Spectrum Analysis of Signals
This example shows you how to undertake spectral analysis of signals. You can either use recorded data from a file, or receive signals in real time using the RTL-SDR radio, ADALM-PLUTO radio, or USRP™ radio. You can change the radio's center frequency to tune the radio to a band where a signal is present. You can then use the spectrum analyzer to view and make measurements on the received spectrum.
For Simulink® implementation of this example, see Spectrum Analysis of Signals in Simulink.
Required Hardware and Software
By default, this example runs using recorded data from a file. Optionally, you can receive signals over-the-air. For this, you also need one of the following:
RTL-SDR radio and Communications Toolbox Support Package for RTL-SDR Radio
ADALM-PLUTO radio and Communications Toolbox Support Package for ADALM-PLUTO Radio
200-Series USRP Radio and Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP Radio. For information on how to map an NI™ USRP device to an Ettus Research™ 200-series USRP device, see Supported Hardware and Required Software.
300-Series USRP Radio and Wireless Testbench Support Package for NI USRP Radios. For information on how to map an NI USRP device to an Ettus Research 300-series USRP device, see Supported Radio Devices (Wireless Testbench).
Example Code
The receiver asks for user input and initializes variables. Then, it calls the signal source and FM broadcast receiver in a loop. The loop also keeps track of the radio time using the frame duration and lost samples reported by the signal source.
For the option to change default settings, set |cmdlineInput| to 1.
cmdlineInput =false; if cmdlineInput % Request user input from the command-line for application parameters userInput = helperSpectralAnalysisUserInput; % Set initial parameters [SAParams, sigSrc] = helperSpectralAnalysisConfig(userInput); else % Set initial parameters load defaultInputSpecAnalysis.mat [SAParams, sigSrc] = helperSpectralAnalysisConfig; end
Create spectrumAnalyzer
object and configure based on user input
hSpectrum = spectrumAnalyzer(... 'Name', 'Passband Spectrum',... 'Title', 'Passband Spectrum', ... 'Method', 'Welch', ... 'SpectrumType', 'Power density', ... 'FrequencySpan', 'Full', ... 'SampleRate', SAParams.FrontEndSampleRate, ... 'SpectralAverages', 50, ... 'FrequencyOffset', SAParams.CenterFrequency, ... 'YLimits', [-120 10], ... 'YLabel', 'Magnitude-squared, dB', ... 'Position', figposition([50 30 30 40]));
Stream processing
View the spectrum. While the spectrum analyzer is running, you can measure peaks, occupied bandwidth, and other properties of the signal.
% Initialize radio time radioTime = 0; % Main loop while radioTime < userInput.Duration % Receive baseband samples (Signal Source) if SAParams.isSourceRadio if SAParams.isSourcePlutoSDR rcv = sigSrc(); lost = 0; late = 1; elseif SAParams.isSourceUsrpRadio rcv= sigSrc(); lost = 0; else [rcv,~,lost,late] = sigSrc(); end else rcv = sigSrc(); lost = 0; late = 1; end rcv = rcv - mean(rcv); % Remove DC component. step(hSpectrum, rcv); % Update radio time. If there were lost samples, add those too. radioTime = radioTime + SAParams.FrontEndFrameTime + ... double(lost)/SAParams.FrontEndSampleRate; end % Release all System objects release(sigSrc); release(hSpectrum);
In this example, you used System objects to analyze the spectrum of a received signal.