Tortuosity / Connected Path Calculation for 3D Structures
Tortuosity Distribution Calculation of 3D Materials Datasets
約3年 前 | ダウンロード 5 件 |

Multivariate Polynomial Regression
Performs polynomial regression on multidimensional data.
4年以上 前 | ダウンロード 26 件 |

How can I simplify the polygon?
Well purely speculating, assuming you have a binary image with those lines: FilledPolygons = imfill(PolygonImage,'holes');...
How can I simplify the polygon?
Well purely speculating, assuming you have a binary image with those lines: FilledPolygons = imfill(PolygonImage,'holes');...
7年弱 前 | 0
Can someone figure out whats wrong with my code?
You are a call to a function like this: [Out]=UDF_Uncontrol(E0,y0,yc2,h,q2); which returns an "Out" variable that is not...
Can someone figure out whats wrong with my code?
You are a call to a function like this: [Out]=UDF_Uncontrol(E0,y0,yc2,h,q2); which returns an "Out" variable that is not...
7年弱 前 | 1
Saving my own function to be used as MATLAB built-in functions
Create a startup.m file in your MATLAB user folder(usually Documents/MATLAB) then use <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref...
Saving my own function to be used as MATLAB built-in functions
Create a startup.m file in your MATLAB user folder(usually Documents/MATLAB) then use <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref...
7年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
How to get the maximum consecutive NaNs for each column
Here you go: result = zeros(1,size(A,2)); for i = 1:size(A,2) B = isnan(A(:,i)); CC = bwconncomp(B); ...
How to get the maximum consecutive NaNs for each column
Here you go: result = zeros(1,size(A,2)); for i = 1:size(A,2) B = isnan(A(:,i)); CC = bwconncomp(B); ...
7年弱 前 | 0
| 採用済み
how can ı solve 'Not enough input arguments.' error?
You named your variable handle, and probably didn't define it. handle is already defined in MATLAB so it thinks that your trying...
how can ı solve 'Not enough input arguments.' error?
You named your variable handle, and probably didn't define it. handle is already defined in MATLAB so it thinks that your trying...
7年弱 前 | 0
Finding p-value of coefficients of a trained model
Just load the model then explore using dot notation: M.RegressionGP RegressionGP PredictorNames: {'column_...
Finding p-value of coefficients of a trained model
Just load the model then explore using dot notation: M.RegressionGP RegressionGP PredictorNames: {'column_...
7年弱 前 | 1
Why does a for-loop stop at the correct place when you use the same counter name as your upper limit?
Because the upper limit is evaluated at the beginning of the execution when *r = 7*. If you want the loop condition to be evalua...
Why does a for-loop stop at the correct place when you use the same counter name as your upper limit?
Because the upper limit is evaluated at the beginning of the execution when *r = 7*. If you want the loop condition to be evalua...
7年弱 前 | 1
How to multiply 3d-arrays without image processing toolbox
Don't resize the Image, resize the Mask. I am assuming the Mask is 0/1 binary, so use nearest neighbor interpolation method.
How to multiply 3d-arrays without image processing toolbox
Don't resize the Image, resize the Mask. I am assuming the Mask is 0/1 binary, so use nearest neighbor interpolation method.
7年弱 前 | 0
Looping a switch statement
This is not the safest way to do this, and you will likely realize why later, but for purely educational purposes: while tru...
Looping a switch statement
This is not the safest way to do this, and you will likely realize why later, but for purely educational purposes: while tru...
7年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same.
Just convert that to: ExpectedReturn = cell(size(r)); %... ExpectedReturn{i}=-1*round(FVAL/0.01)*0.01; and let it...
In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same.
Just convert that to: ExpectedReturn = cell(size(r)); %... ExpectedReturn{i}=-1*round(FVAL/0.01)*0.01; and let it...
7年弱 前 | 0
How do I get the same image as generated by imagesc using ind2rgb
Try: map=jet(256);
How do I get the same image as generated by imagesc using ind2rgb
Try: map=jet(256);
7年弱 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How do I limit the range of a colormap when using imwrite
You should get the same effect if you just did: rhoi(rhoi<.45*min(rhoi(:))) = .45*min(rhoi(:)); rhoi(rhoi> 0.55*max(rhoi...
How do I limit the range of a colormap when using imwrite
You should get the same effect if you just did: rhoi(rhoi<.45*min(rhoi(:))) = .45*min(rhoi(:)); rhoi(rhoi> 0.55*max(rhoi...
7年弱 前 | 0
edge detection filters are not detecting my edges for the matrix I created, even though the gradient changes are super obvious
I believe the very small size of your image is messing with the heuristics of the "edge" function to find thresholds. You can ei...
edge detection filters are not detecting my edges for the matrix I created, even though the gradient changes are super obvious
I believe the very small size of your image is messing with the heuristics of the "edge" function to find thresholds. You can ei...
7年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
plotting a bar chart with "text" categories on the x-axis
Here is a start: example = readtable('example.CSV'); example = sortrows(example,'Group'); h = bar(table2array(examp...
plotting a bar chart with "text" categories on the x-axis
Here is a start: example = readtable('example.CSV'); example = sortrows(example,'Group'); h = bar(table2array(examp...
7年弱 前 | 0
Create Text file containing list of file names
Almost there. Add these lines to the bottom and it should work: files(1:2) = []; % get rid of . and .. fileID = fopen(fu...
Create Text file containing list of file names
Almost there. Add these lines to the bottom and it should work: files(1:2) = []; % get rid of . and .. fileID = fopen(fu...
7年弱 前 | 0
Unable to add xlabel to subplots with secondary axis
The only reason I can think of for this to happen is if you used the name "xlabel" somewhere else in the code. I can replicate t...
Unable to add xlabel to subplots with secondary axis
The only reason I can think of for this to happen is if you used the name "xlabel" somewhere else in the code. I can replicate t...
7年弱 前 | 0
Overlay of dashed cells on imagesc
I just answered a question like this, but you have a unique aspect with the pattern. See if you can make sense of this: %% ...
Overlay of dashed cells on imagesc
I just answered a question like this, but you have a unique aspect with the pattern. See if you can make sense of this: %% ...
7年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
overlay 2 imagesc, where one is a section of the larger
This is kinda messy to do in MATLAB. See if you can decipher this: %% Inputs A = rand(100,100); %Big Image B = 2*rand...
overlay 2 imagesc, where one is a section of the larger
This is kinda messy to do in MATLAB. See if you can decipher this: %% Inputs A = rand(100,100); %Big Image B = 2*rand...
7年弱 前 | 1
Will uifigure allow plot toolbar in a future release?
While this is something only an insider will know at this point, I will point out as a workaround that you can still "pop" a fig...
Will uifigure allow plot toolbar in a future release?
While this is something only an insider will know at this point, I will point out as a workaround that you can still "pop" a fig...
7年弱 前 | 1
How can I convert STL file into stacks of 2D images?
Laziest and slowest way of doing this, but probably the most surefire way, is to use a scattered interpolant. Depending on the t...
How can I convert STL file into stacks of 2D images?
Laziest and slowest way of doing this, but probably the most surefire way, is to use a scattered interpolant. Depending on the t...
7年弱 前 | 0
How to plot the content of a Structure without using a for loop?
Yes, in a way that is not apparent at first look, but very simple when you think about it: [pop.Position] I believe you ...
How to plot the content of a Structure without using a for loop?
Yes, in a way that is not apparent at first look, but very simple when you think about it: [pop.Position] I believe you ...
7年弱 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Why do I get Error: File: exercise_1_b.m Line: 8 Column: 28 Unexpected MATLAB operator.
s_t = A_c * (1 + k_a * m_t) .* cos(2 * pi * f_c * t); The operator is ".*" not ". *". That being said there are still othe...
Why do I get Error: File: exercise_1_b.m Line: 8 Column: 28 Unexpected MATLAB operator.
s_t = A_c * (1 + k_a * m_t) .* cos(2 * pi * f_c * t); The operator is ".*" not ". *". That being said there are still othe...
7年弱 前 | 0
How do I separate date and time of a raw date?
arrayfun(@(x) strsplit(x,' '),string(a),'UniformOutput',false) string(a) - this makes the data easily process-able, convert...
How do I separate date and time of a raw date?
arrayfun(@(x) strsplit(x,' '),string(a),'UniformOutput',false) string(a) - this makes the data easily process-able, convert...
7年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
Centroid of thin-edged (One Pixel thickness) connected blobs
regionprops(bwconncomp((imfill(A,'holes')-A),4),'centroid') 1) Fill the holes/"blobs" in the image. 2) Subtract the boun...
Centroid of thin-edged (One Pixel thickness) connected blobs
regionprops(bwconncomp((imfill(A,'holes')-A),4),'centroid') 1) Fill the holes/"blobs" in the image. 2) Subtract the boun...
7年弱 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How can you call a LabVIEW VI from MATLAB script?
If you have them both installed this should just work: !test.vi
How can you call a LabVIEW VI from MATLAB script?
If you have them both installed this should just work: !test.vi
7年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
Extracting iso-surface in n dimensional space
You can actually get a semi-accurate pixelized estimation of this very fast (O(nlogn)) regardless of dimensions using a mean fil...
Extracting iso-surface in n dimensional space
You can actually get a semi-accurate pixelized estimation of this very fast (O(nlogn)) regardless of dimensions using a mean fil...
7年弱 前 | 1
App Designer- How do I get my drop down box to output to Edit Field boxes?
Ok, first of all something that should have been immediately visible that I didn't notice before failing to run your app is that...
App Designer- How do I get my drop down box to output to Edit Field boxes?
Ok, first of all something that should have been immediately visible that I didn't notice before failing to run your app is that...
7年弱 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Can't seem to properly debug "In an assignment A(:) = B..." error
I am guessing this error is due to null matrices appearing as a result of this call: find(croppedImage(:, col), 1, 'last');...
Can't seem to properly debug "In an assignment A(:) = B..." error
I am guessing this error is due to null matrices appearing as a result of this call: find(croppedImage(:, col), 1, 'last');...
約7年 前 | 0
| 採用済み