Qualified Model Verification – Model Standards | Using Qualified Tools in a DO-178C Development Process, Part 4 - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 6:35

Qualified Model Verification – Model Standards | Using Qualified Tools in a DO-178C Development Process, Part 4

From the series: Using Qualified Tools in a DO-178C Development Process

Showing conformance to design standards for low-level requirements and software architecture is an objective in DO-178C. When using Model-Based Design, DO-331 requires showing conformance to modeling standards, when models are used as low-level requirements and software architecture.  Simulink® documentation provides high-integrity modeling guidelines and Simulink Check™ provides capability to verify the models automatically in relation to those guidelines. This checking capability is included for model-wide settings, code generation settings, simulation diagnostic settings, Simulink blocks, Stateflow® constructs, and MATLAB® block code. Checks are also provided to verify that the model conforms to the constrained subset allowed by Simulink Code Inspector™ for Simulink blocks, Stateflow constructs, and MATLAB block code. Those checks can be run directly from the Simulink Code Inspector UI, or from the Simulink Check UI. A report indicating pass/fail for each of the checks will be generated for each Simulink model. The report will indicate where in the model any non-compliances are found. This report can be provided in various formats, such as Rich Text, Word, HTML or PDF for long-term archiving. The DO Qualification Kit provides the necessary artifacts to qualify automatic standards checking and reporting by Simulink Check and Simulink Code Inspector.

Published: 24 Sep 2024

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