How can I plot this Fourier series in a for loop?
t is not defined.

1年以上 前 | 0

wildcard in filename for readtable does not work
If I understood your question correctly, I would do it this way: Files = ls('.\SP17\2022*.xlsx') nFiles = size(Files); nFiles ...

1年以上 前 | 0

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A compact way to replace zeros with Inf in a matrix
Only for fun. My maybe a bit old-fashoned approach would be: B=1./A; B(B==Inf)=0; C=1./B

1年以上 前 | 2

Read full answer from serial device
You are right, readline reads exactly to the first terminator, so it is handling the terminator correctly. Try "read" instead, e...

1年以上 前 | 0

Where can I download the data in excel which is used in MATLAB for example patients.mat etc
Try this: load patients.mat patients = table(LastName,Gender,Age,Height,Weight,Smoker,Systolic,Diastolic); writetable(patient...

1年以上 前 | 1

| 採用済み

Reading a binary file in parts
Here some code: % ExampleFread.m fid = fopen('ABCDE.txt'); in = fread(fid,4); % read 4 byte char(in) in = fread(fid,4...

1年以上 前 | 0

Reading a binary file in parts
You should use fread.

1年以上 前 | 0

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Writing functions f(x,y)
The solutions above are very good and should be used to avoid loops. But anyway I post my little script here, because I think it...

1年以上 前 | 1

how to convert vector in string as example
My solution: c=1; a=[4 7] resultTxT =['"cnt ' num2str(c) ' - [' num2str(a) ']"']

1年以上 前 | 0

Selecting a rain event from data series
I think this should work now: clear; load rain2.txt; rain = rain2; % Only to reuse the code above NoOfDry = 1; rHmm = rain(...

1年以上 前 | 1

| 採用済み

Selecting a rain event from data series
I have to contradict, strfind is perfect if you want to avoid loops. Have a look at my rapid programmed script: load rain.txt ...

1年以上 前 | 0

Selecting a rain event from data series
You can use strfind: y = strfind(data, [0 0 0 0 0 0])

1年以上 前 | 0

How to permanently fix the position of the plot window ?
I think you need this: set (groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', p); You have to put this line in the startup.m. To get p: Open a ...

1年以上 前 | 2

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i believe there may be a problem with entering my switch case
Shouldn't be moisture = readVoltage(a,"A0") not also in the while-loop?

2年弱 前 | 0

how to find the most used letters in a text?
Try "help fread" and have a look on the examples. But anyway, this might help: fid = fopen("PutYourTextInHere.txt", 'r'); c ...

2年弱 前 | 0

How to shift a curve to superimpose it with another one on the same figure ?
plot(t1,y1,t2-2,y2) for example

2年弱 前 | 0

how can i convert my image and excel file to get a working 2D VMD output?
I don't want to care about VMD_2D.m, that's your part. But xlsread works fine, see Test.m: data = xlsread(['DATAMATRIX.xlsx']...

約2年 前 | 0


Is it possible to get an email notification when a new question is raised?
I only get email notifications when getting an answere. I didn't find a check box in my profile to allow this. Is it possible to...

2年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0




Readtable don't work correctly if 'Range' > 'A250'
The command readtable('DruckTest.xlsx','Range','A251') works as expected: >> Ta = readtable('DruckTest.xlsx','Range','A250');si...

2年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 3




The command "serial" creates an error when used in a function and works fine as a script file.
I'm connecting a GMC-300E+ Geiger-Counter to the pc via Matlab and the instrumentation-control toolbox. The script file (attache...

3年弱 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0

