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Query if points are located in ROI


tf = inROI(ROI,x,y) returns a logical array, tf, that indicates whether points with coordinates (x,y) are inside or outside the 2-D ROI.


tf = inROI(ROI,x,y,z) returns a logical array, tf, that indicates whether points with coordinates (x,y,z) are inside or outside the 3-D Cuboid ROI.


collapse all

Read an image into the workspace and display it.

I = imread('trailer.jpg');

Draw a rectangular ROI on the image, using the Position argument to specify the position of the rectangle as [xmin,ymin,width,height].

h = drawrectangle('Position',[190 308 682 276],'StripeColor','r');

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type image, images.roi.rectangle.

Specify the x- and y-coordinates of three points. The last point is the upper left corner of the rectangular ROI.

xcoords = [335 335 190];
ycoords = [200 400 308];

Query if the three points are inside the ROI.

tf = inROI(h,xcoords,ycoords)
tf = 3x1 logical array


Input Arguments

collapse all

Region of interest, specified as an ROI object of one of these types:

X-coordinates of the query points, specified as a numeric scalar or vector.

Y-coordinates of the query points, specified as a numeric scalar or vector.

Z-coordinates of the query points, specified as a numeric scalar or vector.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Status of query points, returned as a logical array. The array is the same length as the input arrays x, y, and z. Elements of the logical array set to true indicate that the corresponding query point is inside the ROI. Elements that are false indicate the point is not inside the ROI.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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