Matrox Frame Grabber Support from Image Acquisition Toolbox - Hardware Support - MATLAB & Simulink

Hardware Support

Using Matrox® frame grabbers with MATLAB and Simulink, you can directly capture live video and images into your image processing and computer vision workflows.

The table below lists Matrox frame grabbers supported by Image Acquisition Toolbox on 64-bit Windows®. For detailed information about a frame grabber listed here, please visit the Matrox Imaging web site.

Image Acquisition Toolbox requires MIL or MIL-Lite to function with these frame grabbers. Supported versions of the Matrox Imaging Library include:

  • MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x
  • MIL or MIL-Lite 10.x

Note: There is no difference between MIL and MIL-Lite software inside of MATLAB. They both work with Matrox Imaging devices.

Please refer to the online help instructions to determine which version of MIL or MIL-Lite you own. To request support for a product not listed in this table, complete the Additional Hardware Interface Support form at the bottom of this page.

Supported Hardware


MIL Supported Version

Product Name












MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x or 10.x



Morphis QxT

Solios eA/XA


MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x

Helios XA/eA




*See 3rd Party Requirements Table


Orion (Legacy)*

 Camera Link






MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x or 10.x

Radient eCL

Solios eV-CL

Solios eCL

Solios XCL

MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x

Helios XCL/eCL

Meteor-II/Camera Link


MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x



MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x or 10.x

Solios GigE

 LVDS, RS-422


MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x

Helios eD/XD



MIL or MIL-Lite 9.x or 10.x


Explore gallery (2 images)

Platform and Release Support

See the hardware support package system requirements table for current and prior version, release, and platform availability.