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Measure scene illuminant using test chart


esfrChart or colorChecker Object

Use an esfrChart or a colorChecker object when you want to automatically detect the gray regions of interest (ROIs). The esfrChart object supports the Enhanced or Extended version of the Imatest® eSFR test chart [1]. The esfrChart object supports the Calibrite ColorChecker® Classic test chart [2].

illuminant = measureIlluminant(chart) measures the scene illuminant using the gray ROIs of an Imatest eSFR chart or a Calibrite ColorChecker Classic chart.


Test Chart Image (since R2024a)

Use a test chart image for other types of test charts that are not supported by the esfrChart or colorChecker objects. You must identify the positions of the gray ROIs.

illuminant = measureIlluminant(im,roiPositions) measures the scene illuminant using gray ROIs at positions roiPositions for test chart image im.


illuminant = measureIlluminant(im,roiPositions,InputColorSpace=inputColorSpace) also specifies the input color space of the test chart image.


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This example shows how to measure the illuminant of an eSFR chart using the gray patch ROIs. The example then white balances the image of the eSFR chart.

Read and display an image of an eSFR chart. The test chart is in the sRGB color space.

I = imread("eSFRTestImage.jpg");

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Linearize the test chart using the rgb2lin function, then create an esfrChart object.

Ilin = rgb2lin(I);
chart = esfrChart(Ilin);

Estimate the illuminant in the linear RGB color space. The illuminant has a stronger blue component than the red and green. This result is consistent with the image of the test chart, which has a blue tint.

illum = measureIlluminant(chart)
illum = 1×3

   69.2527   73.5922   80.5141

White balance the chart image in the linear RGB color space.

Jlin = chromadapt(Ilin,illum,ColorSpace="linear-rgb");

Convert the white-balanced image to the sRGB color space and display the result. The white balanced image has less of a blue tint, especially in the middle gray patches and over the background of the image.

J = lin2rgb(Jlin);
title("White Balanced Test Chart")

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title White Balanced Test Chart contains an object of type image.

You can use the estimated illuminant to white balance other images acquired under similar lighting conditions.

Read and display an image of a custom test chart. This example simulates a custom test chart image by cropping an Imatest eSFR test chart.

I = imread("RGBColorPatches.jpg");

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

Draw an ROI around a region with gray pixels.

numROIs = 1;
roiPos = zeros(numROIs,4);
for cnt = 1:numROIs
    hrect = drawrectangle;
    roiPos(cnt,:) = hrect.Position;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type image, images.roi.rectangle.

Measure the scene illuminant in the sRGB color space.

illum = measureIlluminant(I,roiPos)
illum = 1×3

    0.5180    0.5386    0.5827

White balance the chart image in the sRGB color space, and display the result.

J = chromadapt(I,illum);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Test chart, specified as an esfrChart object or a colorChecker object.

For test chart objects, the measureIlluminant function assumes uniform illumination and linear RGB values. If you are working with nonlinear sRGB or Adobe RGB images, use the rgb2lin function to undo the gamma correction before creating the test chart object.

Since R2024a

Test chart image, specified as an RGB image.

For test chart images, the measureIlluminant function expects images in a nonlinear RGB color space, according to the value of the inputColorSpace argument. If you are working with linear RGB images, use the lin2rgb function to apply gamma correction before calling the measureIlluminant function.

Data Types: single | double | uint8 | uint16

Since R2024a

ROI positions, specified as an n-by-4 numeric array, where n is the number of ROIs. Each ROI has the form [X Y Width Height], where X and Y are the coordinates of the top-left corner of the ROI. Width and Height are the width and height of the ROI, in pixels.

Since R2024a

Input color space of test chart image im, specified as "srgb", "adobe-rgb-1998", or "prophoto-rgb". You can set this name-value argument only when you use a test chart image im.

When you specify a chart input argument, the measureIlluminant function assumes that measured RGB values are in the linear RGB color space.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Scene illuminant, returned as a 3-element row vector.

Data Types: double


  • For esfrChart and colorChecker objects, the measureIlluminant function calculates the illuminant by first calculating the mean intensity of each gray patch ROI, then by taking the average of the mean intensities. The function performs the calculation for each color channel independently.

  • For test chart images im, the measureIlluminant function calculates the illuminant by using the illumgray function. The measurement includes all pixels within the ROI by specifying the percentage argument of the illumgray function as 0.

  • To white-balance an image, use the chromadapt function.


[2] Calibrite. "ColorChecker Classic".

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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