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Stream To Workspace blocks

Option to disable streaming data logged using To Workspace blocks to Simulation Data Inspector

Since R2022a

Model Configuration Pane: Hardware Implementation


Use this parameter to control whether data logged using To Workspace blocks streams to the Simulation Data Inspector. By default, data logged using To Workspace blocks streams to the Simulation Data Inspector along with logged signal data, data stores, and states and outputs logged using the Dataset format.

When you run multiple simulations in a single MATLAB® session, the Simulation Data Inspector retains results from each simulation so you can analyze the results together. To control the amount of data retained in the Simulation Data Inspector, do not use this parameter. See Limit the Size of Logged Data.


on (default) | off

Data logged using To Workspace blocks streams to the Simulation Data Inspector during simulation.


Data logged using To Workspace blocks does not stream to the Simulation Data Inspector.

When you disable this parameter, To Workspace blocks do not support:

  • Logging arrays of buses.

  • Logging signals with string or half data types.

  • Logging signals with int64 or uint64 using the built-in data types.

    If you have a license for Fixed-Point Designer™, int64 and uint64 data is logged as a fi (Fixed-Point Designer) object. If you do not have a license for Fixed-Point Designer, data is logged as double data.

  • Logging data inside for-each subsystems.

  • Using the Timeseries format in rapid accelerator simulations.

Recommended Settings




No recommendation



Safety precaution

No recommendation

Programmatic Use

Parameter: StreamToWks
Type: string | character vector
Values: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'on'

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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