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How to find delay of signal sample
Maybe this would be helpful: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2107496-how-to-find-delay-of-signal-sample @Manik...
How to find delay of signal sample
Maybe this would be helpful: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2107496-how-to-find-delay-of-signal-sample @Manik...
11ヶ月 前 | 0
Reading multiple .txt files and plotting a graph
My ancient approach: clear; fid = fopen('S1.txt','r'); fgetl(fid);fgetl(fid); Titel = fgetl(fid) for(ii=1:44) dyTxt = ...
Reading multiple .txt files and plotting a graph
My ancient approach: clear; fid = fopen('S1.txt','r'); fgetl(fid);fgetl(fid); Titel = fgetl(fid) for(ii=1:44) dyTxt = ...
11ヶ月 前 | 1
How can I change the decimal separator when exporting to Excel?
Excel uses the operating system defaults. To change this open a file in Excel and click on the windows butten (top left). Go to ...
How can I change the decimal separator when exporting to Excel?
Excel uses the operating system defaults. To change this open a file in Excel and click on the windows butten (top left). Go to ...
11ヶ月 前 | 0
How to use an output from on file as input in another file.
Do you mean something like this: function [S,V]=enzymeLeastSquares(r,g); S=sum(r,8) V=sum(g,8) and the calling function migh...
How to use an output from on file as input in another file.
Do you mean something like this: function [S,V]=enzymeLeastSquares(r,g); S=sum(r,8) V=sum(g,8) and the calling function migh...
12ヶ月 前 | 1
Cutting (dividing) a matrix into a specific number of rows.
Just another approach. Simple but it might be helpful. I assume in the first half of your matrix are x or t, in the second half ...
Cutting (dividing) a matrix into a specific number of rows.
Just another approach. Simple but it might be helpful. I assume in the first half of your matrix are x or t, in the second half ...
12ヶ月 前 | 1
Can I smoothen the cdfplot() result?
@Mathieu NOE, thank you for remaindig me. This question kept nagging me, but I just forgotten it. Here are some rudimentary apro...
Can I smoothen the cdfplot() result?
@Mathieu NOE, thank you for remaindig me. This question kept nagging me, but I just forgotten it. Here are some rudimentary apro...
12ヶ月 前 | 1
| 採用済み
how to open excel files and write data?
Just use "xlswrite(FILE,ARRAY,SHEET,RANGE)" in your loop four times with the appropriate file and sheet name. Of cause you have ...
how to open excel files and write data?
Just use "xlswrite(FILE,ARRAY,SHEET,RANGE)" in your loop four times with the appropriate file and sheet name. Of cause you have ...
12ヶ月 前 | 0
Loop for Concatenating files *.CSV
I'm really not sure if I understood you correctly, but this might be what you want: load Folder for ii = 1:10 dy = iwant{...
Loop for Concatenating files *.CSV
I'm really not sure if I understood you correctly, but this might be what you want: load Folder for ii = 1:10 dy = iwant{...
約1年 前 | 0
how to enter exponential multiplication with a time dependent array
Do you mean something like that: t=0:0.06:3; fa=10*exp(-5*t) plot(t,fa)
how to enter exponential multiplication with a time dependent array
Do you mean something like that: t=0:0.06:3; fa=10*exp(-5*t) plot(t,fa)
約1年 前 | 0
Plot Piecewise function graph
You should change axis([-4\pi 4\pi -4 4]); to axis([-4*pi 4*pi -4 4]); in the first step. Than you can see your complete f...
Plot Piecewise function graph
You should change axis([-4\pi 4\pi -4 4]); to axis([-4*pi 4*pi -4 4]); in the first step. Than you can see your complete f...
約1年 前 | 0
How to plot polynomial in matlab
Some homework assistance and solution: x = linspace(0,0.8,1000); y = 150*x - 400*x.^2 + 500*x.^3; plot(x,y)
How to plot polynomial in matlab
Some homework assistance and solution: x = linspace(0,0.8,1000); y = 150*x - 400*x.^2 + 500*x.^3; plot(x,y)
約1年 前 | 0
How to find transfer function to a second order ODE having a constant term?
Are you looking for something like this: AnregeAmpl = 1; % mm fmax = 20; % Hz f=0.1:0.1:fmax; ...
How to find transfer function to a second order ODE having a constant term?
Are you looking for something like this: AnregeAmpl = 1; % mm fmax = 20; % Hz f=0.1:0.1:fmax; ...
約1年 前 | 0
normalize(A,"range") function throwing error of "Too many input arguments." in Matlab 2023a.
Move "Q:\matlab-toolbox\geom2d" with pathtool to the bottom and save. If it is in your startup file apply -end like this: addpa...
normalize(A,"range") function throwing error of "Too many input arguments." in Matlab 2023a.
Move "Q:\matlab-toolbox\geom2d" with pathtool to the bottom and save. If it is in your startup file apply -end like this: addpa...
約1年 前 | 0
Need to fit a curve to some data points
Seems to be an exponetial behavior. Use lsqcurvefit to approximate a curve according your needs. My code: dXdata = [1 2 100] d...
Need to fit a curve to some data points
Seems to be an exponetial behavior. Use lsqcurvefit to approximate a curve according your needs. My code: dXdata = [1 2 100] d...
約1年 前 | 0
Using continous time in Matlab editor
Maybe something simple like that: V1 = 18; % Input voltage R = 7.2; ...
Using continous time in Matlab editor
Maybe something simple like that: V1 = 18; % Input voltage R = 7.2; ...
約1年 前 | 0
How to find zeros of a function?
If it's not a function but meassured data I would go like this in a first try: x = -3.55:0.0001:3.55; % assuming 10 kHz sample ...
How to find zeros of a function?
If it's not a function but meassured data I would go like this in a first try: x = -3.55:0.0001:3.55; % assuming 10 kHz sample ...
約1年 前 | 1
Arduino MATLAB sin function loss of resolution with data
You should define a sample rate in your program, e.g.: const unsigned long AbtastRate = 60000; // 60000 entspricht einer Minute...
Arduino MATLAB sin function loss of resolution with data
You should define a sample rate in your program, e.g.: const unsigned long AbtastRate = 60000; // 60000 entspricht einer Minute...
約1年 前 | 0
How to find out the amplitude and duration of a sine wave of different amplitudes?
Here is another approach as promissed above: clear;clf;commandwindow; fs=1000; % sampling rate [Hz] ts=1/fs;...
How to find out the amplitude and duration of a sine wave of different amplitudes?
Here is another approach as promissed above: clear;clf;commandwindow; fs=1000; % sampling rate [Hz] ts=1/fs;...
約1年 前 | 0
How to find out the amplitude and duration of a sine wave of different amplitudes?
Very easy approach with "movmax": clear;clf; fs=1000; % sampling rate [Hz] ts=1/fs; % sampl...
How to find out the amplitude and duration of a sine wave of different amplitudes?
Very easy approach with "movmax": clear;clf; fs=1000; % sampling rate [Hz] ts=1/fs; % sampl...
約1年 前 | 0
how to use the hanning window to smooth the photon signal
I can't see this effect you mentioned. smooth_data remains the same size as data (I assume data = Photoncounts1). What do you ex...
how to use the hanning window to smooth the photon signal
I can't see this effect you mentioned. smooth_data remains the same size as data (I assume data = Photoncounts1). What do you ex...
約1年 前 | 0
How can I convert indices into a binary matrix?
Maybe something like the following? fid = fopen('Item.txt'); A = []; while(~feof(fid)) syLine = fgetl(fid); dyA = z...
How can I convert indices into a binary matrix?
Maybe something like the following? fid = fopen('Item.txt'); A = []; while(~feof(fid)) syLine = fgetl(fid); dyA = z...
約1年 前 | 1
How Do I Have my Program Accept a Negative Year as Valid
datetime(-1,1,1) answeres 01-Jan--0001 which is correct.
How Do I Have my Program Accept a Negative Year as Valid
datetime(-1,1,1) answeres 01-Jan--0001 which is correct.
約1年 前 | 0
Algorythm for Average of excel data
A very easy approach (as allways): %Algorythm for Average of excel data %https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/208248...
Algorythm for Average of excel data
A very easy approach (as allways): %Algorythm for Average of excel data %https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/208248...
約1年 前 | 0
Import CSV from nth row. n is variable across files
I think (the specialists here might correct me) you don't get a ready to use function, that solves your problem. Here a suggesti...
Import CSV from nth row. n is variable across files
I think (the specialists here might correct me) you don't get a ready to use function, that solves your problem. Here a suggesti...
約1年 前 | 0
How to convert 30s daily data into hourly data using MATLAB?
Hi Aiswarya, I also can only assume your intention. My solution would be: clear data = dlmread('sample_hourly_shlg_testdata_E...
How to convert 30s daily data into hourly data using MATLAB?
Hi Aiswarya, I also can only assume your intention. My solution would be: clear data = dlmread('sample_hourly_shlg_testdata_E...
約1年 前 | 0
In between the years, a PISA question (nothing essential): The last digit of 7^190
Last digit of 7^190, I thought a simple question if you have Matlab. But fprintf('%f\n',7.0^190.0) reports 4 as last digit, bu...
約1年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Create 30 minute bins by reading time stamps
Whers is this file Data.xlsx from? I think someone has corrupted the "Calculated time" column. In this column is a mixture of fo...
Create 30 minute bins by reading time stamps
Whers is this file Data.xlsx from? I think someone has corrupted the "Calculated time" column. In this column is a mixture of fo...
約1年 前 | 0
How to get a plot out of a .csv data from a sensor?
My old-fashioned solution, not "fine arts", but works. clear; close all; Lines = char(zeros(30000,40)); % Could be any number ...
How to get a plot out of a .csv data from a sensor?
My old-fashioned solution, not "fine arts", but works. clear; close all; Lines = char(zeros(30000,40)); % Could be any number ...
1年以上 前 | 1
Convert a datetime to string
Use mm instead of MM. checkdate = datestr(datelist{1,d},'yyyy_mm_dd') should do the work. As I have not your datelist,...
Convert a datetime to string
Use mm instead of MM. checkdate = datestr(datelist{1,d},'yyyy_mm_dd') should do the work. As I have not your datelist,...
1年以上 前 | 0