install --source=/path/to/download/folder --destination=/path/to/install/folder --products=Simulink

    Windows (run as administrator):

    .\mpm.exe install --source="\path\to\download\folder" --destination="\path\to\install\folder" --products=Simulink

Install products from an ISO image downloaded from and mounted to a drive on your computer. This example runs on Linux and Windows only. On Mac platforms, installing products from a mounted DMG image is not supported. For additional ways to install products from downloaded sources, see the --source option.

  1. From MathWorks Downloads, get an ISO image containing MATLAB and Simulink products. To get an ISO image, you must be a license administrator.

  2. Mount the image. For instructions on mounting an image for your platform, see the support article How do I install MathWorks products using an ISO or DMG image?

  3. Install products from this image using mpm install.

    • Using the --source option, specify the absolute path to the mounted ISO image.

    • Using the --destination option, specify the absolute path to the location where you want to install the products.

    • Using the --products option, specify the products you want to install. mpm attempts to install any required products, even if you do not specify them, so these products must be included in the downloaded folder. For example, if you downloaded Simulink, then the folder must include its required product, MATLAB. For the full list of products by release, see the mpm-input-files folder on GitHub.


    ./mpm install --source=/path/to/mounted/image --destination=/path/to/install/folder --products=Simulink

    Windows (run as administrator):

    .\mpm.exe install --source="\path\to\mounted\image" --destination="\path\to\install\folder" --products=Simulink

Input Arguments

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Release to install, specified as a MATLAB release name.

  • To install the latest version of a release, which includes all updates, specify only the release name, for example R2024b.

  • To install a specific update release, specify the release name with an update number suffix, for example R2024bU4.

  • To install the initial version of a release, without any updates, specify the release name with an update 0 suffix, for example R2024bU0.

Example: --release R2024b

Product installation folder, specified as an absolute folder path. If the destination folder does not exist, mpm creates it, including any intermediate folders.


You cannot use --destination to set the support package installation folder. mpm automatically derives this folder from the product installation folder specified by --destination. To change the support package installation folder, install MATLAB and then run the function matlabshared.supportpkg.setSupportPackageRoot (MATLAB).

If you are installing products for an existing MATLAB installation, specify the absolute path to the folder where MATLAB is installed.

If you do not set --destination, then mpm installs to the following locations by default, where <release> is the specified --release option.

PlatformDefault Installation Destination



C:\Program Files\MATLAB\<release>



Products and support packages to install, specified as a list of product and support package names, separated by spaces.

For the full list of products and support packages that mpm can install, open the input file for your release from the mpm-input-files folder on GitHub. For information on products that mpm is unable to install, see Limitations.

When specifying products, use the format shown in the input file. For example, suppose you want to install Computer Vision Toolbox™. In the input file, the line containing this product is formatted as follows, with spaces replaced by underscores:


Copy the text after the dot into the --products option.


You do not need to specify required products. If a product or support package requires another product, mpm includes it in the installation.

If a product or support package name includes parentheses and your command-line shell does not interpret parentheses as text, enclose the name in quotes. For example:

--products=Simulink "Computer_Vision_Toolbox_Model_for_R(2+1)D_Video_Classification"

Example: --products=MATLAB Simulink Fixed-Point_Designer installs MATLAB, Simulink, and Fixed-Point Designer™.

Example: --products=Deep_Learning_Toolbox installs Deep Learning Toolbox and its required product, MATLAB.

Installation source, specified as an absolute file path to one of these installation sources:

  • Folder containing products and support packages downloaded using mpm download

  • Folder containing products downloaded using the interactive installer available on MathWorks Downloads

  • Mounted product ISO image downloaded from MathWorks Downloads (since R2022a)

The table below shows the differences between these download sources.

Download SourceWhat You Can DownloadSupported ReleasesSupported PlatformsMust Be License Administrator?Example
Folder downloaded using mpm downloadProducts and support packages (some restrictions apply — see Limitations)
  • Products — R2017b or later

  • Support packages — R2019a or later

  • Linux

  • Windows

  • Mac

NoInstall Products and Support Packages Downloaded Using mpm download
Folder downloaded using interactive installerOnly products for which you have a licenseR2017b or later
  • Linux

  • Windows

  • Mac

NoInstall Licensed Products Downloaded Using MathWorks Product Installer
Mounted ISO imageProductsR2022a or later
  • Linux

  • Windows

Yes (only license administrators can get an ISO image)Install Products from Mounted ISO Image

If you do not set --source, then mpm downloads the product files from

Example: --source=/home/<USER>/downloads/mathworks

Input file for configuring your installation, specified as the absolute path to a valid input file.

Download a template input file for your release from the mpm-input-files folder on GitHub. Using this file, you can specify the installation folder and select the products and support packages you want to install without having to enter them at the command line. You must specify --inputfile without any other options.

Example: --inputfile=/home/<USER>/matlab/mpm_input_r2024a.txt

Since R2023a

Option to omit the installation of the GPU libraries that are included, by default, in installations of Parallel Computing Toolbox. If you do not intend to use GPU computing in MATLAB, specify this option to reduce the size of the installation.

You can install the GPU libraries later by calling a GPU function, such as gpuArray or gpuDevice, in MATLAB.

Option to omit the installation of the default Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used by MATLAB, so that you can set a custom JRE instead. You must set a supported JRE, or MATLAB will not run. For details, see one of these support articles:

R2022a and R2022b only

Option to include documentation with the MATLAB installation.

In R2022a and later releases, the documentation is not included in the installation by default, and MATLAB uses the web documentation instead. To include the documentation in the R2022a and R2022b releases, specify the --doc option. In R2021b and earlier releases, the documentation is included in the installation by default.

To include the documentation in R2023a and later releases, use mpm install-doc.


  • mpm supports installing products and support packages for these releases only:

    • Products — R2017b or later

    • Support packages — R2019a or later

  • Not all MathWorks products are available for all operating systems and architectures that MATLAB supports:

  • mpm supports installing specific update releases only for R2021b and later. For R2021a and earlier, mpm always installs the latest update release.

  • On Mac, installing products from a mounted DMG image is not supported.

  • On Windows, you cannot uninstall products that were installed using mpm.

  • mpm does not support installing these products from source files downloaded using mpm download:

    • IEC Certification Kit

    • DO Qualification Kit

    • Simulink Code Inspector™

    • Polyspace® Client™ for Ada

    • Polyspace Server™ for Ada

    To download and install these products, use the interactive installer. You can download only products for which you are licensed. For more details, see Install Licensed Products Downloaded Using MathWorks Product Installer.

  • mpm does not support installing these support packages:

    • Image Acquisition Toolbox™ Support Package for GenICam™ Interface

    • Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for GigE Vision® Hardware

    • Simulink Coder™ Support Package for BBC micro:bit

    • MATLAB Support Package for IP Cameras

    • New Desktop for MATLAB

    • MATLAB Support Package for Parrot® Drones

    • MATLAB Support Package for Ryze Tello Drones

    • Simulink Real-Time™ Support Package

    To download and install these support packages:

    1. Download the Support Software Downloader for your platform.

    2. Run the downloader. Select your release, the support packages you want, and the destination folder for the download.

    3. Once the download is complete, open the readme.txt file in the download folder. Follow the instructions in that readme file to install the support packages.

More About

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Resolve Common Installation Issues

If you have trouble installing products using mpm, review these common issues that might occur during the installation process:

If you continue to have problems, contact support. Provide any error messages, log files, or screenshots related to the problem in your help request. To locate your installation log files, see the support article Where are the log files located for installation, activation, Network License Manager, and the Service Host?

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