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Extract Key Scenario Events from Recorded Sensor Data

This example shows how to extract key scenario events by using recorded sensor data. In this example you extract events such as left turns, right turns, accelerations, decelerations, lane changes, and cut ins from ego and target actor trajectories.

Autonomous systems require validation on safety-critical real-world scenarios. When validating such a system using scenarios generated from real-world sensor data, you must ensure the scenarios include critical events. In this example, you:

  • Load, explore, and visualize actor track list data.

  • Filter actor tracks by removing non-ego tracks that are far from the ego vehicle.

  • Extract trajectories from the filtered actor tracks, and visualize them.

  • Segment trajectories, and extract key actor events.

  • Visualize the classified actor events.

Load and Visualize Sensor Data

This example requires the Scenario Builder for Automated Driving Toolbox™ support package. Check if the support package is installed. If it is not installed, install it using the instructions in Get and Manage Add-Ons.


Download a ZIP file containing camera video, GPS data, and vehicle track list data, and then unzip it. Load the data into the workspace by using the helperLoadTrajectoryAndCameraData helper function. The function returns this data:

  • camData — Camera data, returned as a structure. The structure contains images, camera intrinsic parameters, and timestamps associated with each image frame.

  • egoTrajectory — Ego actor GPS trajectory in the world frame, returned as a waypointTrajectory (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox) object.

  • trackList — Vehicle track list in the ego frame, returned as an actorTracklist object.

Note: For more information on converting a track list from a custom format to the actorTracklist format used by this example, see the helperLoadTrajectoryAndCameraData helper function, included with this example.

dataFolder = tempdir; 
dataFileName = "";
url = "" + dataFileName;
filePath = fullfile(dataFolder,dataFileName);
if ~isfile(filePath)
ans = 
dataDir = fullfile(dataFolder,"PolysyncCutIn");
[camData,egoTrajectory,trackList] = helperLoadTrajectoryAndCameraData(dataDir)
camData = struct with fields:
           images: {392x1 cell}
        numFrames: 392
     imagesHeight: 480
      imagesWidth: 640
    camProjection: [3x4 double]
       timeStamps: [392x1 double]

egoTrajectory = 
  waypointTrajectory with properties:

         SampleRate: 100
    SamplesPerFrame: 1
          Waypoints: [392x3 double]
      TimeOfArrival: [392x1 double]
         Velocities: [392x3 double]
             Course: [392x1 double]
        GroundSpeed: [392x1 double]
          ClimbRate: [392x1 double]
        Orientation: [392x1 quaternion]
          AutoPitch: 0
           AutoBank: 0
     ReferenceFrame: 'NED'

trackList = 
  actorTracklist with properties:

         TimeStamp: [392x1 double]
          TrackIDs: {392x1 cell}
          ClassIDs: {392x1 cell}
          Position: {392x1 cell}
         Dimension: {392x1 cell}
       Orientation: {392x1 cell}
          Velocity: {392x1 cell}
             Speed: {392x1 cell}
         StartTime: 0
           EndTime: 19.5457
        NumSamples: 392
    UniqueTrackIDs: [15x1 string]

Visualize the camera images and overlay the tracks by using the helperVisualizeTrackData helper function.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Trajectories are collections of timestamps and their corresponding waypoints. In this example, you use an ego vehicle trajectory generated from GPS data. For more information on how to obtain an accurate ego vehicle trajectory, see the Ego Vehicle Localization Using GPS and IMU Fusion for Scenario Generation example. To obtain non-ego actor trajectories, you must detect and track vehicles present in the sensor field-of-view. For more information on how to extract actor track list information from raw sensor data, see these examples:

Filter Actor Tracks

Depending on the sensor field of view, the track list can contain multiple actor tracks that are far from the ego vehicle. To remove such tracks and extract key actor events, you must define a region of interest around the ego vehicle, reducing the search space. Specify maximum values for lateral and longitudinal distance from the ego vehicle to define the region of interest. Identify and select candidate tracks that are closer to the ego vehicle.

% Specify distance thresholds to form an ROI around the ego vehicle.
maxLateralDistance = 5;       % Units are in meters.
maxLongitudinalDistance = 20; % Units are in meters.

% Identify candidate tracks that are closer to the ego vehicle.
trackIDs = trackList.UniqueTrackIDs;
candidateTrackIDs = [];
for i = 1:numel(trackIDs)
    trackInfo = readData(trackList,TrackIDs=trackIDs(i));
    pos = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) x.Position,trackInfo.ActorInfo,UniformOutput=false));
    isCandidate = any(abs(pos(:,1)) < maxLongitudinalDistance) || any(abs(pos(:,2)) < maxLateralDistance);    
    if isCandidate
        candidateTrackIDs = vertcat(candidateTrackIDs,trackIDs(i)); %#ok<AGROW>
% Create a copy of the track list.
candidateTrackList = copy(trackList);

Extract and Visualize Trajectories

Convert the tracks in candidateTrackList from the ego frame to the world frame by using the actorprops function. The function stores trajectories as CSV files. Output the path to the directory of the CSV files csvLoc. The ego trajectory information has the filename ego.csv, and the non-ego actor trajectories have filenames corresponding to the track IDs of the respective actors. Each CSV file contains timestamps and the corresponding waypoints in the form [x y z]. These waypoints are in the right-handed Cartesian world coordinate system defined in ISO 8855, where the z-axis points up from the ground. Units are in meters. For more information on coordinate systems, see Coordinate Systems in Automated Driving Toolbox.

[nonEgoActorInfo,csvLoc] = actorprops(candidateTrackList,egoTrajectory,SmoothWaypoint=@waypointsmoother);

Read the generated CSV files as matrices by using the readmatrix function.

csvFiles = dir(strcat(csvLoc,filesep,"*.csv"));
numCSVs = numel(csvFiles);
targets = cell(numCSVs-1,1);
targetIDs = strings(numCSVs-1,1);
j = 1;
for i = 1:numCSVs 
    % Read CSV file as a matrix.
    waypointInfo = readmatrix(fullfile(csvFiles(i).folder,csvFiles(i).name));
    waypointInfo = waypointInfo(:,1:4);
    if contains(csvFiles(i).name,"ego")
        ego = waypointInfo
        targets{j} = waypointInfo;
        [~,targetIDs(j)] = fileparts(csvFiles(i).name);
        j = j + 1;
ego = 392×4

         0   26.2858   13.6014    0.5655
    0.0498   26.6576   13.7840    0.5787
    0.0996   27.0345   13.9674    0.5920
    0.1497   27.4096   14.1514    0.6056
    0.1995   27.7895   14.3360    0.6191
    0.2495   28.1677   14.5212    0.6327
    0.2995   28.5505   14.7024    0.6465
    0.3505   28.9315   14.8843    0.6606
    0.4002   29.3108   15.0668    0.6747
    0.4503   29.6946   15.2499    0.6886

Visualize the extracted trajectories and ego vehicle yaw rate, acceleration, yaw, speed, and velocity using the helperPlotTrajectoryData helper function. Use the visualization to better understand the kinematic state of the ego vehicle and the trajectories of the targets around the ego vehicle. In the next section, you use these visualizations to help you customize a set of predefined rules to extract key actor events.


Figure contains 6 axes objects and other objects of type uipanel. Axes object 1 with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 11 objects of type line. These objects represent Ego Trajectory, Targets. Axes object 2 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Speed (m/s) contains an object of type line. This object represents speed. Axes object 3 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Velocity (m/s) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent vx, vy. Axes object 4 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Yaw Rate (deg/s) contains an object of type line. This object represents Yaw Rate. Axes object 5 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Acceleration (m/s^2) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent ax, ay. Axes object 6 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Yaw (deg) contains an object of type line. This object represents Yaw.

Segment Trajectories to Extract Key Actor Events

Trajectories represent the temporal positions of the actors in a scenario. State parameters in trajectories exhibit different patterns in different scenarios. In this example, you learn how to apply a rule-based algorithm to segment a trajectory into key actor events based on the state parameters. The algorithm segments trajectories and extracts key events using these events:

  • Divide the trajectory into smaller segments based on a fixed time interval.

  • Apply predefined rules to each small segment to identify key events.

You can configure these rules to extract the required events for your custom data.

Extract key actor events by using the helperExtractTrajectoryEvents helper function. The function accepts these inputs to identify key events using a rule-based approach:

  • ego — Ego actor waypoints, specified as matrix. Each row in the matrix is in the form [timestamp,x,y,z]. Timestamp units are in seconds and x-,y-, and z-position units are in meters.

  • targets — Non-ego actor waypoints ,specified as a cell array. Each cell contains a matrix of the form [timestamp,x,y,z].

  • TimeWindow — Time window used to create smaller trajectory segments, specified as a scalar. This value sets the duration of the individual trajectory segments. Units are in seconds.

  • ClassificationParameters — Parameters by which to classify events, specified as a structure. The structure contains various rule-based parameters, such as acceleration thresholds, yaw thresholds, and distance thresholds. You can customize these parameters for your data, and add or remove parameters to create custom rules.

  • EgoEventClassfierFcn — Ego event classifier function, specified as a function handle. The function used in this example uses the kinematic state of the ego actor for each trajectory segment to classify ego events. The egoSegmentClassifier function supports these event classes: left turn, right turn, acceleration, deceleration, and lane change. You can specify a custom function to classify more event types.

  • NonEgoEventClassifierFcn — Non-ego event classifier function, specified as a function handle. The function used in this example uses the kinematic state of the ego and non-ego actors for each trajectory segment to classify interactions between ego and non-ego actors. The cutInClassifier function supports cut in event class. You can specify a custom function to classify more event types.

The helperExtractTrajectoryEvents function returns these outputs:

  • eventSummary — Classified event summary, returned as a structure containing ego events and the indices of the classified non-ego targets.

  • events — Trajectory event classifications, returned as a timetable containing ego and non-ego actor event classifications for each timestamp.

% Define parameters for trajectory segmentation.
params = struct;

% Parameters to classify acceleration or deceleration events.
params.AccelerationThreshold = 100; % Units are in meter per second squared.

% Parameters to classify lane change events.
params.YawThresholdForLaneChange = 2;      % Units are in degrees.
params.YawRateThresholdForLaneChange = 40; % Units are in degrees per second.

% Parameters to classify left or right turn events.
params.YawRateThresholdForTurn= 60; % Units are in degrees per second.

% Parameters to classify cut in events.
params.LateralDistanceBefore = 1.5; % Units are in meters.
params.LateralDistanceAfter = 2;    % Units are in meters.
params.LongitudinalDistance = 15 ;  % Units are in meters.

tWindow = 1; % Units are in seconds.
% Classify actor trajectories into key events.
[eventSummary,events] = helperExtractTrajectoryEvents(ego,targets,TimeWindow=tWindow,ClassificationParameters=params, ...
eventSummary = struct with fields:
           EgoEvents: ["acceleration"    "deceleration"    "left-lane-change"]
    KeyTargetIndices: 10

events=1954×2 timetable
        Time         EgoEvents                                                                              NonEgoEvents                                                                        
    ____________    ____________    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    0 sec           {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.01001 sec     {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.02002 sec     {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.03003 sec     {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.040041 sec    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.050051 sec    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.060061 sec    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.070071 sec    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.080081 sec    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.090091 sec    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.1001 sec      {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.11011 sec     {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.12012 sec     {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.13013 sec     {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.14014 sec     {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}
    0.15015 sec     {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}    {0x0 double}

Visualize Classified Actor Events

Visualize the trajectories and classified key actor events using the helperPlotTrajectoryData helper function. The function displays a plot of the ego and non-ego trajectories and their segments, as well as an individual plot for each classified event over time. The function also displays the image frame with overlaid actor tracks and timestamps.

% Visualize the trajectories and segments.
keyFrameIDs = [2 82 262 302];
keyFrames = helperPlotTrajectoryData(ego,targets,tWindow,eventSummary,events,params,camData,candidateTrackList,targetIDs,keyFrameIDs);

Figure contains 6 axes objects and other objects of type uipanel. Axes object 1 with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 6 objects of type line, text. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Ego Trajectory, segments, Targets. Axes object 2 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Speed (m/s) contains an object of type line. This object represents speed. Axes object 3 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Velocity (m/s) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent vx, vy. Axes object 4 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Yaw Rate (deg/s) contains 5 objects of type line. These objects represent Yaw Rate, Left Lane Change Threshold, Right Lane Change Threshold, Left Turn Threshold, Right Turn Threshold. Axes object 5 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Acceleration (m/s^2) contains 4 objects of type line. These objects represent ax, ay, Acceleration Threshold, Deceleration Threshold. Axes object 6 with xlabel Time (Seconds), ylabel Yaw (deg) contains an object of type line. This object represents Yaw.

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Create a montage of the keyFrames output to show classified actor trajectory events along with key camera frames for visual validation.

  • Time(s): 0.02 The ego vehicle starts from the first lane from the right and moves forward with a nearly constant velocity. The velocity and straight path characteristics are also evident in the state plot from the helperPlotTrajectoryData function.

  • Time(s): 4.02 The ego vehicle accelerates and changes lane toward its left. In the previous frame, the ego vehicle was in the rightmost lane, and in this frame, it moves into the middle lane. The lane change event is also evident in the yaw and yaw rate plots.

  • Time(s): 13.02 A vehicle cuts in front of the ego vehicle from the left. This example identifies the cut in event and highlights the target vehicle in red.

  • Time(s): 15.02 When the target vehicle is in front of the ego vehicle, the ego vehicle decelerates, and continues to move on a straight path forward.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.


In this example you have learned how to extract key actor events by using actor trajectory information. You can analyze the actor events and generate photorealistic scenes and scenarios for the critical events using the Scenario Builder Support Package for Automated Driving Toolbox. You can also use trajectory events for large-scale scenario annotation, retrieving use-case-specific scenarios from large scenario databases, and creating training data for deep-learning-based trajectory classification solutions.

See Also



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