
I recently discovered a 2-minute video that introduces MatGPT, and I believe it's a resource worth sharing. The creator highlights MatGPT's impressive capabilities by demonstrating how it tackles the classic Travelling Salesman Problem.
With more than 13,000 downloads on File Exchange, MatGPT is gaining traction among users. I strongly recommend taking it for a spin to experience its potential firsthand.
The MATLAB AI Chat Playground is now open to the whole community! Answer questions, write first draft MATLAB code, and generate examples of common functions with natural language.
The playground features a chat panel next to a lightweight MATLAB code editor. Use the chat panel to enter natural language prompts to return explanations and code. You can keep chatting with the AI to refine the results or make changes to the output.
MATLAB AI Chat Playground
Give it a try, provide feedback on the output, and check back often as we make improvements to the model and overall experience.
In the past year, we've witnessed an exponential growth of ChatGPT and other Generative AI tools. AI has quickly become a transformative force across industries, from tech giants to small startups, and even community sites like ours. For instance, Stack Overflow announced its plan to leverage AI tools to draft a question or tag content; Quora built a ChatGPT bot to answer questions; and GitHub is piloting the AI tool for personalized content.
This trend in the community landscape makes me wonder what MATLAB Central community, especially in MATLAB Answers, can do to integrate AI and enhance the community.
Share with us your ideas in the comment session. Ideally one comment per idea, so that others can vote on a secific idea or have deeper discussions about it.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson
Last activity 2023 年 12 月 27 日

A research team found a way to trick a number of AI systems by injecting carefully placed nonsense -- for example being able able to beat DeepMind's Go game.
MathWorks is hosting the QIT Boston event to discuss Ethical AI for the LGBTQ+ community on its Lakeside campus, hosted by our own Heather Gorr, PhD.
AI is known to learn biases from the various sources that affects our daily lives, and in particular minority groups like LGBTQ+.
Join the discussion to what the impacts are, where the biases come from, and how to mitigate as you develop AI.
Sign up here