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Create reboot target computer button for instrument panel UI

Since R2022b


hRebootButton = slrealtime.ui.control.RebootButton(hFigure) creates a Speedgoat® target computer reboot button for an instrument panel uifigure figure. This button reboots the target computer. You can disable this display by using a button property. The button has a property that enables you to pause for completion of the reboot operation.

For information about control properties, see slrealtime.ui Properties. It is important to set the TargetSource property for this control if you plan on using your app with target computers other than the default target computer.



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Create a real-time application reboot button and adjust the position of the button.

% Create figure
hFig = uifigure();
% Create load application component
hRebooted = slrealtime.ui.control.RebootButton(hFig);
% Change position of the component
hLoaded.Position = [0 0 200 200];
% Pause for completion of reboot
hRebooted.WaitForReboot = 1;
% Customize
hRebooted.RebootIcon = fullfile(pwd, 'myRebootIcon.png');
hRebooted.RebootText = 'push to reboot'; 

Input Arguments

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The hFigure argument identifies the uifigure to which you are adding the UI component.

Example: hFig = uifigure()

Data Types: function_handle

Output Arguments

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The hRebootButton argument is the handle to the reboot button component that you create.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b