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Options for creating MATLAB Compiler package installers

Since R2020a


opts = compiler.package.InstallerOptions(results) creates a default InstallerOptions object opts using the object results generated from a function. The InstallerOptions object is passed as an input to the compiler.package.installer function.


opts = compiler.package.InstallerOptions(results,Name,Value) creates an InstallerOptions object opts using the object results with additional options specified using one or more name-value arguments. The InstallerOptions object is passed as an input to the compiler.package.installer function.


opts = compiler.package.InstallerOptions('ApplicationName',appName) creates a default InstallerOptions object opts with application name specified by appName. The InstallerOptions object is passed as an input to the compiler.package.installer function.


opts = compiler.package.InstallerOptions('ApplicationName',appName,Name,Value) creates an InstallerOptions object opts with application name specified by appName and additional customizations specified by name-value arguments. The InstallerOptions object is passed as an input to the compiler.package.installer function.



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Create an InstallerOptions object using the results from the function and additional options specified as name-value arguments.

For this example, build a standalone application using the file magicsquare.m located in matlabroot\extern\examples\compiler.

appFile = fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','examples','compiler','magicsquare.m');
results =;

Create an InstallerOptions object. Use name-value arguments to specify the application name, author company, author name, installer name, and summary.

opts = compiler.package.InstallerOptions(results,...
    'AuthorCompany','Boston Common',...
    'Summary','Generates a magic square.')
opts = 

  InstallerOptions with properties:

           RuntimeDelivery: 'web'
           InstallerSplash: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\compiler\packagingResources\default_splash.png'
             InstallerIcon: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\compiler\packagingResources\default_icon_48.png'
             InstallerLogo: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\compiler\packagingResources\default_logo.png'
           AdditionalFiles: {}
     AddRemoveProgramsIcon: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\compiler\packagingResources\default_icon_48.png'
                AuthorName: 'Frog'
               AuthorEmail: ''
             AuthorCompany: 'Boston Common'
                   Summary: 'Generates a magic square.'
               Description: ''
         InstallationNotes: ''
                  Shortcut: 'D:\Work\magicsquarestandaloneApplication\magicsquare.exe'
                   Version: '1.0'
             InstallerName: 'MagicSquare_Installer'
           ApplicationName: 'MagicSquare_Generator'
                 OutputDir: '.\MagicSquare_Generatorinstaller'
    DefaultInstallationDir: 'C:\Program Files\MagicSquare_Generator'
                   Verbose: 'off'

You can modify the property values of an existing InstallerOptions object using dot notation. For example, set the installer name to MyMagicInstaller.

opts.InstallerName = 'MyMagicInstaller'

To create an installer for the standalone application, use the Results and InstallerOptions objects as inputs to the compiler.package.installer function.

The function generates an installer named MagicSquare_Installer within a folder named MagicSquare_Generatorinstaller.

You can modify the property values of an existing InstallerOptions object using dot notation. For example, specify installation notes.

opts.InstallationNotes = 'Windows installer for MagicSquare'

Create an InstallerOptions object with an application name and additional options specified as name-value arguments.

opts = compiler.package.InstallerOptions('ApplicationName','MagicSquare_Generator',...
    'AuthorCompany','Boston Common',...
    'Summary','Generates a magic square.')
opts = 

  InstallerOptions with properties:

           RuntimeDelivery: 'web'
           InstallerSplash: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\compiler\packagingResources\default_splash.png'
             InstallerIcon: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\compiler\packagingResources\default_icon_48.png'
             InstallerLogo: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\compiler\packagingResources\default_logo.png'
           AdditionalFiles: {}
     AddRemoveProgramsIcon: ''
                AuthorName: 'Frog'
               AuthorEmail: ''
             AuthorCompany: 'Boston Common'
                   Summary: 'Generates a magic square.'
               Description: ''
         InstallationNotes: ''
                  Shortcut: ''
                   Version: '1.0'
             InstallerName: 'MagicSquare_Installer'
           ApplicationName: 'MagicSquare_Generator'
                 OutputDir: '.\MagicSquare_Generator'
    DefaultInstallationDir: 'C:\Program Files\MagicSquare_Generator'
                   Verbose: 'off'

Input Arguments

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Build results, specified as a object. Create the Results object by saving the output from a function.

Name of the installed application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'MagicSquare_Generator'

Data Types: char | string

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Version','9.5' specifies the version of the installed application.

Additional files and folders to be installed with the application, specified as a character vector, a string scalar, a string array, or a cell array of character vectors. Paths can be relative to the current working directory or absolute.

Example: 'AdditionalFiles',["myimage.png","data.mat"]

Data Types: char | string | cell

Add or remove programs icon, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The image is used as the icon in the list of Windows® applications within settings. Paths can be relative to the current working directory or absolute.

The default path is:


Example: 'AddRemoveProgramsIcon',"win_icon.png"

Data Types: char | string

Name of installed application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'ApplicationName','MagicSquare_Generator'

Data Types: char | string

Name of company that created the application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'AuthorCompany','Boston Common'

Data Types: char | string

Email address of the application author, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'AuthorEmail',''

Data Types: char | string

Name of application author, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'AuthorName','Frog'

Data Types: char | string

Default directory where you want the installer to install the application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

If no path is specified, the default path for each operating system is:

Operating SystemDefault Installation Directory
WindowsC:\Program Files\appName

Example: 'DefaultInstallationDir','C:\Users\MW_Programs\MagicSquare_Generator'

Data Types: char | string

Detailed description of the application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'Description','The MagicSquare_Generator application generates an n-by-n matrix constructed from the integers 1 through n2 with equal row and column sums.'

Data Types: char | string

Notes about additional requirements for using application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'InstallationNotes','This is a Linux installer.'

Data Types: char | string

Path to an image file used as the icon for the installed application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

The default path is:


Example: 'InstallerIcon','D:\Documents\MATLAB\work\images\myIcon.png'

Path to an image file used as the installer's logo, specified as a character vector or a string scalar. The logo will be resized to 112 pixels by 290 pixels.

The default path is:


Example: 'InstallerLogo','D:\Documents\MATLAB\work\images\myLogo.png'

Name of the installer file, specified as a character vector or a string scalar. The extension is determined by the operating system in which the function is executed.

Example: 'InstallerName','MagicSquare_Installer'

Path to an image file used as the installer's splash screen, specified as a character vector or a string scalar. The splash screen icon will be resized to 400 pixels by 400 pixels.

The default path is:


Example: 'InstallerSplash','D:\Documents\MATLAB\work\images\mySplash.png'

Path to folder where the installer is saved, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

If no path is specified, the default path for each operating system is:

Operating SystemDefault Installation Directory

The . in the directories listed above represents the present working directory.

Example: 'OutputDir','D:\Documents\MATLAB\work\MagicSquare'

Choice on the file type of the generated installer.

  • 'auto' — Option for installer to automatically select the suitable package type when creating the installer. If the installer size is 2GB or greater, the installer is packaged as a ZIP file. This is the default option.

  • 'zip' — Option to generate a ZIP file as an output when creating a new installer. This option is only supported on Windows.

Example: 'PackageType','zip'

Data Types: char | string

MATLAB Runtime delivery option, specified as one of the following:

  • 'web' — Option for the installer to download MATLAB Runtime from the MathWorks® website during application installation. This option is the default behavior.

  • 'installer' — Option to include MATLAB Runtime within the installer so that it can be installed during application installation without connecting to the MathWorks website. Use this option if you think your end user might not have access to the internet.

  • 'none' — Option to not install MATLAB Runtime during application installation. Use this option if you think your end user will install MATLAB Runtime using another method. (since R2024a)


If you use either the 'web' or 'installer' option, the full MATLAB Runtime will be installed. To create a minimal MATLAB Runtime installer that can run one or more specific MATLAB Compiler™ applications, see compiler.runtime.customInstaller. (since R2024b)

Example: 'RuntimeDelivery','installer'

Data Types: char | string

Path to a file or folder that the installer will create a shortcut to at install time, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'Shortcut','.\mymagic.exe'

Data Types: char | string

Summary description of the application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'Summary','Generates a magic square.'

Data Types: char | string

Version number of the installed application, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'Version','2.0'

Data Types: char | string

Flag to control output verbosity, specified as 'on' or 'off', or as numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). A value of 'on' is equivalent to true, and 'off' is equivalent to false. Thus, you can use the value of this property as a logical value. The value is stored as an on/off logical value of type matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState.

  • If you set this property to 'on', then the MATLAB command window displays progress information indicating compiler output during the packaging process.

  • If you set this property to 'off', then the command window does not display progress information. This is the default behavior.

Example: 'Verbose','on'

Data Types: logical

Output Arguments

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Installer options, returned as an InstallerOptions object.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a