WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained - MATLAB & Simulink

Video and Webinar Series

WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained

The WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained series is comprised of 22 short videos describing various aspects of wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) technology. The series presents different revisions of the 802.11 standard for WLAN and briefly introduces MathWorks WLAN Toolbox. The videos contain valuable information on physical layer (PHY) and MAC layer of Wi-Fi standards. They also explain latest Wi-Fi standards including Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), and Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be), respectively.

Introduction to the WLAN | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 1

The video outlines the main goals and structure of the "WLAN Explained" series.

IEEE 802.11a/g | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 2

Learn about 802.11a/g, including the concepts of packet transmission, preamble, and the key building blocks of the physical layer.

MAC Basics: CSMA/CA, CCA, DCF, EDCA and TXOP | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 3

Learn what procedures a station follows before transmitting on the channel. The video introduces the main concepts at the MAC layer for channel access.

MAC Basics: Interframe Spacing | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 4

Learn about the different types of interframe spacings and how they help define priority to access the channel.

MAC Basics: Beacons | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 5

Learn about the role of the beacon frame in a basic service set (BSS), its transmission interval and content.

MAC Basics: RTS/CTS and Hidden Node Problem | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 6

Learn about the hidden node problem and how Request-To-Send (RTS)/ Clear-to-Send (CTS) exchanges can help solve it

MAC Basics: Acknowledgments | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 7

Learn about how packets are acknowledged by the receiver.

IEEE 802.11n – High Throughput (HT) Overview | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 8

Learn about the main advances in 802.11n also known as high throughput (HT).

Multi-Antenna Transmission | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 10

Learn about the opportunities and challenges of using several antennas for transmission.

Frames and Frame Aggregation - MSDU, MPDU, PPDU, A-MSDU, A-MPDU | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 11

Learn about the different types of frames (data, control and management) and how frame aggregation reduces the MAC overhead.

IEEE 802.11ac (WiFi-5) Very High Throughput (VHT) Overview | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 12

Learn about the main advances in 802.11ac also known as very high throughput (VHT) or WiFi-5

IEEE 802.11ax (WiFi-6) High Efficiency (HE) Overview | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 14

Learn about the main advances in 802.11ax also known as high efficiency (HE) or WiFi-6.

IEEE 802.11ax (WiFi-6) (HE) Resource Units and User Allocation | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 15

Learn about resource units (RUs) in 802.11ax in Multiple Access (OFDMA), multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO), and mixed ODMA & MU-MIMO configurations.

IEEE 802.11ax (WiFi-6) (HE) Preamble Structure | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 16

Learn about the physical layer preamble of an 802.11ax packet, including the legacy fields and the HE-specific fields

IEEE 802.11ax (WiFi-6) (HE) HE-SIG-B and Content Channel | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 17

Learn about the high efficiency signal part B (HE-SIG-B) field and the content channel of an 802.11ax packet.

IEEE 802.11be (WiFi-7) Extremely High Throughput (EHT) Overview | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 18

Learn about the main advances in 802.11be also known as high efficiency (EHT) or WiFi-7.

IEEE 802.11be (WiFi-7) (EHT) MRUs and User Allocation | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 19

Learn about resource units (RUs) and the new concept of multiple resource units (MRUs) in 802.11be

IEEE 802.11be (WiFi-7) (EHT) Preamble Structure | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 20

Learn about the physical layer preamble of an 802.11be packet, including the legacy fields, the new Universal Signal Field (U-SIG) and the EHT-specific fields

IEEE 802.11be (WiFi-7) (EHT) EHT-SIG and Content Channel | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 21

Learn about the extremely high throughput signal (EHT-SIG) field and the content channel of an 802.11be packet.

IEEE 802.11be (WiFi-7) Multi-link Operation | WLAN (Wi-Fi) Explained, Part 22

Learn about how multi-link operation (MLO) in 802.11be offers higher throughput, lower latency and greater reliability