
Matt J

Last seen: Today 2009 年からアクティブ

Followers: 8   Following: 0

Professional Interests: medical image processing, optimization algorithms PLEASE NOTE: I do not read email sent through my author page. Please post questions about FEX submissions in their respective Comments section.


  • Most Accepted 2023
  • Most Accepted 2022
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  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4
  • Grand Master
  • Most Accepted 2021
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  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 5
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  • Revival Level 4
  • 36 Month Streak
  • Thankful Level 5



Modifying arrow length based on intersection with polygon
An alternative to Mike's approach using linexlines2D() from the File Exchange,

2日 前 | 1

Should table Indexing be Faster?
I haven't profiled it, but I would bet that the following line, from @tabular/braceReference b = t.extractData(varIndices); is...

4日 前 | 0

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N-dimension curve fit how to
Perhaps polyfitn will help,

6日 前 | 0

How to speed up vectorized operations for dynamic programming
This might be a little faster. betaPZtransp=beta*PZ'; tic while err>tol && iter<=max_iter RHS = Ret + reshape(V0*bet...

6日 前 | 1

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Is there a meaningful guideline on when to use parentheses vs square brackets vs curly brackets in writing MatLab code?
General If we forget about indexing for the moment, it becomes very simple. Function calls use parentheses, and only parenthese...

6日 前 | 1

Chasing what is wrong with 'dual-simplex-highs' in linprog
It doesn't like your super-small Aeq values. load('linprog_test.mat') Aeq(abs(Aeq)<1e-8)=0; linprogopt = optimset('Algori...

8日 前 | 1

How to log the data in the workspace without modifying the content of the for loop?
What does "log the data" mean? Do you mean you want to store it to a file on disk, or do you want to store it in some sort of ar...

9日 前 | 0

whether is imageInputLayer flattened?
No, an imageInputLayer does not reshape the input that it receives, as demonstrated in the following, net=dlnetwork(imageInputL...

9日 前 | 0

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Accessing network drives from within Matlab
I have two Windows 10 computers running Matlab 2023b on the same network. On one computer, I am able to reach a remote network d...

10日 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0



How to quantify shape similarity between two vectors.
Perhaps you could use correlation-based similarity? x1 = 0:0.1:10; Y1 = gaussmf(x1,[0.8 5 ]); Y2 = gaussmf(x1,[0.8 3 ]); Y3 ...

11日 前 | 0

Slice of a 3D plot and projection of that function in a plane.
[x,y,yhalf]=deal(linspace(-2,2,100)); yhalf(y<0)=nan; Z = exp(-( x.^2 + y.^2')); figure, mesh(x,yhalf,Z,'FaceAlpha',1); ...

15日 前 | 0

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Why imregtform registration fails on similar images
Perhaps as follows, load Images g=@(z) entropyfilt(z); f=@(z) z.*(z>=1.5); im=f(g(im)); ref=f(g(ref)); ov=imref2d(size(i...

16日 前 | 0

How to numerically evaluate this singular integral in integral2?
As demonstrated in the comment above, the integral is theoretically non-convergent unless c>=norm([10/a,10/b]). Here is a furthe...

16日 前 | 1

Simply trying to find a value in the same row as my known value but in a different column.
Everything I have tried also gives me an answer of "0×1 empty double column vector," but without any value. You haven't shown...

17日 前 | 0

Poor performance of linprog in practice
There are some papers in the computational literature that show that if you recast a DP problem as LP problem you can achieve si...

18日 前 | 0

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Can we specify an "outward" direction to normal obtained from pcfitplane approach?
I doubt you can, but it shouldn't matter. If the normal is pointing the wrong way, just post-process the fit by flipping its dir...

18日 前 | 0

Out of memory when solving large system of non-linear equations (fsolve, fminunc, ...)
I have more then 50000 variables. And ideally, I still want to scale up to number of variables. This means your Jacobian matrix...

20日 前 | 1

Can I 'initialize' a handle object in such a way that isvalid(object) would return false?
One way: classdef ExampleClass < handle properties MyHandle end methods function...

21日 前 | 1

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How can I have the middle data set during the fitting process by lsqcurvefit?
Use the OutputFcn and/or the PlotFcn options,

23日 前 | 0

Why does the Stereo Camera Calibrator App provide different results on different MATLAB versions?
LIkely because the patterns are too similar across images, like the error message says. This would lead to ill-conditioning of t...

23日 前 | 0

Error using nlinfit (Check FunVals)
For one thing, y = interp1(t,y(:,7),x1,'spline','extrap'); % cumulative reported cases For another, some sort of bounds or con...

24日 前 | 0

Why is the jacobian function so slow for calculating jacobian matrix with many variables?
Use matlabFunction to compute the jacobian from symbolic to numerical form, so that when it comes time to use it repeatedly, it ...

24日 前 | 0

Different data processing depending on the spatial region of the points
Sure. Use inpolygon to detect in which region a given (x,y) point lies and compute the summation of mx variables accordingly.

25日 前 | 0

Binning matrix data (negative and positive decimals): mean of each 100 rows and create a new matrix
Using sepblockfun() from, B=sepblo...

25日 前 | 1

Deep learning: predict and forward give very inconsistent result with batch normalisation
To get agreement, you need to allow the trained mean and variance to converge: numLayer = 9; numNeurons = 80; layers = featur...

26日 前 | 0

Cannot figure out how to fit a complicated custom equation.
I recommend using fminspleas, downloadable from, for th...

28日 前 | 0

How does dlgradient handle two output layers?
Along the lines of what @Catalytic said, it is hard to envision how you are trying to use dlgradient without seeing that code. A...

28日 前 | 1

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how to extract the learned features from a dlnetwork
featureSet = forward(net,trainData,'Outputs',net.Layers(181).Name);

28日 前 | 0

Is there a setting to move labels on a plot closer
You can use the axis label text object porperties to move them around, e.g., h=gca; h.XLabel.Position(end)=h.XLabel.Position(e...

29日 前 | 0

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