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Class: Autoencoder

Generate a Simulink model for the autoencoder


generateSimulink(autoenc) creates a Simulink® model for the autoencoder, autoenc.


Input Arguments

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Trained autoencoder, returned as an object of the Autoencoder class.


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Load the training data.

X = digitSmallCellArrayData;

The training data is a 1-by-500 cell array, where each cell containing a 28-by-28 matrix representing a synthetic image of a handwritten digit.

Train an autoencoder with a hidden layer containing 25 neurons.

hiddenSize = 25;
autoenc = trainAutoencoder(X,hiddenSize,...

Create a Simulink model for the autoencoder, autoenc.


Simulink model. The model passes constant x1 to a the autoencoder block. The autoencoder block passes its output to a scope block y1.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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