Configure Spectrum Analyzer for programmatic access
The SpectrumAnalyzerBlockConfiguration
object contains the
scope configuration information for the Spectrum Analyzer block.
MyScopeConfiguration = get_param(gcbh,'ScopeConfiguration')
constructs a new spectrum analyzer configuration object. You must first select the block
in the model or provide the full path to the block.
Frequently Used
— Number of input ports
(default) | character vector | string scalar
Number of input ports on a scope block, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The maximum number of input ports that you can specify is 96.
Scope Window Use
Click Settings in the Scope tab and specify Num Inputs.
Data Types: char
| string
— Spectrum type
(default) | "Power density"
| "RMS"
Spectrum type, specified as one of these:
— Power spectrum
"Power density"
— Power spectral density. The power spectral
density is the magnitude squared of the spectrum normalized to a bandwidth of 1
— Root mean square. The root mean square shows the square
root of the mean square. Use this option to view the frequency of voltage or current
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
In the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip, select
Spectrum. Click Spectrum to select
, Power Density
, or
Data Types: char
| string
— Source of input sample rate
(default) | "Property"
Source of the input sample rate, specified as one of these:
— Spectrum Analyzer inherits the input sample rate from the model."Property"
— Specify the sample rate input directly using theSampleRate
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the
Bandwidth section, set Sample Rate
(Hz) to Inherited
or specify a finite
Data Types: char
| string
— Sample rate of input
(default) | character vector of a positive scalar | string scalar of a positive scalar
Sample rate of the input signal in Hz, specified as a character vector or a string scalar of a positive scalar.
To enable this property, set SampleRateSource
to "Property"
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Bandwidth section, specify Sample Rate (Hz) to a finite scalar.
Data Types: char
| string
— Option to plot a two-sided spectrum
(default) | true
Option to plot a two-sided spectrum, specified as one of the following:
— Compute and plot one-sided spectral estimates. If you set this property tofalse
, then the input signal must be real valued.When you set this property to
, the Spectrum Analyzer uses power-folding. The y-axis values are twice the amplitude that they would be if you were to set this property totrue
, except at0
and the Nyquist frequency. A one-sided power spectral density (PSD) contains the total power of the signal in the frequency interval from DC to half the Nyquist rate. For more information, seepwelch
(Signal Processing Toolbox).true
— Compute and plot two-sided spectral estimates. When the input signal is complex valued, you must set this property totrue
Scope Window Use
Click the Spectrum tab of the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Trace Options section, select Two-Sided Spectrum to compute and plot two-sided spectral estimates.
Data Types: logical
— Scale to display frequency
(default) | "Log"
Scale to display frequency, specified as one of the following:
— Use a linear scale to display frequencies on the x-axis. To use the"Linear"
option, you must also set thePlotAsTwoSidedSpectrum
property totrue
— Use a logarithmic scale to display frequencies on the x-axis. To use the"Log"
option, you must also set thePlotAsTwoSidedSpectrum
property tofalse
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Spectrum tab on the Spectrum
Analyzer toolstrip. In the Scale section, set
the Frequency Scale to
To set the Frequency Scale to
, clear the Two-Sided
Spectrum check box in the Trace
Options section in the Spectrum
tab. If you select the Two-Sided Spectrum check
box, then you must set the Frequency Scale to
Data Types: char
| string
— Plot type to display normal traces
(default) | "Stem"
Plot type to display normal traces, specified as "Line"
. Normal traces are traces that display free-running
spectral estimates.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip,
navigate to the Configuration section and click
Settings. In the Spectrum Analyzer Settings window, under
Display and Labels, set Plot Type to
or Stem
Data Types: char
| string
— Axes scaling mode
(default) | "Manual"
| "OnceAtStop"
| "Updates"
Axes scaling mode, specified as one of these:
— The scope scales the axes to fit the data, both during and after simulation."Manual"
— The scope does not scale the axes automatically."OnceAtStop"
— The scope scales the axes when the simulation stops."Updates"
— The scope scales the axes after a specific number of visual updates. It determines the number of updates using theAxesScalingNumUpdates
Tunable: Yes
Data Types: char
| string
— Number of updates before scaling
(default) | character vector of a positive integer | string scalar of a positive integer
Number of updates before scaling, specified as a character vector or a string scalar of a positive integer.
Tunable: Yes
To enable this property, set AxesScaling
Data Types: char
| string
— Source of resolution bandwidth value
(default) | "Property"
| "InputPort"
Source of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) value, specified as one of these:
— The Spectrum Analyzer adjusts the spectral estimation resolution to ensure that there are 1024 RBW intervals over the defined frequency span."Property"
— Specify the resolution bandwidth directly using theRBW
— An input port appears on the Spectrum Analyzer block through which you specify the RBW. You can use this option only for frequency inputs.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Estimation tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the
Frequency Resolution section, set RBW
(Hz) to Auto
, Input
or to a positive scalar.
Data Types: char
| string
— Resolution bandwidth
(default) | character vector of a positive scalar | string scalar of a positive scalar
Resolution bandwidth (RBW) in Hz, specified as a character vector or a string scalar of a positive scalar. Specify the value to ensure that there are at least two RBW intervals over the specified frequency span. The ratio of the overall span to RBW satisfies this condition:
You can specify the overall span in different ways based on how you set the
RBW controls the spectral resolution of the displayed signal. The RBW value determines the spacing between frequencies that can be resolved. A smaller value gives a higher spectral resolution and lowers the noise floor, that is, the Spectrum Analyzer can resolve frequencies that are closer to each other. However, this comes at the cost of a longer sweep time.
Tunable: Yes
To enable this property, set RBWSource
Scope Window Use
Click the Estimation tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Frequency Resolution section, set RBW (Hz) to a positive scalar.
Data Types: char
| string
— Maintain samples per update
(default) | true
or 1
Since R2024b
Set this property to true
to maintain the number of
samples per update Nsamples at
1024 regardless of the window you choose in the
property. The RBW value adjusts
according to the window you choose.
Op is the overlap percent you specify in the
property.Fs is the sample rate you specify using the
properties.RBW is the resolution bandwidth you specify in the
properties.NENBW is the normalized effective noise bandwidth. For more information, see the Spectrum Analyzer block reference page.
When you set this parameter to false
, the object maintains the same RBW value and
adjusts the required number of samples per update
Nsamples depending on
the window you choose.
Tunable: Yes
To enable this property, set RBWSource
Data Types: logical
— Overlap percentage
(default) | character vector of a real scalar in the range [0 100) | string scalar of a real scalar in the range [0 100)
Overlap percentage between the previous and current buffered data segments, specified as a character vector or string scalar of a real scalar in the range [0 100). The overlap creates a window segment that the Spectrum Analyzer uses to compute a spectral estimate.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Estimation tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Window Options section, set the Overlap (%).
Data Types: char
| string
— Window function
(default) | "Rectangular"
Specify a window function for the spectral estimation. You can select one of the window options in the following table. For more information on the window functions, click the link to the function reference page in the Signal Processing Toolbox™ documentation.
Window Option | Corresponding Signal Processing Toolbox Function |
"Rectangular" | rectwin (Signal Processing Toolbox) |
"Hann" | hann (Signal Processing Toolbox) |
Scope Window Use
Click the Estimation tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Window Options section, set the Window.
Data Types: char
| string
— Smoothing method
(default) | "VBW"
Averaging method, specified as one of the following:
— Weighted average of samples. The object computes the average over samples weighted by an exponentially decaying forgetting factor. Use theForgettingFactor
property to specify the weighted forgetting factor."VBW"
— Video bandwidth method. The object uses a lowpass filter to smooth the trace and decrease noise. Use theVBWSource
properties to specify the VBW value.
For more information, see Averaging Method.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Estimation tab on the Spectrum
Analyzer toolstrip. In the Averaging section,
set Averaging Method to
Data Types: char
| string
— Weighting forgetting factor
(default) | string scalar of scalar in the range (0,1] | character vector of scalar in the range (0,1]
Forgetting factor of the exponential weighted averaging method, specified as a character vector or string scalar of a real scalar in the range (0,1].
Tunable: Yes
To enable this property, set AveragingMethod
to "Exponential"
Scope Window Use
Click the Estimation tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Averaging section, adjust the Forgetting Factor slider.
To enable the Forgetting Factor, set
Averaging Method to
Data Types: char
| string
— Source of video bandwidth
(default) | "Input port"
| "Property"
Source of the video bandwidth (VBW), specified as one of these:
— The Spectrum Analyzer adjusts the VBW such that the equivalent forgetting factor is 0.9."Input port"
–– An input port appears on the scope and you can specify the VBW value through this port."Property"
— The Spectrum Analyzer adjusts the VBW using the value specified in theVBW
For more details on the video bandwidth method, see Averaging Method.
Tunable: Yes
To enable this property, set AveragingMethod
to "VBW"
Scope Window Use
Click the Estimation tab on the Spectrum
Analyzer toolstrip. In the Averaging section,
set VBW (Hz) to either
or a positive real scalar less
than or equal to Sample Rate (Hz)/2.
To enable the VBW (Hz), set
Averaging Method to
Data Types: char
| string
— Video bandwidth
(default) | character vector of a positive scalar | string scalar of a positive scalar
Video bandwidth, specified as a character vector or a string scalar of
a positive scalar less than or equal to
/2. For more information on the video
bandwidth method, see Averaging Method.
Tunable: Yes
To enable this property, set VBWSource
Scope Window Use
Click the Estimation tab on the Spectrum
Analyzer toolstrip. In the Averaging section,
set VBW (Hz) to Auto
or enter a positive real scalar that is less than or equal to
Sample Rate (Hz)/2.
To enable the VBW (Hz), set
Averaging Method to
Data Types: double
— Units of the spectrum
(default) | "dBm/Hz"
| "dBV"
| "dBuV"
(since R2023b) | "Vrms"
Units of the spectrum, specified as one of these:
(since R2023b)"Vrms"
The Spectrum Analyzer displays power values in the units you select in this property.
Tunable: Yes
The available spectrum units depend on the value you specify in
the SpectrumType
SpectrumType | Allowed
SpectrumUnits |
"Power" | "dBm" |
"Power density" | "dBm/Hz" |
"RMS" | "dBV" , "dBuV" (since R2023b),
"Vrms" |
Scope Window Use
Click the Spectrum tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Scale section, set Spectrum Unit.
Data Types: char
| string
— Reference load to compute power levels
(default) | character vector of a real positive scalar | string scalar of a real positive scalar
Reference load to compute the power levels, specified as a character vector or a string scalar of a positive scalar in Ohms.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Spectrum tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Scale section, set Reference Load (Ω).
Data Types: char
| string
— Frequency offset
(default) | numeric scalar character vector | numeric vector character vector | numeric scalar string scalar | numeric vector string scalar
Frequency offset, specified as one of these:
Numeric scalar — Apply the same frequency offset to all channels, specified as a character vector or a string scalar in Hz.
Numeric vector — Apply a specific frequency offset for each channel, specified as a character vector or a string scalar in Hz. The vector length must be equal to the number of input channels.
The frequency-axis values are offset by the values you specify in this property. The overall span must fall within the Nyquist Frequency Interval.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Bandwidth section, set Offset (Hz).
Data Types: char
| string
— Option to treat unoriented input signal as a column vector
(default) | false
Option to treat unoriented input signal as a column vector, specified as
or false
. Set this property to
to treat M-by-1 and unoriented inputs as
a column vector or one channel. Set this property to false
to treat
M-by-1 and unoriented inputs as a 1-by-M row
Data Types: logical
— Channel for which to obtain measurements
(default) | character vector | string scalar
Channel over which the measurements are obtained, specified as a character vector or a string scalar which evaluates to a positive integer less than or equal to 100. The highest number you can specify is equal to the number of channels (columns) in the input signal.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Measurements tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Channel section, select a Channel.
Data Types: char
| string
— Cursor measurements
Cursor measurements, specified as a CursorMeasurementsConfiguration
object. Enable cursor measurements to display waveform cursors. All
properties are
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Measurements tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip and modify the cursor measurements in the Cursors section.
— Distortion measurements
Distortion measurements, specified as a DistortionMeasurementsConfiguration
object. Enable distortion measurements
to compute and display the harmonic distortion and intermodulation distortion. All
properties are tunable.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Measurements tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip and modify the distortion measurements in the Distortion section.
— Peak finder measurement
Peak finder measurement, specified as a PeakFinderConfiguration
object. Enable peak finder to compute and display
the largest calculated peak values. All PeakFinderConfiguration
properties are tunable.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Measurements tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip and modify the peak finder measurements in the Peaks section.
— Caption to display in spectrum Analyzer window
"Spectrum Analyzer"
(default) | character vector | string scalar
Caption to display in the scope window, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Tunable: Yes
Data Types: char
| string
— Window position
screen center (default) | [left bottom width height]
Spectrum Analyzer window position in pixels, specified by the size and location of the scope window as a four-element double vector of the form [left bottom width height]. You can place the scope window in a specific position on your screen by modifying the values to this property.
By default, the window appears in the center of your screen with a width of 800
pixels and height
of 450
pixels. The exact center coordinates depend on your screen resolution.
Tunable: Yes
— Maximize axes control
(default) | "On"
| "Off"
Maximize axes control, specified as one of the following:
–– The Spectrum Analyzer maximizes axes only if the display does not contain any labels or title annotations."On"
–– The Spectrum Analyzer maximizes axes in all displays."Off"
–– The Spectrum Analyzer does not maximize axes in any display.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the control on the Spectrum Analyzer display to
maximize the axes.
Data Types: char
| string
— Display title
(default) | character vector | string scalar
Display title, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the spectrum analyzer toolstrip. In the Configuration section, click Settings, and enter Title.
Data Types: char
| string
— Y-axis label
(default) | character vector | string scalar
y-axis label, specified as a character vector or a string scalar. The Spectrum Analyzer displays the label to the left of the y-axis.
Regardless of the value of this property, Spectrum Analyzer always displays power
units as one of the SpectrumUnits
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Configuration section, click Settings. In the Spectrum Analyzer Settings window that opens up, under Display and labels, enter Y-Label.
Data Types: char
| string
— Y-axis limits
[-80, 20]
(default) | [ymin ymax]
y-axis limits, specified as a two-element numeric vector of the
form [ymin ymax
]. The units of the y-axis limits
depend on the SpectrumUnits
Example: scope.YLimits = [-10,20]
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Configuration section, click Settings. In the Spectrum Analyzer Settings window that opens up, under Display and Labels, enter Y-Limits.
— Flag to show grid
(default) | false
Flag to show the grid, specified as true
. Set this property to true
to show grid
lines in the plot.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. In the Configuration section, click Settings, and select Show Grid.
Data Types: logical
— Channel names
empty cell (default) | cell array of character vectors | array of strings
Channel names in the input data, specified as a cell array of character vectors or an array of strings. The names you specify in this property appear in the following locations:
Spectrum Analyzer Settings > Color and styling section
Measurements and Channel Measurements tabs
If you do not specify channel names, the
spectrum analyzer names the channels as Channel 1
, Channel
, and so on.
Tunable: Yes
To see the channel names, set ShowLegend
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the spectrum analyzer toolstrip. To see the legend, click Legend in the Configuration section.
Data Types: char
— Flag to show legend
(default) | true
Flag to show the legend, specified as true
. To show a legend with the input names, set this property
to true
Use the legend to control which signals are visible. In the scope legend, click a signal name to hide the signal in the scope. To show the signal, click the signal name again. To show only one signal, right-click the signal name. To show all signals, press Esc.
Tunable: Yes
Scope Window Use
Click the Scope tab on the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip. To see the legend, click Legend in the Configuration section.
Data Types: logical
— Flag to open scope when simulation starts
(default) | false
Flag to open scope when simulation starts, specified as true
Set this property to true
to open the scope when the simulation starts.
Set this property to false
to prevent the scope from opening when you
simulate the model.
Scope Window Use
Click Settings in the Scope tab. In the Spectrum Analyzer Settings window that opens, select Open at Simulation Start.
Data Types: logical
— Visibility of the Spectrum Analyzer
(default) | true
Set this property to true
to display the spectrum analyzer window, and to
to hide the spectrum analyzer window.
Data Types: logical
Construct Spectrum Analyzer Configuration Object
Create the configuration object for a Spectrum Analyzer block.
Create a new Simulink® model with a randomly generated name.
sysname=char(randi(26,1,7)+96); new_system(sysname);
Add a new Spectrum Analyzer block to the model.
Call the get_param
function to retrieve the default
Spectrum Analyzer block configuration properties.
config = get_param([sysname,'/SpectrumAnalyzer'],'ScopeConfiguration')
config = SpectrumAnalyzerBlockConfiguration with properties: NumInputPorts: '1' SpectrumType: 'Power' SampleRateSource: 'Inherited' PlotAsTwoSidedSpectrum: 1 FrequencyScale: 'Linear' PlotType: 'Line' AxesScaling: 'Auto' Advanced RBWSource: 'Auto' AveragingMethod: 'VBW' VBWSource: 'Auto' SpectrumUnits: 'dBm' ReferenceLoad: '1' FrequencyOffset: '0' TreatMby1SignalsAsOneChannel: 1 Spectrogram No properties. Measurements MeasurementChannel: '1' CursorMeasurements: [1×1 CursorMeasurementsConfiguration] DistortionMeasurements: [1×1 DistortionMeasurementsConfiguration] PeakFinder: [1×1 PeakFinderConfiguration] Visualization Name: 'SpectrumAnalyzer' Position: [880 470 800 500] MaximizeAxes: 'Auto' Title: '' YLabel: '' YLimits: [-80 20] ShowGrid: 1 ChannelNames: {''} ShowLegend: 0 OpenAtSimulationStart: 1 Visible: 0
Version History
Introduced in R2016bR2024b: Higher display precision in scope UI
You can now increase the display precision to 15 digits using the Display Precision property in the scope settings under Display and Labels. This precision affects all the measurements and data that the scope displays on its status bar.
R2024b: Preserve Colors is now available in scope toolstrip
The Preserve colors for copy to clipboard property has been renamed to Preserve Colors and is now available in the scope toolstrip under Copy Display.
R2024b: Window Invariant Samples Per Update: Adjust RBW value to always require 1024 samples per spectral update
The spectrum analyzer can now automatically adjust the resolution bandwidth (RBW) such that it always requires 1024 samples per spectral update (Nsamples = 1024) irrespective of the window you choose.
To enable this mode in the SpectrumAnalyzerBlockConfiguration
object, set:
R2023b: Spectrum Analyzer supports dBuV
You can set SpectrumUnits
to "dBuV"
you set SpectrumType
to "RMS"
R2023a: Spectrum Analyzer with better responsiveness and toolstrip interface in Simulink
In R2023a, the Spectrum Analyzer block comes with better responsiveness and a toolstrip interface that gives you easy access to spectral analysis, estimation, and measurements.
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