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Generate actor properties from track list

Since R2022b


actorInfo = actorprops(tracklist,egoTrajectory) generates a table containing actor properties based on the input track list tracklist and ego trajectory data egoTrajectory.


[actorInfo,writeLoc] = actorprops(tracklist,egoTrajectory) returns the location on disk writeLoc where the actorprops function stores the actor trajectory information.

[___] = actorprops(___,Name=Value) specifies options using name-value arguments in addition to the arguments from the previous syntaxes. For example, AgeThreshold=2 excludes actors with age less than the specified age threshold of 2.


This function requires the Scenario Builder for Automated Driving Toolbox™ support package and Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox™. You can install the Scenario Builder for Automated Driving Toolbox support package from the Add-On Explorer. For more information about installing add-ons, see Get and Manage Add-Ons.



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Load a non-ego actor tracklist, waypoints, and time of arrival for the ego vehicle into the workspace.

data = load("recordedSensorData");

Create a waypointTrajectory object for the ego vehicle.

egoTrajectory = waypointTrajectory(data.egoWaypoints, ...

Generate and display the actor properties table.

actorInfo = actorprops(data.actorTracklistData,egoTrajectory)
actorInfo=18×13 table
    Age    TrackID    ClassID    EntryTime    ExitTime             Mesh                  Time           Waypoints           Speed              Roll             Pitch              Yaw          IsStationary
    ___    _______    _______    _________    ________    ______________________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ____________

    138       4          1       0.000383      6.8497     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {138x1 double}    {138x3 double}    {138x1 double}    {138x1 double}    {138x1 double}    {138x1 double}       false    
    261      13          1       0.000383      13.001     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {261x1 double}    {261x3 double}    {261x1 double}    {261x1 double}    {261x1 double}    {261x1 double}       false    
     51      22          1       0.000383      2.5007     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    { 51x1 double}    { 51x3 double}    { 51x1 double}    { 51x1 double}    { 51x1 double}    { 51x1 double}       false    
     59      23          1         1.9999      4.8997     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    { 59x1 double}    { 59x3 double}    { 59x1 double}    { 59x1 double}    { 59x1 double}    { 59x1 double}       false    
      6      24          1         3.0507      3.3003     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {  6x1 double}    {  6x3 double}    {  6x1 double}    {  6x1 double}    {  6x1 double}    {  6x1 double}       true     
     12      25          1         4.6997      5.2497     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    { 12x1 double}    { 12x3 double}    { 12x1 double}    { 12x1 double}    { 12x1 double}    { 12x1 double}       false    
    167      26          1         5.1495      13.451     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {167x1 double}    {167x3 double}    {167x1 double}    {167x1 double}    {167x1 double}    {167x1 double}       false    
     65      28          1         6.5994      9.7999     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    { 65x1 double}    { 65x3 double}    { 65x1 double}    { 65x1 double}    { 65x1 double}    { 65x1 double}       false    
     31      31          1         9.4507      10.951     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    { 31x1 double}    { 31x3 double}    { 31x1 double}    { 31x1 double}    { 31x1 double}    { 31x1 double}       false    
    377      32          1         11.151      29.951     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {377x1 double}    {377x3 double}    {377x1 double}    {377x1 double}    {377x1 double}    {377x1 double}       false    
      5      33          1         12.002        12.2     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {  5x1 double}    {  5x3 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}       true     
    240      37          1         14.049          26     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {240x1 double}    {240x3 double}    {240x1 double}    {240x1 double}    {240x1 double}    {240x1 double}       false    
      5      38          1           14.3        14.5     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {  5x1 double}    {  5x3 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}       true     
      5      39          1           14.5        14.7     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {  5x1 double}    {  5x3 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}    {  5x1 double}       true     
      8      40          1           26.2       26.55     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    {  8x1 double}    {  8x3 double}    {  8x1 double}    {  8x1 double}    {  8x1 double}    {  8x1 double}       false    
     16      42          1         27.101       27.85     1x1 extendedObjectMesh    { 16x1 double}    { 16x3 double}    { 16x1 double}    { 16x1 double}    { 16x1 double}    { 16x1 double}       false    

Load a non-ego actor tracklist, waypoints, and time of arrival for the ego vehicle into the workspace.

data = load("recordedSensorData");

Create a waypointTrajectory object for the ego vehicle.

egoTrajectory = waypointTrajectory(data.egoWaypoints, ...

Generate the actor properties table without specifying an age threshold.

actorInfo1 = actorprops(data.actorTracklistData,egoTrajectory);

Generate an actor properties table with a specified age threshold.

actorInfo2 = actorprops(data.actorTracklistData,egoTrajectory, ...

Display the number of actors in each property table. The number of actors in actorInfo2 is less as compared to the number of actors in actorInfo1.

numActorsInActorInfo1 = numel(actorInfo1.TrackID)
numActorsInActorInfo1 = 
numActorsInActorInfo2 = numel(actorInfo2.TrackID)
numActorsInActorInfo2 = 

Load a non-ego actor track list, waypoints, and time of arrival for the ego vehicle into the workspace.

data = load("recordedSensorData");

Create a waypointTrajectory object for the ego vehicle.

egoTrajectory = waypointTrajectory(data.egoWaypoints, ...

Generate the actor properties table without smoothing waypoints.

actorInfo1 = actorprops(data.actorTracklistData,egoTrajectory);

Smooth actor waypoints by using the helperSmoothFcn function and generate the actor properties table.

actorInfo2 = actorprops(data.actorTracklistData,egoTrajectory,SmoothWaypoints=@helperSmoothFcn);

Display some sample of actor waypoints without smoothing and with smoothing.

hold on
hold off
legend("Waypoints Without Smoothing","Waypoints With Smoothing")
title("Actor Waypoints Smoothing")

Input Arguments

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Actor track list information, specified as an actorTracklist object, or a K-by-2 table. Each row in the table represents track information relative to its time.

The first column of the table must contain timestamps at which the track information was captured, specified as a positive scalar. Units are in seconds.

The second column of the table must contain track information of non-ego actors, specified as an M-by-1 structure. M is the number of actors. The structure must contain these fields:

TrackIDTrack ID of the actor, specified as a numeric scalar, string scalar, or a character vector.

Classification identifier of the actor, specified as one of these nonnegative integers:

  • 1 — Car

  • 2 — Truck

  • 3 — Bicycle

  • 4 — Pedestrian

  • 0 — Others


Position of the actor with respect to the ego frame, specified as a 3-element numeric row vector of the form [x y z]. Units are in meters.

The structure can also contain these optional fields:


Dimensions of the actor, specified as a 3-element numeric row vector of the form [length width height].

Units are in meters.


Yaw angle of the actor with respect to the ego frame, specified as a scalar.

Units are in degrees.


Pitch angle of the actor with respect to the ego frame, specified as a scalar.

Units are in degrees.


Roll angle of the actor with respect to the ego frame, specified as a scalar.

Units are in degrees.


Speed of the actor with respect to the ego frame, specified as a scalar.

Units are in meters per second.


Velocity of the actor with respect to the ego frame, specified as a 3-element numeric row vector of the form [vx vy vz].

Units are in meters per second.

The movements of the ego vehicle and non-ego actors must follow the vehicle coordinate system used by Automated Driving Toolbox. For more information on vehicle coordinate system, see Vehicle Coordinate System.

Ego trajectory information, specified as a waypointTrajectory object.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: actorprops(tracklist,egoTrajectory,AgeThreshold=2) excludes actors with age less than the specified age threshold of 2.

Actor age threshold, specified as a positive integer. This value is relative to the Age parameter of an actor in the output table actorInfo. The Age parameter specifies the number of times the actor has been tracked from entry time to exit time. The returned actorInfo table excludes actors with age less than the specified ageThreshold value.

Smooth waypoints function, specified as a function handle. The function smooths the waypoints of each actor.

The specified function must support this syntax:

waypointsOut = smoothFcn(waypointsIn)
where waypointsIn specifies the waypoints of the actors and waypointsOut is the smoothed waypoints.

File format in which to save the actor trajectory information, specified as "csv" or "none".

  • csv — Save the actor trajectory information in a CSV file. You can import these CSV files into RoadRunner Scenario to create scenarios. The function stores ego trajectory information with the filename ego and stores the non-ego information with filenames that correspond to the track IDs of the respective actors. The function stores the CSV files in an actorTrajectories folder it creates on the path specified by the WriteLocation argument.

  • none — The function does not save actor trajectory information.

Location to which to write the actor trajectory information, specified as a string scalar or character vector. The location you specify must have write permission. By default, the actorprops function stores the actor trajectory information files in the current working directory.

The function stores the actor trajectory information files in an actorTrajectories folder it creates on the path specified by the WriteLocation argument. If the actorTrajectories folder already exists on the specified path, the function creates a new folder with the suffix "_<K>" appended to the folder name, where K is a positive integer. The value of K increments based on the names of the folders already on the specified path. For example, if the actorTrajectories folder already exists, the function creates an actorTrajectories_1 folder, and if the actorTrajectories_1 folder already exists, it creates an actorTrajectories_2 folder.

Output Arguments

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Actor trajectory information, returned as a table. The trajectory parameters are in the world coordinate frame. Each row in the table represents the trajectory parameters of an actor.

The table contain these columns.

AgeAge of the actor, returned as a positive integer. This value specifies the number of times the actor has been tracked.

Track ID of the actor, returned as a numeric scalar, string scalar, or a character vector.

ClassIDActor classification identifier, returned as a nonnegative integer. Values are in the range 0 to 4.
EntryTimeEntry time of the actor, returned as a positive scalar. This value specifies the time of first detection of an actor. Units are in seconds.
ExitTimeExit time of the actor, returned as a positive scalar. This value specifies the time of last detection of an actor. Units are in seconds.

Mesh assigned to the actor, returned as an extendedObjectMesh object.

TimeTimestamps of actor detections, returned as an N-element column vector. N is the number of detections.
WaypointsWaypoints of the actor center in the world frame from entry time to exit time, returned as an N-by-3 matrix. N is the number of waypoints. Units are in meters.
SpeedSpeeds of the actor in the world frame from entry time to exit time, returned as an N-element column vector. Speed values are relative to the corresponding values of Waypoints. Units are in meters per second.
RollRoll angles of the actor in the world frame from entry time to exit time, returned as an N-element column vector. Roll values are relative to the corresponding values of Waypoints. Units are in degrees.
PitchPitch angles of the actor in the world frame from entry time to exit time, returned as an N-element column vector. Pitch values are relative to the corresponding values of Waypoints. Units are in degrees.
YawYaw angles of the actor in the world frame from entry time to exit time, returned as an N-element column vector. Yaw values are relative to the corresponding values of Waypoints. Units are in degrees.
IsStationaryActor is stationary, returned as a logical 1 (true) if the actor is stationary. Otherwise , this value is 0 (false).

Dimensions of the actor, returned as a three-element numeric row vector of the form [length width height]. Units are in meters.


This column is optional, and appears in the table only if tracklist contains the dimension information of the actor.

Storage location of the actor trajectory information, returned as a string scalar. When you specify the SaveAs argument as "none", the function returns an empty array.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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