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コード置換のカスタマイズの詳細、実行する理由、置換できる内容、制限事項について学習します。コード置換ライブラリを開発するプロセスをよく理解します。ライブラリをコード置換ツールを使用して対話形式で開発するかプログラムで開発します。Quick Start Library Developmentを使用してプロセスとツールについて実験します。





addEntryコード置換テーブルに登録されているテーブル エントリのコレクションにテーブル エントリを追加
createCRLEntryCreate code replacement table entry from conceptual and implementation argument string specifications
registerCFunctionEntryCreate function entry based on specified parameters and register in code replacement table
registerCPPFunctionEntryCreate C++ function entry based on specified parameters and register in code replacement table
registerCPromotableMacroEntryCreate promotable code replacement macro entry based on specified parameters and register in code replacement table (for abs function replacement only)
RTW.TflBlasEntryGeneratorBLAS 演算のコード置換テーブル エントリを作成
RTW.TflCBlasEntryGeneratorCBLAS 演算のコード置換テーブル エントリを作成
RTW.TflCFunctionEntry関数のコード置換テーブル エントリを作成
RTW.TflCFunctionEntryMLCustom code replacement table function entry
RTW.TflCOperationEntry演算子のコード置換テーブル エントリの作成
RTW.TflCOperationEntryMLCustom code replacement table operation entry
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGeneratorCreate code replacement table entry for a fixed-point addition or subtraction operation
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlopeCreate code replacement table entry for a net slope fixed-point operation
RTW.TflCSemaphoreEntryCreate code replacement table entry for a semaphore or mutex
setTflCFunctionEntryParametersSet specified parameters for function entry in code replacement table
setTflCOperationEntryParametersSet specified parameters for operator entry in code replacement table
setTflCSemaphoreEntryParametersSet specified parameters for semaphore entry in code replacement table
addConceptualArgAdd conceptual argument to array of conceptual arguments for code replacement table entry
addDWorkArgAdd DWork argument for entry in code replacement table
copyConceptualArgsToImplementationCopy conceptual argument specifications to implementation specifications of an entry for code replacement table entry
createAndAddImplementationArgCreate implementation argument from specified properties and add to implementation arguments for code replacement table entry
createAndSetCImplementationReturnCreate implementation return argument from specified properties and add to implementation for code replacement table entry
createCRLEntryCreate code replacement table entry from conceptual and implementation argument string specifications
createAndAddConceptualArgCreate conceptual argument from specified properties and add to conceptual arguments for code replacement table entry
getTflArgFromStringCreate code replacement argument based on specified name and built-in data type
getTflDWorkFromStringCreate code replacement DWork argument for semaphore entry based on specified name and data type
addAdditionalHeaderFileAdd header file to array of header files for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalIncludePathAdd include path to array of include paths for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalLinkObjAdd link object to array of link objects for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalLinkObjPathAdd link object path to array of link object paths for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalSourceFileAdd source file to array of source files for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalSourcePathAdd source path to array of source paths for code replacement table entry
enableCPPコード置換テーブルの関数エントリに対する C++ サポートの有効化
registerCPPFunctionEntryCreate C++ function entry based on specified parameters and register in code replacement table
setNameSpaceSet namespace for C++ function entry in code replacement table
addComplexTypeAlignmentSpecify alignment boundary of a complex type
setReservedIdentifiersRegister reserved identifiers to associate with code replacement library
coder.ceval生成コードから C/C++ 関数を呼び出す
coder.dataAlignmentSpecify data alignment for global or entry-point/exported function input and output arguments
coder.replace生成コード内で現在の MATLAB 関数実装をコード置換ライブラリ関数に置換






Troubleshoot Code Replacement Library Registration

If a code replacement library is not listed as a configuration option or does not appear in the Code Replacement Viewer, troubleshoot the library registration.

Troubleshoot Code Replacement Misses

Use miss reason messages that appear in the Code Replacement Viewer to analyze and correct code replacement misses.
