Do You Need to Comply with the New MISRA C: 2012 Amendment? - MATLAB & Simulink

MISRA published an amendment to its latest MISRA C:2012 coding guidelines to mitigate the growing risk of cyber security vulnerabilities. Published in early 2016, the amendment addresses embedded security through additional coding guidelines. These 14 new coding guidelines are aimed at bridging the gap within the security guidelines published in ISO/IEC 17961:2013. The table below identifies the classification of these 14 rules in line with the MISRA C 2012 specification. To learn more about the classification system used in the MISRA C:2012 standard, view Understanding Compliance to the MISRA C 2012 Coding Guidelines (33:28).

Table outlining the guidelines, categories, and decidability of MISRA code compliance

Table outlining the guidelines, categories, and decidability of MISRA code compliance.

The 2017a release of Polyspace Bug Finder™ supports the new MISRA C:2012 coding rules and directives. This enables users to automatically check for violations of the new guidelines, which is necessary to claim compliance with the MISRA C: 2012 standard and generate compliance reports. For more information about this new feature, read the Polyspace Bug Finder page on MISRA C: 2012 Directives and Rules.