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この例では、Communications Toolbox™ を使用して、規格に準拠した、フォワード (ダウンリンク) およびリバース (アップリンク) 1xEV-DO 波形を生成する方法を説明します。


Communications Toolbox を使用して、事前に設定またはカスタマイズを行い、規格に準拠したフォワードおよびリバースの Release 0 および Revision A の 1xEV-DO 波形を生成できます。


  • 送信機実装のゴールデン リファレンス

  • 受信機のテストおよびアルゴリズム開発

  • RF ハードウェアおよびソフトウェアのテスト

  • 干渉テスト


  • 波形は、関数evdoForwardWaveformGeneratorおよび関数evdoReverseWaveformGeneratorを使用して生成できます。これらの関数の入力は、最上位の波形パラメーターを含む構造体と、チャネルまたはパケット固有のパラメーターを含むサブ構造体です。この例では、これらの構造体がどのように構成されるかを最初から説明します。

  • 事前に設定された構造体の構成は、関数evdoForwardReferenceChannelsおよび関数evdoReverseReferenceChannelsを使用して作成できます。このように事前に設定された構成は、一般的なテストや測定のシナリオを表したり、波形構成のカスタマイズに便利な開始点 (ウィザード) を提供することができます。

事前設定駆動型のフォワードおよびリバース 1xEV-DO 波形の生成

事前に設定された構造体構成は、波形生成関数に渡すことができます。たとえば、次のコマンドによって、Revision A と Release 0 のフォワードおよびリバース波形がそれぞれ作成されます。

numPackets = 10;
forwardPresetConfig = evdoForwardReferenceChannels('RevA-5120-2-64',numPackets);
forwardPresetWaveform = evdoForwardWaveformGenerator(forwardPresetConfig);

reversePresetConfig = evdoReverseReferenceChannels('Rel0-38400',numPackets);
reversePresetWaveform = evdoReverseWaveformGenerator(reversePresetConfig);

完全なパラメーター リストを使用したフォワード 1xEV-DO 波形の作成


% Create top-level waveform parameters:
fManualConfig.Release = 'RevisionA';        % 'Release0' or 'RevisionA'
fManualConfig.PNOffset = 0;                 % PN Offset of the Base station
fManualConfig.IdleSlotsWithControl = 'Off';            
fManualConfig.EnableControl = 'On';             
fManualConfig.OversamplingRatio = 4;        % Upsampling factor          
fManualConfig.FilterType = 'cdma2000Long';  % Filter coefficients:'cdma2000Long','cdma2000Short','Custom','Off'
fManualConfig.InvertQ = 'Off';              % Negate the imaginary output
fManualConfig.EnableModulation = 'Off';     % Enable modulation
fManualConfig.ModulationFrequency = 0;      % Modulation frequency (Hz)
fManualConfig.NumChips = 41600;             % Number of chips in the waveform

% Create a input message source for the packets:
pds.MACIndex = 0;                           % MAC index associated with data
pds.DataSource = {'PN9', 1};                % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
pds.EnableCoding = 'On';                    % Enable channel coding
fManualConfig.PacketDataSources = pds;      % Add the data source specification to the waveform configuration

% Create a single packet:
fPacket.MACIndex = 0;                       % MAC index associated with this packet
fPacket.PacketSize = 5120;                  % Packet size options: 128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,5120 bits
fPacket.NumSlots = 2;                       % Number of slots options: 1,2,4,8,16
fPacket.PreambleLength = 64;                % Preamble length options: 64,128,256,512,1024 chips

fManualConfig.PacketSequence = repmat(fPacket,1,numPackets);

% Generate waveform:
forwardManualWaveform = evdoForwardWaveformGenerator(fManualConfig);

% Demonstrate that the above two parameterization approaches are equivalent:
if(isequal(forwardPresetConfig, fManualConfig))
    disp(['Configuration structures generated with and without the ' ...
        'evdoForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.']);
Configuration structures generated with and without the evdoForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.

完全なパラメーター リストを使用したリバース 1xEV-DO 波形の生成

% Create top-level waveform parameters:
rManualConfig.Release = 'Release0';        % 'Release0' or 'RevisionA'
rManualConfig.LongCodeMaskI = 0;           % Initial long code mask for I channel
rManualConfig.LongCodeMaskQ = 0;           % Initial long code mask for Q channel
rManualConfig.OversamplingRatio = 4;       % Upsampling factor          
rManualConfig.FilterType = 'cdma2000Long'; % Filter coefficients:'cdma2000Long','cdma2000Short','Custom','Off'
rManualConfig.InvertQ = 'Off';             % Negate the imaginary output
rManualConfig.EnableModulation = 'Off';    % Enable modulation
rManualConfig.ModulationFrequency = 0;     % Modulation frequency (Hz)
rManualConfig.NumChips = 327680;           % Number of chips in the waveform

% Create a single packet:
rPacket.Power = 0;                         % Relative channel power (dBW)
rPacket.DataSource = {'PN9',1};            % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
rPacket.EnableCoding = 'On';               % Enable channel coding
rPacket.DataRate = 38400;                  % Data rate (bps)

rManualConfig.PacketSequence = repmat(rPacket,1,numPackets);

% Add a Pilot Channel:
pich.Enable = 'On';                        % Enable the pilot channel
pich.Power = 0;                            % Relative channel power (dBW)
pich.DataSource = {'PN9',1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
pich.EnableCoding = 'On';                  % Enable channel coding
rManualConfig.PilotChannel = pich;         % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

% Add an ACK Channel, but do not enable it:
ach.Enable = 'Off';                        % Do not enable the ack channel
ach.Power = 0;                             % Relative channel power (dBW)
ach.DataSource = {'PN9',1};                % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
rManualConfig.ACKChannel = ach;            % Add the disabled channel specification to the waveform configuration

% Generate waveform:
reverseManualWaveform   = evdoReverseWaveformGenerator(rManualConfig);

% Demonstrate that the above two parameterization approaches are equivalent:
    disp(['Configuration structures generated with and without the ' ...
        'evdoForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.']);
Configuration structures generated with and without the evdoForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.



    disp(['Forward waveforms generated with and without the ' ...
        'evdoForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.']);
Forward waveforms generated with and without the evdoForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.
    disp(['Reverse waveforms generated with and without the ' ...
        'evdoReverseReferenceChannels function are the same.']);
Reverse waveforms generated with and without the evdoReverseReferenceChannels function are the same.



rManualConfig2 = rManualConfig;
rPacket.Power = -10;              % Relative channel power (dBW)
rPacket.DataSource = {'PN23',1};  % Input message: {'PNX',Seed} or numerical vector
rPacket.EnableCoding = 'Off';     % Enable channel coding
rPacket.DataRate = 38400;         % Data rate (bps)

rManualConfig2.PacketSequence = repmat(rPacket,1,numPackets);

% Regenerate the waveform accounting for the customizations:
reverseManualWaveform2 = evdoReverseWaveformGenerator(rManualConfig2);

生成された 1xEV-DO 波形のスペクトルのプロット

chiprate = 1.2288e6;   % Chip rate of the baseband waveform (SR1)
spectrumPlot = spectrumAnalyzer( ...
    SampleRate=chiprate*fManualConfig.OversamplingRatio, ...
    Title='Spectrum of Forward 1xEV-DO Waveform', ...

spectrumPlot2 = spectrumAnalyzer( ...
    SampleRate=chiprate*rManualConfig.OversamplingRatio, ...
    Title='Spectrum of Reverse 1xEV-DO Waveform', ...
    YLimits = [-180,40]);


  1. C.S0024-A v3.0: cdma2000 High Rate Packet Data Air Interface Specification.